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The NEW TCG wordings

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[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1307389270' post='5261262']
Thread summary:
*insert several members disagreeing with OP*
*insert 3 post arguement over the OP*
*insert surprise at OP recieving - reps*
*insert random topic summary*

So now what?

we need some retarded discourse over names

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[quote name='marcher boyz' timestamp='1307389386' post='5261265']
we need some retarded discourse over names


Your name might be bigger... [color="#FFFFFF"]But my penis is probably bigger.[/color]
But you just failed with this thread, OP. [color="#FF0000"]u mad[/color]
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Apparently its a terrible idea if cards now include random bits of text that they actually do target, and where they can be Special Summoned from.
(No really, this topic is full of these)
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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1307387439' post='5261183']
._. I liked you on dA. Keep your reputation there while you can.

my reputation there is for artwork and i hope some humor, that journal entry is the only thing connecting my accounts between the sites. this is only one subject. if you feel the need to hate because of my opinion on one little topic, fine. i won't tell you how to think. fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere. just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am, and doesn't mean you have to go psychotic with neg reps because i stated AN OPINION THAT YOU NEVER WERE FORCED TO READ. agree, disagree, or state your case, but needlessly hate? not acceptable. in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. or should i say "trollz" since you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.

i am a reasonable guy for the most part, i do try, but you guys remind me why i left before. i've done nothing to you, why all the hostility? if it actually is something else, pm me and we'll settle the matter privately and civilly. if not, just go do something else.
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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']

I like how people use this as a counter argument when no one agrees with them.

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am

It's a minor grammar change that allows easier and quicker reading of the card, and makes it friendlier to new players. How does this hurt the game? Konami's clearly trying to bring in new players since Zexal has segments at the end of each episode showing simple strategies.

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. [b]or should i say "trollz"[/b] since you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.

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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
my reputation there is for artwork and i hope some humor, that journal entry is the only thing connecting my accounts between the sites. this is only one subject. if you feel the need to hate because of my opinion on one little topic, fine. i won't tell you how to think. fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere. just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am, and doesn't mean you have to go psychotic with neg reps because i stated AN OPINION THAT YOU NEVER WERE FORCED TO READ. agree, disagree, or state your case, but needlessly hate? not acceptable. in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. or should i say "trollz" since you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.

i am a reasonable guy for the most part, i do try, but you guys remind me why i left before. i've done nothing to you, why all the hostility? if it actually is something else, pm me and we'll settle the matter privately and civilly. if not, just go do something else.
[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1307376341' post='5260827']
tl;dr OH NOES! I HAZ 2 LRN PROPER YUGIMANZ NOW!!1!11!111!!1!!11!111 :angry:

[color="#FFFFFF"][size="1"]Since this thread is nothing but hate....does anyone want to comment on my deck?
Advertise, like a boss. [/size][/color]

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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere.
As you can see, we think a little differently from those people. Who's right? Who's wrong? Better question. Who cares? 'Cause I sure as hell don't, since I'm probably leaving competitive tourneys anyway.
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The wording changes helps clarify the game. It looks a little awkward, might seem a little ugly or unnecessary, but if you've played as much as I have, you realize that some rulings are just insane and cards can be confusing as hell.

There's good and bad changes mixed in the new changes, but overall, it's a very good idea they have and are implementing.
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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
my reputation there is for artwork and i hope some humor, that journal entry is the only thing connecting my accounts between the sites. this is only one subject. if you feel the need to hate because of my opinion on one little topic, fine. i won't tell you how to think. fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere. just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am, and doesn't mean you have to go psychotic with neg reps because i stated AN OPINION THAT YOU NEVER WERE FORCED TO READ. agree, disagree, or state your case, but needlessly hate? not acceptable. in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. or should i say "trollz" since you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.

i am a reasonable guy for the most part, i do try, but you guys remind me why i left before. i've done nothing to you, why all the hostility? if it actually is something else, pm me and we'll settle the matter privately and civilly. if not, just go do something else.

Looking at that post. I assume you indeed are reading the comments of this thread. So I'll go ahead and prepare something longer-ish than my usual here:

I get it that you are angry with the neg reps and all, but take note that not all the comments are harsh towards you.
Leaving aside insults and REP war; Other than looking "[i]ugly[/i]" at first and/or "[i]different[/i]" than the other forms, tell me exactly how is the change bad?
I'm on the side that thinks it is a good idea to separate [color=green]Conditions[/color]: [color=red]Costs[/color]; [color=blue]Effects[/color] in that way. It is more practical than most of us expected. It is simple enough even if it might take a while to get used to reading it.

I know from memory literally thousands of cards since I've been playing for more than eight years already and upon grabbing any card I can accurately translate them all to Spanish at the moment. I'm such a grammar nazi at the Realistic Card Section. Despite all that, I think that those changes will be good.

They have already changed the wording of cards multiple times in the past. This time is just barely more notorious. If it had never changed since the beginning, I can visualize effects along the lines of:
Cyber Dragon's possible effect during Blue-Eyes's time:
[b]You can place this card in face-up Attack Position or face-up Defense Position from your hand to your side of the field as a Special Summon during your Main Phase if there are no monsters on your side of the field and your opponent's side of the field contains 1 or more monsters.[/b]

I'll speak factually and ask you directly what EXACTLY are your reasons to have that opinion on the matter?

And one last thing. I'm sorry to say this but, if you have been here before, you should somewhat know that TCG is the most aggressive section of the forum. (When I made my very first comment in here the first thing that happened is that I was grounded by Crab Helmet and PikaPerson xD )
What I mean is, you should have come prepared to receive that type of criticism beforehand.
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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
if you feel the need to hate because of my opinion on one little topic, fine. i won't tell you how to think.[/quote]

k :huh:

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere. [/quote]

k :huh:

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid [b]little[/b] unnecessary change doesn't mean i am[/quote]

k :huh:

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
and doesn't mean you have to go psychotic with neg reps because i stated AN OPINION THAT YOU NEVER WERE FORCED TO READ. agree, disagree, or state your case, but needlessly hate? not acceptable.[/quote]

K :huh:

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. or should i say "trollz" since [b]you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.[/b][/quote]


stop being racist btw

[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
i am a reasonable guy for the most part, i do try, but you guys remind me why i left before. i've done nothing to you, why all the hostility? if it actually is something else, pm me and we'll settle the matter privately and civilly. if not, just go do something else.

k :huh:

wow no actual suppositions about wordings and so no argument, why then all the negs

I can only assume that you were negging this guy for something he posted on da, which is dumb already. <_<


This is the closest thing I could find to a statement that THE WORD CHANGES ARE BAD. The other stuff is:

1. i'm not even sure how the hell that's supposed to read.
2. the old wordings were fine,
3. they read nice
4. they weren't so confusing that they couldn't be easily explained to you if you didn't understand.
6. that doesn't look good by any stretch.

1. probably true
2. that's incomprehensible unless he meant "I think that the old wordings were fine." *assumes he does*, true
3. *uses logic for number 2*, true
4. *uses logic for number 2*, true
5. true
6. "*uses same logic as 2*, true

Unless he's implying that "the old wordings were fine," translates in factspeak to "The majority of players in yugioh think that the old wordings were fine," which is really impossible to determine unless you're Kevin Tewart and have access to a reasonable crossrange of the yugioh playerbase (GUESS IF I THINK KEVIN DID THE RIGHT THING GUISE), all of the facts in that vein are pretty much "yeah, so?"


*assumes what everybody else assumed*

Anyway, if he meant to state that "THE WORDING CHANGES ARE BAD BECAUSE I THOUGHT THEY READ NICE" then he's dumb.

/thread btw

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I am in agreement that spamming colons and semi-colons while helpful as it is - doesn't do what Kevin is claiming they will do.

I could paste quotes from his articles outlining what I mean by that but you can review them on the strategy site - In the same couple of sentences he admits to having billions of cards in circulation and his solution is to:

'apply logic'

You can't use such a vague and subjective measurement as a solution to a very convoluted and complicated gamestate. The reason the internet is used as a reference now is because konami is in the business of KSS ' BECAUSE KONAMI SAYS SO' konami assigns different values in rulings to different cards based on how they've ruled on them recently or how the company wants the focus (in light of profit gain) to be on that card.

Solemn Warning. Can't negate Fusion Gate. Can negate Future Fusion. Future Fusion is treated as special summoning when you play it. Fusion Gate is not. Why? Because konami says so. Up until that point we were treating it the same as royal oppression. The reason you can't now is because konami retroactively changed their rulings values and did not disseminate it in any mass release form.

It may have been their intent from the beginning to rule warning as it's currently ruled and all that really happened is they were educating us about how to really use the card. My point is if they want to communicate rulings information to us then why can't they put wikia out of business by providing a better internet database for us? This is their solution. Provide less customer service and retreat from the problem.

We pay a lot of money for this game of theirs and from what I'm seeing between the lines here is that they intend to stop providing answers to emails and won't be responsive on any online site save for their official judges forum. Which btw I submitted a question 2 months ago and it's yet to be answered.

Their onliine dueling system is expensive and a joke. Most college IT students can outpace it easily (case and point - Dueling Network) and their online solutions are just as poor. Wikia is a free service and anything konami has done pales by comparison. All wikia does is centralize the information in an At-A-Glance format. But konami can't or WON'T even try to figure that much out. They have a facebook page, a strategy site and an official judge forum AND an official site all which do not even link into each other.

They are in it for profit and if they can't make a buck they don't care. These changes are helpful. They are definitely an improvement and I welcome them. What concerns me is the underlying intent that I'm seeing.
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Based on the wording of Solemn Warning, that ruling makes sense, even if you have to think about it.. Future Fusion intends to Fusion Summon when it's activated, and sends Materials to get the process "sealed". Fusion Gate is a Field Spell. It doesn't do anything at activation, but its effect has to be manually activated once it's resolved. As opposed to Royal Oppression that has the catch-all "effect that Special Summons", whereas Warning states "activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect monster's effect".

Clearly, this is one of the reasons the wording change had to be done. Stardust and Solemn Warning are both worded "activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect". However, Stardust can chain to the effects of Continuous S/Ts with Ignition properties, whereas if you're correct, Warning cannot touch Spell or Trap effects from Continuous cards that do not Summon at activation.

Which means it can't stop Infernity Launcher...

Hm...that doesn't seem right...
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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am,
Your only evidence of the change being "unnecessary" are that you personally dislike it for being ugly. The reasoning behind the change have already been explained, and we've been provided with plenty of examples. Go doomsay with the flock that does agree with you. We've already discussed this topic at a length and anything that makes the game easier to get into and easier to understand couldn't possibly be seen as bad.
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[quote name='Shadow137' timestamp='1307409904' post='5262355']
my reputation there is for artwork and i hope some humor, that journal entry is the only thing connecting my accounts between the sites. this is only one subject. if you feel the need to hate because of my opinion on one little topic, fine. i won't tell you how to think. fact is, there are people's support i've already gathered elsewhere. just because you guys are so blind as to accept every stupid little unnecessary change to this game doesn't mean i am, and doesn't mean you have to go psychotic with neg reps because i stated AN OPINION THAT YOU NEVER WERE FORCED TO READ. agree, disagree, or state your case, but needlessly hate? not acceptable. in short, in your lingo, GTFO trolls. or should i say "trollz" since you people don't care about spelling outside of card effects.

i am a reasonable guy for the most part, i do try, but you guys remind me why i left before. i've done nothing to you, why all the hostility? if it actually is something else, pm me and we'll settle the matter privately and civilly. if not, just go do something else.

Well of course I'm going to carry on watching your artwork but your opinion sounds so...

...forceful. [b]I[/b] didn't neg you anyway.
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I actually like these changes. A LOT! They completely benefit my favorite archetype the heroes. What eats at my soul is the underlying intent that's so subtle. I really like these helpful wordings. But don't use them as an excuse to dilute the already piss poor customer service we do get from konami.

and that's not aimed at Julia, Kevin or ANY of the TCG staff. They are outstanding professionals and I have no doubt they privately share a lot of our personal concerns. tbh they don't have a lot of authority over the game's direction. They do their jobs and they do a damn fine job of it. If you ever work around anyone involved in competitive Yugioh! it's mind boggling how hard these professionals really work.

But Eugene Krabs/Konami only recently began putting the booster releases as TV Commercials in the states. I think they began with Starstrike Blast and coincidentally that's when the voice actor for Yusei began to frequent YCS events (obviously on a contract with konami to do it) He's an awesome person. I love that guy - he's the coolest person to ever walk the planet. But my point is the only reason konami shelled out the bucks for a decent TV spot is because Bakugan was DESTROYING them in their own demographic.

As long as konami maintains the official judge forum and we don't have to live from YCS to YCS to get rulings answers then I will be happy. It's actually good to see Kevin being so active and maintaining a more visible role.
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