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BIG NOTE: Watching a few of the episodes will help you see how some of the characters in this Role Play will be set. Here are links to all the SWAT Kat episodes. You can watch 1 or 2 of them as they don't necessarily have a based plot and are actually a bunch of mini-plots put together. (This will not be the case for this RP. It CAN have mini-plots in between, but there's going to be a much more in depth story line.)


Episode 1 - The Pastmaster Always Rings Twice - If you want to be the Pastmaster, I suggest watching this one.

Episode 2 - The Giant Bacteria - If you want to be Dr. Viper, I suggest watching this one.

Episode 3 - The Wrath of Dark Kat - If you want to be Dark Kat, I suggest watching this one. ALSO to get a glimpse of how Chance and Jake got booted off the Enforcers, watch from 10:23 to 13:48. That will explain almost EVERYTHING.

Episode 4 - Destructive Nature - More info on Dr. Viper

Episode 5 - The Metallikats - If you want to be Mac or Molly Mange (AKA: The Metalikats), I suggest watching this.

Episode 6 - Bride of the Pastmaster - More on the Pastmaster

Episode 7 - Night of the Dark Kat - If you want to be Hard Drive, I suggest watching this + More on Dark Kat.

Episode 8 - Chaos in Crystal - If you want to be Rex Shard, I suggest watching this.

Episode 9 - The Ghost Pilot - Just an episode for fun.

Episode 10 - Metal Urgency - More on the Metalikats.

Episode 11 - The Ci-Kat-A - A bit of personal info on the SWAT Kats.

Episode 12 - Enter the Madkat - If you want to be Madkat, I suggest watching this.

Episode 13 - Katastrophe - More on Dark Kat, Dr. Viper, and the Metalikats.


From episode +14, Lieutenant Felina Feral makes her appearance. Watch almost any of those episodes if you want to be her.

Episode 14 - Mutation City - More on Dr. Viper and some personal information on the SWAT Kats

Episode 15 - A Bright and Shiny Future - A reference to the backgrounds of the SWAT Kats, more on the Pastmaster and the Metalikats.

Episode 16 - When Strikes Mutilor - If you want to be Mutilor or Lt. Traag, I suggest watching this.

Episode 17 - Razor's Edge - More on Dark Kat.

Episode 18 a - Cry Turmoil - If you want to be Turmoil, I suggest watching this.

Episode 18 b - SWAT Kats Unplugged - If you want to be Chopshop, I suggest you watch this. More on Hard Drive.

Episode 19 - The Deadly Pyramid - More on the Pastmaster

Episode 20 - Caverns of Horror Just an episode.

Episode 21a - Volcanus Erupts - Just an episode

Episode 21b - The Origin of Dr. Viper - Almost a must see if you want to play Viper.

Episode 22 - The Dark Side of the SWAT Kats - If you want to be the evil SWAT Kats, I suggest watching this one.

Episode 23 - Unlikely Alloys - If you want to be Dr. Greenbox, I suggest watching this. More on Molly and Mac.

Episode 24 - (Kats Eye News) A Special Report - Self Explanatory.




Location: Megakat City, Katopolis, Port Feline (and maybe 3 more cities across the globe.)

Date: 21st century (though could vary due to the Pastmaster’s Magic)



The SWAT Kats are still patroling their home at Megakat City, but they have expanded themselves into a much more broad range of terrain, sometimes going to other nearby cities such as Katopolis and Port Feline. Although Chance and Jake still have a long way to pay for the “accident” they had committed, they are still living in the Junkyard and training to become better pilots, and better heroes. With the help of a couple of new crew members and a few side heroes, things SHOULD seem smooth for the SWAT Kats and defending the city. But that is not the case. Old villains have learned new tricks, and new villains have begun to appear, making their job only that much harder, dangerous, and fun.


The main new villains for the SWAT Kats are an organization called "Trinity". They are a trio of powerful mutants that want to unleash the apocalypse across the world, enslaving the entire Kat race. These guys have incredible powers and are more than a fair match against the SWAT Kats. Their objectives are to unlock the "Paths of Destiny" (Yes, it's a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG/OCG referance) which are underground temples that hold vast power. Once they are activated, they emit a radiant colorful light onto the skies before the temple vanishes. When all the temples are activated, the stages of the apocalypse begin.


[spoiler=Da RULES!]

● All YCM rules apply!!!! This includes the advanced clause.

● NO GOD MODDING/POWER PLAYING, ETC! (AND YES, THIS INCLUDES THE HEROES! XP They HAVE to fail from time to time, or at least be put in extremely difficult/compromising situations.)

● You can have as many apps as you want…BUT YOU HAVE TO USE THEM ALL!!

● Posting will require at least 4 lines…any less will give you a warning, and the system works like this:

*Short post #1: A chance to make it longer.

*Short post #2: Last chance to make it longer.

*Short post #3: Warning. No half warnings.

*Short post #4: <_< a negative rep

*Short post #5: BANNED!!! AND I’m strict about the rules…especially if they’re mine. KAPESH?!

●This RP is bound to have dimensional events (since someone is bound to play the Pastmaster). If you are using this type of character (that can change dimensions/time) then you will be required another character that is with the current time.

● I will know who read this or not…as the last thing to do is make sure to put your app in a spoiler including “SWAT” in the spoiler name like this:

[spoiler=SWAT (insert name of your character)]





[spoiler=Application Guidelines]

Username: Pretty obvious.

Character Name: (could also be a character from the series, but no one can have the same character.) Also, if you have two identities, make sure to give a pic of both your identities. TWO names are required for masked heroes or masked villains that want to keep their identities secret. However, this is not the case for most of the villains in the show (everyone knows who they are).


Age: An actual number is NOT required for the characters from the series, but IS required for new characters (that are not in the series)


Appearance: If you’re a character from the series, a picture IS required. If you make a new character, you can show a picture or a detailed description of at least 5 lines. Do note that pics look better and you don’t HAVE to look like a “Kat”.

Affiliation: There are three main affiliations: Hero/Villain/Neutral. Second affiliation is more specific such as: SWAT Kat/Underling/Enforcer/Mayor’s Assistant, etc. The second affiliation isn’t required, but the first IS.

Personality: Not really required for characters from the show, but is still nice to have because not everyone has seen this show. IS required for NEW characters that are not from the show.

Biography/Background: Same requirements as those for the personality. You can be a little creative on making a bio for the characters in the show as some of them have very little info. Do make it believable if you intend to do this.

Equipment: There really isn’t a limit here…but be practical. This will ALSO include the heroes <_< no way can they use EVERY single gadget in their arsenal. If you are a mutant, you also list your powers in this section.




MY Applications:

[spoiler=SWAT Chance "T-Bone" Furlong]

Name: Cody Frost

Character Name : Chance Furlong

Hero Name : T-Bone

Age: Twenties

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Real Appearance] 0014.jpg


[spoiler=Hero Appearance] tbone_321_243.jpg



Affiliation: Hero - SWAT Kat

[spoiler=Personality] Chance is a very fun, kind and friendly guy who is really easy going whether he’s in his grease monkey or hero mode. However, he has a habit of being reckless, taking risks in many situations, pushing the limits of the Turbokat almost as much as he pushes himself. He does have a slight aggressive side, but it’s overtaken by his initial fun loving personality most of the time.



[spoiler=Biography/Background] Jake is a smart guy with a love at building things. He studied at Megakat University and graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and Engineering before enlisting with the enforcers and surprising everyone with his amazing abilities as a pilot. He was put under the direct command of Commander Feral while working as an enforcer, and the two didn’t exactly meet eye to eye. Chance though the Commander was an idiot and the Commander thought Chance was too much of a “hot shot” for his own good. It was through his job as an enforcer that he met Jake Clawson, who became his co-pilot and eventually his best friend. Both of them made a great team while working with the enforcers and showed considerable display in apprehending criminals from the ground as well as from the skies. His job as an Enforcer was close to perfect, until that tragic day when Dark Kat showed up. He and his partner, Jake, were chasing Dark Kat and had him on his ropes. Commander Feral, however, interveined by trying to apprehend Dark Kat himself. The Commander tipped the wing of Chance and Jake’s plane, spiraling them out of control and letting Dark Kat escape in the process. Although they escaped the plane by ejecting their seats, their plane crashed into Megakat Police Headquarters, marking the end of their days as Enforcers. However, they weren't off the hook just yet. They still had to pay off all the damages that were done by the plane crash and so were taken to the Junkyard where they would work until they paid off their unjustly dues. Although they were down at first, Chance and Jake both found their new place to be a savior as well. With several parts from old army ships and other supposed pieces of junk, they build their own facility as well as several vehicles, most noteworthy their triad engine jet: The Turbokat. With a new hope at continuing their desire to help keep Megakat City safe, he and Jake took on the roles of the most valiant vigilantes of Megakat City known as The SWAT Kats.



[spoiler=SWAT Kats equipment]

This is the link for all the SWAT Kat character equipment. (This includes all the characters from the series).




[spoiler=SWAT Baltimore Furman]

Name: Cody Frost

Character Name: Baltimore Furman

Age: 29

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Appearance] Baltimore is about the same size as Dark Kat, except without the ominous evil look. He resembles Major Manx in many ways such as his round, slightly pale yellow face with a white beard. No reading glasses though. He is a bit muscle bound, wears a blue brigadier general uniform of the U.S. and the signature insignia under his eye (a blue triangle, (the other 2 members in Trinity have the red and blue triangles). Unlike Mayor Manx, he does not wear a wig. All the hair on top of his head is completely bleach white, but it’s not because of age.



Affiliation: Villain - Trinity Leader


Personality: Baltimore is a very calm and quiet thinker that always sets his plans even with the possibility of failure. He doesn’t lash out and prefers to be in a controlled situation at all times. His actions tend to be strict and straight-forward and even though sometimes his actions seem, unorthodox he always has a reason as to why he does them.


[spoiler=Biography/Background] Baltimore is a prestigious military combatant, earning the rank of brigadier general at the age of 24, before leaving the corps. However, that was almost all the things people who met him really knew about. All they knew was that he was a brilliant strategist in the battle field. They never once thought that he was part of an underground organization called “Trinity” or that he was one of the three heirs to Trinity’s throne. Trinity is a special group of descendants from the lost city of Atlantis that have stayed secret for several years until now. With the year 2012 approaching, they have begun to move in order to obtain the power of the solar system. With the planets soon coming into alignment with the universe, Trinity seeks to bring forth Atlantis once more to harness the power of Space and rule not just Earth, but several planets beyond. Baltimore himself is the sole heir to one of the three Atlantian rulers of the past and has inherited the powers of his ancestors. When he attains the throne, he promisses to rule over the skies once more, just like his ancestor “Zeus”.



[spoiler=Powers] (All of Baltimore’s powers are not at their full capacity, reaching their MAX potential only when the planets align and only when he is sitting on his rightful seat in the throne of Atlantis).

Flight (short periods)

Electrical control


Impact resistance (he’s very hardy)

Uncommon strength (he’s stronger than most people, but not at supernatural levels…yet).




Charge blaster (the conduction from Baltimore speeds up the bullets he fires).

Cherry Flash Bombs

combat shield


Spark Bombs (these bombs release an electrical area affect, stunning anyone in it (except him))

Charge Fighter (A small jet that he uses. Has an electric cannon, several scrambler missiles, and an electro force field.) It has an escape pod and a scanner scrambler, making it hard to target on radar.



[spoiler=LIST OF CHARACTERS FROM THE ANIMATED SERIES - If you want to be one]


● Calico "Callie" Briggs

● Commander Ulysses Feral

● Lieutenant Felina Feral




● Dark Kat

● Dr. Viper

● Mac Mange

● Molly Mange

● The Pastmaster

● Hard Drive

● Rex Shard

● Dr. Harley Street

● Madkat

● Mutilor

● Lt. Traag

● Turmoil

● Dark SWAT Kats (Boy are these guys fun XD - Just for note, the bomb that supposedly killed them didn't. Instead it sent them to the Good SWAT Kat's dimension...and the story goes on from there :))



[spoiler=OTHER characters]

● Lt. Commander Steele

● Mayor Manx

● Chopshop

● Ann Gora

● Jonny K.

● Al

● Dr. Abby Sinian

● Professor Hackle

● Burke

● Murray






NOTE: There can be up to 2 new SWAT Kats! The operation has expanded, but make sure to say in your Biography/Background how you became a SWAT Kat.

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[spoiler=SWAT Jake "Razor" Clawson]Username: Chaos Sonic

Character Name: Jake Clawson

Hero Name: Razor

Age: Twenties

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Normal Appearance:]Jake.jpg



[spoiler=Hero Appearance:]Razor2.jpg



Affiliation: Hero - SWAT Kat

[spoiler=Personality:]Jake is like Chance, he's fun loving, kind, and friendly. He is also the smarter and more athletic of the two, using his genius intellect to create all the weapons the SWAT Kats use during their heroic exploits and martial arts skills to use them. He keeps this up even when under the guise of "Razor". However, unlike Chance he is far more cautious and not much of a risk taker, something Chance likes to push him to do.


[spoiler=Biography/Background:]Jake Clawson is a total wiz when it comes to technology and inventing things. He graduated at the high of his class at MegaKat IT College, but with having a degree in science, he also wanted to be in law enforcement. This lead Jake to join the Enforcers, where he met his pilot Chance Furlong, a hot-tempered hot shot who didn't quiet seem eye to eye with Commander Ulysses Feral. A normal day on the job as Enforcers brought them to chase after Dark Kat. Thanks to Chase and his superior piloting skills, Jake was able to lock a target on Dark Kat's ship. Both were were ready to shoot down the evil villain but Feral, told them to stand down and allow him to finish Dark Kat alone. Seeing the sheer stupidity of this plan, Jake and Chance rebelled and took the shot. Feral, however, used his wing to tip their wing, causing them to crash right into Enforcer's HQ. Both Chance and Jake were alright, but they were soon discharged by the furious Feral and sent them to work at a local salvage garage to pay for the damage. With this, Jake and Chance both took parts from the garage to construct the powerful Turbokat jet and a few other vehicles. Jake, himself, created many weapons from the scrap and the two became the SWAT Kats.



[spoiler=SWAT Kat equipment:]This is the link for all the SWAT Kat character equipment




[spoiler=SWAT Cody Jake "Fury" Furlong]Username: Chaos Sonic

Character Name: Cody Jake Furlong

Hero Name: Fury

Age: Twenty

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Both Appearances:]Cody_Furlong_Reference_sheet_by_apupnamedNagi.png


Affiliation: Hero - SWAT Kat(Future)

[spoiler=Personality:]Cody is easy going and a bit shy at times. He enjoys working out and being playful. He is serious when it comes to being a SWAT Kat and getting the job done.


[spoiler=Biography/Background:]Cody is the son of the great SWAT Kat hero, Chance "T-Bone" Furlong. Though his mother is unknown, he was always hanging out with his dad. He never knew his dad was a SWAT Kat, until he came home being all injured with Jake "Razor" Clawson carrying him. Ever since then, Cody has been working hard to be just like his dad, just like the SWAT Kats. One day, however, when the SWAT Kats were on an emergency call in MegaKat city they rushed off to the scene. Cody waited at the Salvage yard for his dad, but he never returned. This caused both SWAT Kats to be M.I.A., which made Cody feel downtrodden. At the age of nineteen, he finally decided to take his father's place as a SWAT Kat, being under the guise of "Fury". He's been without a Co-Pilot for a while now, since he was able to salvage some parts and make a robotic co-pilot to help him. He knows he's made his father proud, but now with a weird time distortion above the city made by an old SWAT Kat enemy...Cody Furlong will venture into it, unknowing what awaits him.


[spoiler=Equipment:]This is the link for all the SWAT Kat character equipment



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Anyways, all applications will be on this post.

[spoiler=Accepted Apps]

[spoiler=SWAT Jake "Razor" Clawson]Username: Chaos Sonic

Character Name: Jake Clawson

Hero Name: Razor

Age: Twenties

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Normal Appearance:]Jake.jpg



[spoiler=Hero Appearance:]Razor2.jpg



Affiliation: Hero - SWAT Kat

[spoiler=Personality:]Jake is like Chance, he's fun loving, kind, and friendly. He is also the smarter and more athletic of the two, using his genius intellect to create all the weapons the SWAT Kats use during their heroic exploits and martial arts skills to use them. He keeps this up even when under the guise of "Razor". However, unlike Chance he is far more cautious and not much of a risk taker, something Chance likes to push him to do.


[spoiler=Biography/Background:]Jake Clawson is a total wiz when it comes to technology and inventing things. He graduated at the high of his class at MegaKat IT College, but with having a degree in science, he also wanted to be in law enforcement. This lead Jake to join the Enforcers, where he met his pilot Chance Furlong, a hot-tempered hot shot who didn't quiet seem eye to eye with Commander Ulysses Feral. A normal day on the job as Enforcers brought them to chase after Dark Kat. Thanks to Chase and his superior piloting skills, Jake was able to lock a target on Dark Kat's ship. Both were were ready to shoot down the evil villain but Feral, told them to stand down and allow him to finish Dark Kat alone. Seeing the sheer stupidity of this plan, Jake and Chance rebelled and took the shot. Feral, however, used his wing to tip their wing, causing them to crash right into Enforcer's HQ. Both Chance and Jake were alright, but they were soon discharged by the furious Feral and sent them to work at a local salvage garage to pay for the damage. With this, Jake and Chance both took parts from the garage to construct the powerful Turbokat jet and a few other vehicles. Jake, himself, created many weapons from the scrap and the two became the SWAT Kats.



[spoiler=SWAT Kat equipment:]This is the link for all the SWAT Kat character equipment



[spoiler=Cody Jake "Fury" Furlong]Username: Chaos Sonic

Character Name: Cody Jake Furlong

Hero Name: Fury

Age: Twenty

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Both Appearances:]Cody_Furlong_Reference_sheet_by_apupnamedNagi.png


Affiliation: Hero - SWAT Kat(Future)

[spoiler=Personality:]Cody is easy going and a bit shy at times. He enjoys working out and being playful. He is serious when it comes to being a SWAT Kat and getting the job done.


[spoiler=Biography/Background:]Cody is the son of the great SWAT Kat hero, Chance "T-Bone" Furlong. Though his mother is unknown, he was always hanging out with his dad. He never knew his dad was a SWAT Kat, until he came home being all injured with Jake "Razor" Clawson carrying him. Ever since then, Cody has been working hard to be just like his dad, just like the SWAT Kats. One day, however, when the SWAT Kats were on an emergency call in MegaKat city they rushed off to the scene. Cody waited at the Salvage yard for his dad, but he never returned. This caused both SWAT Kats to be M.I.A., which made Cody feel downtrodden. At the age of nineteen, he finally decided to take his father's place as a SWAT Kat, being under the guise of "Fury". He's been without a Co-Pilot for a while now, since he was able to salvage some parts and make a robotic co-pilot to help him. He knows he's made his father proud, but now with a weird time distortion above the city made by an old SWAT Kat enemy...Cody Furlong will venture into it, unknowing what awaits him.


[spoiler=Equipment:]This is the link for all the SWAT Kat character equipment






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Accepted buddy! Welcome aboard!


EDIT: I'll be working on one of the Trinity Characters right now. I might as well play a part as a bad guy seeing as am I am the host. The other two are still up for grabs for anyone who wants a VERY MAJOR BAD GUY ROLE

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