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So I herd you liek mudkipz...

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Let me tell you this, he doesn't like you at all.


Fish deck.




Monsters Level 5 and more(5)

Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

Cranium Fish

Cranium Fish


Monsters Level 1 to 4(19)

Abyssal Kingshark

Abyssal Kingshark

Abyssal Kingshark

Unshaven Angler

Unshaven Angler

Unshaven Angler

Ocean's Keeper

Ocean's Keeper

Mother Grizzly

Mother Grizzly

Mother Grizzly

Warrior of Atlantis

Warrior of Atlantis



Snipe Hunter

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Treeborn Frog


Spell cards(10)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Soul Exchange

Soul Exchange





Trap cards(6)

Call of the Haunted

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Spiritual Water Art-Aoi

Spiritual Water Art-Aoi

Spiritual Water Art-Aoi




Extremely unstable, I'm willing to admit it. But get the Sea King on the field, and your opponent will be scared for a few worthy lulz.


... Can't believe I posted this at such an early hour. And I just got back from Video Games Live from Montreal. OUCH.

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Yeah, it was awesome,


Learned tonight that Tommy Tallarico, the main organiser of this event, has done many music for video games, including my cult one from the SNES, Earthworm Jim.


I bought a CD containing all songs from EWJ 1&2, remixed. It's awesome beyond belief, I tell you.


BTW, end off-topic, and back to fishing. XD

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Then he'd only be left with 5 fishes to use with the big guy, though.


He might not even use Angler that often, considering 2 Soul Exchanges and a Brain Control.


Also, with Fenrir, he loses 2 Water monsters that might have been Salvaged.


But I've never had any experience with this type of deck at all, so there's that ^^

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