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[Finished]The WRGP Contest! Only accepting 5 more people!


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- All YCM rules apply
- If you have to drop out, please let me know
- Do not post your card until you are told to
- I will PM you if and when to post your card
- If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK!
- Put WRGP in your applying post

How this is gonna work:
- I will accept 12 people
- [b]I[/b] will divide you into teams of 3
- [b]One member[/b] of your team will post the card(s) that fit the requirement. I will judge the cards of each team. The worst one will be eliminated and then the second person will post a card to try and beat the opponent's first card etc. This will continue until a team has no members left. The winning team will move on to the next round.
- NOTE: If your card lost, but your team won, you are still in it!
- In the third and final round, each member of the team will post one card. There will be no requirement. The best card wins!

- 1st Place Overall: 3 Reps B)
- Each member of the 1st place team: 1 Rep -_-
- Everyone else: A pat on the back <_<

Entry Fee:
- None!

- Insanious
- Karakuri Muso
- -Unknown-
- Maha Guns
- Kuroda Kaito
- Se15fy
- Daemon
- momobeast


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