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Your Forum Soul Mate!!!

Dwarven King

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I second that.

We are back up as it is, so I suggest we close applications for the time being.

It's not like we don't want you new applicants around, it's just that we are pressed for females.


You think this can be made into a club or something?


A club? Basically...everyone submits their "information" and we discuss matches? Eh, I'm up for it. If everyone agrees, I can set it up tomorrow night after work. *yawns*

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I actually have nothing else to do.



Sexuality: Straight

Age: Mid-teens Hell if I know. Probably as old as...... time itself?

Gender: Male

Likes: Death and the decaying of souls and torturing of people in different manners to satisfy my sadistic natures. I also like Black Metal, Art (the drawing, painting kind), Football (American and European (I get to hurt people in these sports =D)), and Mountain Dew. I would post more, but too much. Religious discussion may be followed up, but it's more discussions about Satanism and the relative.

Dislikes: People in general (society conformed mostly), and when my iPod dies. Pisses me off really. Both of them. I actually dislike quite a few things, some of which shouldn't be posted.

What you look for in your significant other: ... daquf is dis?

Additional Information: ...wat

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Sure, hang on. Give me ten minutes because he's outside and I have to clean the computer's history and stuff.


I'll ask for Miror.


"Why are you deleting the history? Are you hiding stuff from him?!?! D: If it's porn...you may not have to hide it. It depends on the type of porn. :<"


And yes...that is ALMOST EXACTLY what Miror is thinking. Trust me.

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Sexuality: Straight

Age: 15

Sex: Yes Please! (Mail)

Likes: I like Soccer. Did I mention I like Soccer?

Dislikes: School, drugs, any pair of glasses that aren't reflective, dishonesty, and Exceeds.

What you look for in your significant other: Honesty and purity, willing to work hard for the benefit of others.

Additional Information: I f***ing love soccer.

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Sexuality: Straight xD

Age: 15

Gender: male

Likes: Girls, porn, and long walks on nude beaches

Dislikes: >:U the voices in my head, and that guy over there //points at random dude

What you look for in your significant other: idk I'm doing this for fun not for seriousness

Additional Information: umm ... //runs away

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Not exactly, but pretty much yeah.

We were cleared by staff already if you're thinking alts sir.


Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 17

gender: male

Likes: intelligence, no American blood, dancing, reading, studying history, militaristic strategical, sadistic(she is), FPS shooters, Heith Ledger, Joker, world history, militaristic weaponry history, writing music, collecting weaponry, preventing suicides, caring, honest, loyal, loving, and whatever the hell I forgot.

Dislikes: Americans, French, Brits, Jews, hypocrites, people that don't study their own religions, Asian food, violence(ironic isn't it), being computer inept, unable to cook, unable to drive correctly, idiocy, Capitalism, American teachings on foreign history, American Hypocrisy, Politicians, alcohol, cigarettes, flying insects, heights, masochist, Sarah Palin, wiggers, rednecks, noobtubers, noobs overall on a variety of subjects, gullible people, naive people, anarchist, strawberries, any number not ending in 0 or 5.

What do I look for: No American blood.

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"Dwarven King's Sexy Matches".


Officially supported by the Frunkster.


Someone else can think of a theme.


I like! X3 Has flare.


Yugioh Euphoria

Birth of Loving Memories

Gamer's Loveless Unto




The Official Too Many Horny Guys Club.


Does this include you? :3 hmmm?

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