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I know, you're a horrible loser whenever I see you dool as long as I'm not the one whose dooling you anyway. >.>

When has that ever happened? You're just still mad that we did it ;D

I'm not giving advice anyway, I'm asking for it. :3

Yeah, remind me never to ask for advice from ANY of you.

He beat me when I used Gusto D:


Then again..I beat him when I used fableds



Remember what deck you were playing against with those fableds. That was a Lightsworn deck with random-ass dragons.
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When has that ever happened? You're just still mad that we did it ;D

Yeah, remind me never to ask for advice from ANY of you.

Remember what deck you were playing against with those fableds. That was a Lightsworn deck with random-ass dragons.

You lost against Taiga and Zextra and I was actually watching. :P
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I kiddin, silly~



But I doubt you have over 320 wins like I do ;3

Haven't played enough in rated.


Cause people are stupid.


And I like avoiding stupid people.


Which is making me wonder why I'm even here anymore <_< /umightwanttogotothedoctortogettreatmentforthatburn


You didn't pay attention to all of what I said.

I never won against you because I'm the loser. =D

You words stuff poorly.
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Haven't played enough in rated.


Cause people are stupid.


And I like avoiding stupid people.


Which is making me wonder why I'm even here anymore <_< /umightwanttogotothedoctortogettreatmentforthatburn



cuz you're one of us? :3


You words stuff poorly.

Soooo apparently he means


him < you < a lotta other people



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Then how're you so sure you'd beat him more? XD

Cause Taiga first tried 3 Man-Eaters in a Quickdraw deck. Or something. Idk, a lot of things, I think...


EDIT: Taiga said that was just a copy of a characters deck. But I still wanna see him try and make a better one.

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I just aw the worst thing ever in a duel. Someone used fusion gate to Synchro Summon. After the special smmon was negated btw

I've seen worse


This is close


But I've seen worse.

I would tell that guy to quit YGO and get a life. 8D

I'd tell him to stick to Magic the Gathering
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