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[spoiler=Taiga is asleep]tsundere.jpg



When he wakes up, he should have that duel he wanted with me. I don't feel like any more than that though. >:3 Watch him say he isn't asleep.

I wasn't asleep since before 8 this morning and you haven't been going to school, stupid. :P


That's right everyone, I went home at lunch yesterday just to get him up. :D

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I c a random mashup of anime characters.

It's not random, they're all tsunderes voiced by the same person, and one of them is Taiga.





I wasn't asleep since before 8 this morning and you haven't been going to school, stupid. :P


That's right everyone, I went home at lunch yesterday just to get him up. :D

What does "feeling sick" mean? and I was tired...

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I wasn't asleep since before 8 this morning and you haven't been going to school, stupid. :P


That's right everyone, I went home at lunch yesterday just to get him up. :D

I guess I don't know enough about you guys. >_> Are you two brothers?
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But you stopped feeling sick over a week ago. :D


Go to school tomorrow, you couldn't possibly be tired enough to sleep the whole day and the same amount of time I slept before that. :P


Also, that dool in a few minutsu. :D

No I didn't.


I'll try my best.


NOW! :3


EDIT: Yes :3 But ughh...

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