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Best Current Game of 2011?


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So, 6 months have already passed, we're halfway till the end of 2011. Lots of games have been released, and lots of games are going to be released.So I'd like two ask you guys four questions.

1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
MY Ans. Tie between Little Big Planet 2 and Portal 2

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
My Ans. I own a PS3 and I'm awaiting the release of all 3 remaining exclusives, but to be honest, Uncharted 3 is the one I'm looking forward to the most.

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?
My Ans. Uncharted 3, its gonna kick ass.

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
My Ans. I've downloaded all 6 free welcome back games from PStore. 4 on the PS3 and 2 on the PSP. So, obviously I'm currently playing those games, starting with Infamous.

If you're wondering how I got 4 when I'm only allowed to download 2, I had 2 accounts that were created before 21st April.
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1) Mortal Kombat 9, but thats likely to change in August.

2) November when Ico and Shadow of the Colossus comes out.

3) No clue =/.

4) MK9, Blazblue Continuum Shift, WKC, Wipeout HD.
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1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
[b]Portal 2[/b], hands down... but it was also the only recent game I bought, so yeah, nothing to compare it with :lol:

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
Since I can't definitely say if [b]Diablo III[/b] comes out this year or not, I'll go with [b]Alice: Madness Returns[/b], which is actually only 2 weeks away... yeeeehaaw! B)

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?
Not able to tell, this year has some great games coming out. Portal, Uncharted, Rage and Mass Effect are probably going to duke it out, though I don't claim that this list is complete. Better we wait for E3 to end so we know most of the release dates for certain.

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
None, waiting for Alice: Madness Returns and maybe Duke Nukem Forever after that.

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Well, considering this year's output has been based on shovel-ware...:
1. Portal 2- Ingenious design of a surprisingly logical game continuing the story of a maladjusted AI program, seeking vengeance on the one person who took her out- you.

2. Saints Row: The Third is coming out Holiday 2011. Even though my parents don't approve, my friend is getting it. Since I enjoyed the 2nd one very much, I have high hopes for #3. Duke Nukem: Forever is my most anticipated game, however. After a seven year hiatus they finally got back to work on it.

3. I'm expecting Uncharted 3 to take awards, considering it's praise from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Portal 2 was extremely innovative, so it'll at least be a nominee.

4. NBA2k11, Halo: Reach, Sonic 2, SMW3
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1. I think either Portal 2 or Pokemon Black entertained me most but my 3DS has really entertained me as i do play the odd game of SF4 on the bus
2. Im looking forward to alot this year so this is my top 5; Duke Nukem Forever, The NGP or 'vita', Warhammer 40000 Space Marine, TES 5: Skyrim and Mass Effect 3

3. A tough one so im gonna go for one of these three; Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3 or either Skyrim or Mass Effect 3 ( or maybe Portal 3)

4. Im playing both the demo for Duke Nukem Forever which is awesomes but im also playing through Red Faction: Gorilla (i know its not the right spelling it just makes me giggle)
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1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
LA Noire, AC: Brotherhood, Test Drive Unlimited 2, *cough* Black Ops *cough* Red Dead Redemption

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
AC: Revelations, and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?
AC: Revelations, Brotherhood took the most last year.

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
LA Noire, AC: Brotherhood, Test Drive Unlimited 2, Black Ops, Red Dead Redemption
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1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
I've been playing old games for most of '11 such as FF 10 and 12, .hack series, and Portal 1. Thes newer games seem to be a majority old IPs with nothing original except on the rare occasion.

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, and Guild Wars 2

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?
Portal 2, I would be very upset if something shitty like AC or CoD took the award so I'm hoping for at least something creative like Portal or Uncharted.

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
Demon Souls, and I've still never beaten GTA: 4 I've put it off FOREVAH!
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[quote name='+Whambulance' timestamp='1307207293' post='5254127']
Well, considering this year's output has been based on shovel-ware...:
1. Portal 2- Ingenious design of a surprisingly logical game continuing the story of a maladjusted AI program, seeking vengeance on the one person who took her out- you.

2. Saints Row: The Third is coming out Holiday 2011. Even though my parents don't approve, my friend is getting it. Since I enjoyed the 2nd one very much, I have high hopes for #3. Duke Nukem: Forever is my most anticipated game, however. After a seven year hiatus they finally got back to work on it.

3. I'm expecting Uncharted 3 to take awards, considering it's praise from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Portal 2 was extremely innovative, so it'll at least be a nominee.

4. NBA2k11, [b]Halo: Reach[/b], Sonic 2, SMW3


This came out last year.

OT: Portal 2, no doubt.
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1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
Portal 2.

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
Battlefield 3.

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
Black Ops, Minecraft, Crysis 2. They're the main ones.
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1- Been playin' Portal 2 on pc. Hella fun.

2- Mass Effect 3

3- Mass Effect 3

4- Oh Jesus....

Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Awakening, Dragon Age 2, BlazBlu Calamity Trigger, Brutal Legend, FarCry 2. :D

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[quote name='Phant0mZPlayer' timestamp='1307204085' post='5253916']
1.What game has entertained you the most so far?
[b]Mass Effect 2 on PS3 (free DLC FTW), Crysis 2.[/b]

2.What game are you looking forward to the most?
[b]Mass Effect 3[/b]

3.What game do you expect to take the (most) game of the year awards?
[b]Mass Effect 3 (in 2012), and Modern Warfare 3 this year. L.A. Noire and Portal 2 honorable mentions.[/b]

4.What game(s) are you still playing?
[b]Mass Effect 2[/b].
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