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Best YCM Couple?


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[quote name='Kazooie' timestamp='1307205496' post='5254016']
Guys guys guys guys

it's supposed to be FANPAIRINGS, not canon

so strikerxshadow


and my favorite


Are all valid. :'D
[quote name='Future Paradise' timestamp='1307233743' post='5255294']
I still say:


That's the real shiz right there, niggaz.

But yeah, I find the lack of ElxDL HIGHLY disturbing.

And DLxHinagiku
and DLxHereh

And basically DLxevery cute girl
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[quote name='Mr. Striker' timestamp='1307247004' post='5255825']
Worst match in history: ADHD-GuitarxDark

I've already expressed my love for him. Why don't you read his profile page before you make stupid, ignorant comments like this?
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And so far I have not been mentioned
I think that is good . . . 8/

But while I am here!!!

Desperado Finale x Lora
just because she'd kill me

Striker x his right hand
and he cannot deny this

DL x any lolis here
and he cannot deny this

J-Max x Hot Futa Women
and he cannot deny this

Ice x Nexev
because they seem to be the type XD

Joey Miles x Striker x Joey's right hand
just to hear the fangrils scream . . . at least Joey's fangirls - ie Striker has none (^^)b
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[quote name='Desperado Finale' timestamp='1307246740' post='5255812']
Genji is going to kill you man.
He has ample reason to, believe me.

But these are CRACK pairins people, ya gotta lighten up.

Even if I will get killed by mentioning things like DLxCaeda and DLxClair.



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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1307248814' post='5255917']
Machine . . . somehow that is not beyond my scope of . . . yeah gonna stop there XD

And Daemon a stick, really?
*smacks you out of jest*
Come up with something better man! XDDD

DL . . . ha~ha BD
But you need to rub something to make yourself feel like a man and a stick is your best option because you are so small below the belt.
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RikuxJoey Miles
Why hasn't it happened yet?!?!

Don't kill me bro.

Orgy and incest. >: D

This has been said, right?

Miror BxLolis

Wait, that did happen.


Wait, that's happening.

Stop cheating on me Raine!

No DL. Hereh is just easily tricked. ex.

He got her into promising to give him a z-job.
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[quote name='Desperado Finale' timestamp='1307249043' post='5255925']
Don't kill me bro.
Desperado Finalex[url=http://www.ansemretort.org/ansemretort/arcomics/Comic449.PNG]Skull-Fucky[/url]

One pairing for me, and there is no way it'd ever be Jake, or any guy.
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[quote name='Desperado Finale' timestamp='1307249043' post='5255925']
Don't kill me bro.

Orgy and incest. >: D

1.) Yeah not gonna happen, as Black said

2.) Throw out Jesse, Andrew and Lora . . . possibly
Because my sister is a literally nympho maniac


NO >B[
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