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E3 2011

Lord Metallium

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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1307466018' post='5263797']
That is an amazing selling image.

About handheld size.

And the trailer with the bird looks amazing.

Thoughts so far

You can play games on the controller O_0
And touch screen.
Video Chat too
And camera, wow they put a lot in that thing.
It's HD too?
Zapper becomes a lot more useful with U

SMASH ON 3DS AND WiiU. But that is a [s]few[/s] several years away.

Lego game. cute

Batman, Darksiders, Assassin Creed, and Ninja Giaden, Tekken. And shooters.

Weak start, but holy hell has Nintendo started kicking ass.

Since you seem to know a lot about it...

Release Date? Motion Controls?
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1307466602' post='5263813']
Yeah, that's right. Battlefield on Nintendo. PS4 is no longer relevant.

You mean the Vita. And I'm looking forward to it because of MONSTER HUNTER.

Also, funny part... New graphics? Better than the 360s.
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[quote name='Cyber Eltanin' timestamp='1307466617' post='5263814']
Since you seem to know a lot about it...

Release Date? Motion Controls?
WiiU comes out next year. Should be some time around March based on the rumors.

It works with the Wii controls ad hopefully Gamecube stuff. And the U controller does have motion controls built into it.

No Pikmin. Come on Nintendo, you have to know people want it. Sigh, I guess the sales from the first 2 are making them hold their hand a little.
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I thought the Wii U (Seriously, that name >_>) was the weakest part of the conference, but I still liked it.

Uprising looks awesome, but Pit's voice is meh. I'm sad that the release date is still considered "later this year," because I really want it. Still the best conference of the year. I don't think they managed to get around to enough games because they weren't given as much time as Sony was.

It doesn't sound like it will be backwards compatible with GameCube games. And I had just decided to get Luigi's Mansion and The Twin Snakes. :(

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[quote name='The Happy Mask Salesman' timestamp='1307467461' post='5263840']
Oh, imagine the things they could do with Mario Party 9 if they would make it.

Bring Chance Time back for one. I love Chance Time, and I miss it dearly.

Anyway, I'm loving that Wii U controller. I just am.

They are making it.

It was on-screen at the end, Dane.
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[quote name='The Happy Mask Salesman' timestamp='1307467761' post='5263858']


How the hell do I miss that?

Nintendo, you have done wonderfully, just bring back Chance Time now.

Still thinking Pikmin may get up there.

Just like Paper Mario 3DS. Last year, Nintendo had that game overview.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1307466958' post='5263825']
2 new Kirbys and god damn Mario Party 9.
[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1307467089' post='5263831']
5 players. Yes, yes they did just do that. I hope that music thing going on in the background isn't actually part of the game, otherwise I'm staying far away from the gay pirate game.

So is that it? Is it over?
Wait, when did they say that?

And yea, it is.

[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1307467360' post='5263838']
It doesn't sound like it will be backwards compatible with GameCube games. And I had just decided to get Luigi's Mansion and The Twin Snakes. :(
I'm going to assume it is. Remember they never said anything about they system itself, just the controller so it should still run Gamecube games. I mean, their is no reason not to since it's all still disk based.

[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1307467889' post='5263865']
Still thinking Pikmin may get up there.

Just like Paper Mario 3DS. Last year, Nintendo had that game overview.

Nintendo LOVES post conference news, so yea it will show up.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1307467889' post='5263865']
Still thinking Pikmin may get up there.
Just like Paper Mario 3DS. Last year, Nintendo had that game overview.

It's still possible. Maybe be a while, but it's still possible.

I want Oracle of Ages and Seasons on the 3DS Virtual Console...

And if they would, that third Oracle game that never existed. That's asking too much though.
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[quote name='THE GOD OF OBELISK' timestamp='1307468167' post='5263877']
And once again, Nintendo smashes Sony and Microsoft.
You sure about that? It started off great with the Zelda 25th and those 3DS games but feel a little flat at the Wii U reveal. I was expectring Reggie to mention that actual Games would be playable for the Wii U and not just Tech Demos.

Always a pleasure to see Miyamoto though. What a legend :D

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Super Smash Bros 4 was enough for most people to buy a 3DS - and LoZ: OoT next week? 3DS is going to soar in sales and the Vita will fail just like the PSP :|
I'm not even a Nintendo fangirl, Nintendo is the only company that has goes through with their innovative ideas.


Smash'd, Smash'd and Smash'd.

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[quote name='Twig' timestamp='1307467851' post='5263862']
I'm speechless right now. Except maybe that I'm worried about the controller size...
Should be about the size of a decently size handheld, think 3Ds, since it has a 6 1/2 inch screen plus maybe another 2 inches for other buttons and stuff.

[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1307468016' post='5263871']
At the end, they showed a bunch of titles.

Right next to Kirby Mass Attack.
O Nintendo. So much you could say, but so much you don't.

[quote name='J-Max' timestamp='1307468031' post='5263872']
Very happy to see a new Luigi's Mansion. Sucks that those 5 Big Games they announced were 3DS only....
I personally like it since it needs game to sell it.

Also, it's 1080, so officially HD.
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