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"Digihuman" Set


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Right, this next batch feature "placeholder artworks", which are not completed (not coloured in, etc). Thing is, I may never finish them. Oh well, they still look cool. They also feature the new "Neo-Needleworm" and "Tuned Cocoon", whcih are good support cards, and the sub-archetype "Toy Digihuman"s. The TDs are based on the Karakuris and Wind-Ups. See if you can decipher their names - it refers to the culture(s) they are based on - though there's an extra "M" in Eldmid's name.

[spoiler=The Newbies]
When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to add 1 "Toy Digihuman" Monster from your Deck to your hand.[/spoiler]
When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. You can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to Special Summon 1 "Toy Digihuman" Monster from your hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=effect]When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to destroy 1 card on the Field.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

ERRATA: "Tuned Cocoon"'s ATK and DEF are 0. this would be the equivalent of a misprint.
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Here's more Toy Digihuman cards. These truly are the Digihuman Karakuri/Windup chimeras. Of course, now some support makes them eitheer volatile or more playable by negating thier effects for a turn and letting them change their battle position.
[spoiler=Next batch of Toy Digihumans]
[spoiler=Rewound Toy Effect]
When this card is activated, place 20 Wound Counters on this card. Up to three times per turn, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card and select 1 "Toy Digihuman" Monster you control. Negate its effect(s) until the End Phase and place 10 Wound Counters on it. If the selected Monster is in defence position, you can change its battle position. When this card is removed from the Field, distribute as many Wound Counters as possible from this card onto "Toy Digihuman" Monsters you control.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Toy Bomb effect, VERY VOLATILE and costly!]
Tribute 1 "Toy Digihuman" Monster. Destroy all cards on your opponent's Field and in their hand, and inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Wound Counter on the Tributed Monster. During the End Phase of the turn, take damage equal to twice the amount that was inflicted to your opponent by this card's effect.
[spoiler=Canodeux-0 effect]
3 level 4 "Digihuman" Monsters, including at least 2 "Toy Digihuman" Monsters.

Once per turn, you can attach 1 "Digihuman" Monster from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material. When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. Once during either player's Battle Phase, you can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster and remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to destroy 2 cards on the Field.
[spoiler=Catunon Effect]
When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. During your opponent's Main Phase, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to Synchro or Xyz Summon using this card as a Material Monster.

[spoiler=Daggern Effect]
When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. Once during either player's turn, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to increase the ATK of all "Toy Digihuman" Monsters by 500.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skynon Effect]
When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card cannot change its battle position, except by its own effect. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Wound Counter from this card to negate the effect(s) of 1 "Toy Digihuman" Monster you control until the End Phase and change its battle position.
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Okay, these next three are cool. I have with me a Synchro, an Xyz and a Spell! This Spell Card enables all Synchro Monsters to get Xyz support and vice versa, while it also lets those Synchros add Xyz Material once per turn. The only stipulation is, Digihumans get more support because they get the effect to add any Digihuman from your Graveyard to it as Xyz Material, while non Digihumans MUST use a monster with the same level as their Rank. The Synchro Monster I made is the first Toy Digihuman NOT to use Wound Counters on itself, but rather summons 2 other Toy Digihumans when destroyed battle and gives them an additional 10 counters, which if combined with their own effects and "Rewound Toy" could create 30 counters and thus an OTK using "Toy Bomb", with a maximum damage combo in this situation of 15,000. Evidently Toy Bomb would end up on the Forbidden list, or on the limited list. The Xyz Monster, meanwhile, is ready-made with the spell I made, since it is also treated as a level 4 Synchro monster. This means I have created a method to use Xyz Monsters for Synchro, Ritual and other Xyz Summoning.

[spoiler=Guardsman Effect]
"Toy Digihuman Catunon-5" + 1 or more non-Tuner "Toy Digihuman" Monsters
If this card is used as Xyz or Synchro Material, you can treat this card as a level 2, 3 or 4 Monster. Your opponent cannot attack a "Digihuman" Monster, except "Toy Digihuman Guardsman". There can only be 1 face-up "Toy Digihuman Guardsman" on the Field. When this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon up to 2 "Toy Digihuman" Monsters from your Graveyard, except "Toy Digihuman Guardsman", and place 10 Wound Counters on them during the End Phase.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Soldier Effect]
3 level 4 "Toy Digihuman" Monsters
Once per turn, you can attach 1 "Digihuman" Monster from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material. When this card is Summoned, place 10 Wound Counters on this card. Remove 1 Wound Counter from this card during each Standby Phase. When this card has no Wound Counters on it, switch it to Defence Position. This card is also treated as a level 4 Synchro Monster.
[spoiler=Delta Excel Zone effect]
All face-up Xyz Monsters are also treated as Synchro Monsters of the same level as their Rank, and all Synchro Monsters are also treated as Xyz Monsters of the same Rank as their level. A "Digihuman" Synchro Monster affected by this card's effect also gains the following effect: "Once per turn, you can attach 1 "Digihuman" Monster from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material". A non-"Digihuman" Synchro Monster also gains the following effect: "Once per turn, you can attach 1 Monster with the same level as the Rank of this card from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material".[/spoiler]

*"Delta Excel Zone" is seen in the background of "Toy Digihuman Soldier".
*the rings in these three cards are made by slifertheskydragon of deviantART and found [url=http://slifertheskydragon.deviantart.com/art/Resource-Synchro-Rings-193131742]HERE[/url]
*"Delta Excel Zone"'s name is based on the idea of "Exceed" summoning, as it was known prior to being officially known as "Xyz Summoning", and "Delta Accel Synchros", Synchro monsters which require a Synchro Tuner and Synchro Non Tuner to summon.
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I know a couple need fixes. I probably should have fixed them by now. Oh well. I'm the kind of person that works hard but doesn't like fixing mistakes. Of course, there are cards with texts that lack a correct variant, and then there are the ones I've been making recently on MSE - which takes a long time to get posted on here. If there's a list of cards that need fixing, I could just re-post them here with the corrections...or erratas.
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Ah, yes, that. Well, here it is in BOTH forms. I haven't decided which one to use, but they both have the same effect anyway, except that the Xyz version can add level 4s as material, so it's better for your character but is not as great in ability for adding Digihumans to it. Tell me which you think is better;

The effect is:
"You can discard 1 card to negate the activation and effect of a Monster/Spell/Trap Card and destroy it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle or removed from the Field by the effect of a "Digihuman" Monster. When this card is removed from the Field, return all cards discarded by this card's effect to your hand and increase your life points by 500 for each card returned."

The main difference between them is their requirements; 3 level 4s as an Xyz Monster, or 1 Tuner and 2 or more non-tuners as a Synchro. The additional Xyz effect is as follows:
"Once per turn, you can attach 1 level 4 Monster from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material."

CARD RULING: you cannot return cards which were discarded if they were removed from play, added to the Deck, etc. They MUST be in the Graveyard. If not all are present, you can only return the ones which are still present.
Delta Excel Zone: This card does NOT create an infinite loop, and Xyz Monsters also treated as Synchro monsters do NOT gain the additional effect, it only applies to Monsters which are PRINTED as Synchros and TREATED as Xyz Monsters.

In other news, Dawn of the Xyz has been released in North America today and was released in Europe last Friday, and I'm going to get it today.

EDIT: T_T I couldn't find it...

Anyway, the results are in: The Synchro Version is the chosen one. Done~ From now on, the Synchro Version is official, while the Xyz one is not.
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  • 1 month later...

Okay, update time. I've been planning this for a while. I have quite a few more but I haven't even made placeholder images for them, so I don't think it's the right time for their debut. Here we go;
[spoiler=New batch]
[img]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/6109/shieldcloak.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]

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