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Random Single [Trent Elder]


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This is too powerful. 3 cards means a 2400 beater. 4 means something that can be Normal Summoned for no tributes and can kill most of the extra deck. These values on level 4 non-nomis should be reserved for Jurracs with Giganoto on the field. While I would love something to take down those annoying Synchros, this becomes the new annoying thing I want to get rid of. If this is meant to be run in a deck with high draw power, make the boost not insane.
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200 less ATK for boost that occurs several times adds up to a lot. 4 cards gives it 2400, as opposed to Trent Elder's 3200. Tragoedia is just this side of overpowered IMO, because it's insanely useful for Synchro Summons and can be a beatstick if it wants to bad enough, all on top of being generic.
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