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Pokemon Type Challenge!!!! WOO!!!!!

Dwarven King

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[quote name='Unownguy' timestamp='1308112059' post='5284337']
My level 68 Venusaur knows CUT because of this.


My level 92 Charizard knows cut...no, I take that back. I went to the move deleter and replaced it with [insert name of attack here because I can't remember it]! ;D
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Both Lyra and Andromeda (Jigglypuff and Clefairy) evolved. I also managed to catch 1 out of the 2 Snorlax (I never caught one before), and I got 9999 coins (I assure you I gave Team Rocket a LOT of money for it) and bought a Porygon! So now my team is full.

I got another 4000 coins to get Ice Beam, so now my Porygon is amazing. I beat the Dojo (before I got Porygon, and after I got Snorlax) and it was harder than I thought it would be, as I was Normal and the place was littered with Fighting types. (A Mankey annihilated my Snorlax before I could counter!)

Now I'm at Silph Co. My Porygon gets rid of those Zubats faster than you can say fail. I gave them over 80000 pokedollars, and they couldn't at least purchase a decent pokemon? And they call themselves an evil corporation?

Oh! I forgot! I went through the whole tower in Lavender. I was highly annoyed by Gary, who luckily managed to beat me once. Of course, it was cause of that darn Gyrados (I used to call it Gary-roast, as my Raichu was merciless in Thundershocking it). I also managed to catch 40 pokemon, meaning I could now get the Itemfinder, an Everstone, and the Amulet Coin. And with the Itemfinder, I got Leftovers! I also got the HM Fly, which Pidgeotto uses wisely.

Ugh, I also beat Erika(?)'s gym. The Beauties gave me lots of money after I burned their Bellsprouts. Mwahahahaha!

Dang, I did a lot. Please excuse me for telling you what I did in reverse order.
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I spammed the Pokemon League until I beat it, and got a new team member:

Kaori (Poliwrath) LV. 47
Kuroko (Politoed) LV. 49
Aogami (Seadra) LV. 47
RIGHT HAND (Feraligatr) LV. 54
Index (Dewgong) LV. 55
SANDSHREW (HM Slave) LV. 8 (Was that level when I caught it)
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Got through Silph Co. and got my Master Ball. Beat Sabrina in one go (surprisingly easy, then again, what Psychic can stand my Persian's Shadow Ball? And what Pokemon can survive a crushing Body Slam from a Snorlax?).

Trion (Porygon) Lv 36
Cepheus (Snorlax) Lv 34
Orion (Persian) Lv 40
Andromeda (Clefable) Lv 39
Lyra (Wigglytuff) Lv 37
Aquillus (Pidgeot) Lv 37

Ugh, why can't Wigglytuff learn Bulk Up?
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I traveled to Mauville, and destroyed both Wally and Wattson with Mud Pie. Then, I start traveling to Meteor Falls, and catch a female Numel on the way, and name it Magma. Traveling along, I reach there, and plot stuff happens. Then, I go to Mt. Chimney, and Mud Pie evolves into a Swampert while battling the team leader of Magma. Then, I go to Lavaridge, and destroy Flannery with Magma's Magnitude. Eventually, I [s]steal[/s] get the Go-Goggles from May, and reach the desert. I catch a male Trapinch and named it Bugsy (What? I don't see YOU coming up with a better name :P ) and a male Sandshrew and named it Sonic. Turns out, they both [b]fail[/b]. Hard. Luckily, in 1 level, Sonic evolved into a Sandslash, and isn't as fail as he could be. I don't see much hope for Bugsy though, who needs 15 more levels to get to Vibrava. Anyway, I go to Petalburg and challenge there. I'm fighting the gym trainers.

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Lost to Sabrina a few times, done stuff to beat Misty, got all the way to Lavander through the Rock Tunnel before remembering I had to do a whole bunch of stuff to challenge Misty, so I went around back to Saffron then to Cerulean to get back to her. Then I beat Sabrina, then I done a bit of Copycat stuff but I think I forgot to give back the doll and get the pass. I'll do that soon if I haven't already. Next what I did was beat the Snorlax I have no use for, and went through Digletts Cave just to easily beat Brock. Haven't done so yet, but I'm in the gym.
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I did the whole Safari thing, I think - honestly I haven't been playing. I believe I beat... Koga, was it? Another annoying minimizer/double teamer. Took another try to beat him. Unfortunately, I did not meet a single Kangashkan(?) or Chansey(?) in that Safari. And all the Execcute(?) ran away from me.

Oh, then I wanted to go back to Vermillion(?), using the other road (the non-Cycling road).
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