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Pokemon Type Challenge!!!! WOO!!!!!

Dwarven King

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Heh. I offer stuff for people who vote now, since it's so crucial.

Level Grinding is taking SO long! Mud Pie isnt gaining ANY Exp, due to being at a higher level. Plus, I can't do the "Trick room" cause I'm not teaching Mud Pie the move Cut. Yeah, I'm offically stuck.
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HA! I JUST BEAT CLAIR WITH KUROKO (Politoed), KAORI (Poliwrath), AND [b]RIGHT HAND[/b] (Feraligatr)! I also have the Exp.Share on a Seadra named Aogami. I'm playing this more than other games because there are more Gym Leaders after the Elite Four.
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People can do the same type. -_-

[quote name='Blood Rose' timestamp='1307473733' post='5264137']
Hmm should I enter into this. I'd need to transfer a lot of Pokemon. I was debating either all Dark (not fun for E4 so maybe not) or all Fire. (In B/W). Dunno if I should. Anyone want to encourage me?


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Eh. I already started doing Normal, so...

[spoiler=So far...]
For me, I decided to start with a Bulbasaur (for no reason whatsoever) and I easily got through Route 1, catching a Pidgey and Ratatta for my team (though they may get booted). I easily breezed through Viridian Forest with the two, and ended up in Pewter City. I knew this Gym Challenge would be difficult, so I planed on just spamming Sand-Attack and Tail Whip till I can get off decent hits. When I got to Brock, I decided to turn around and train a bit more - but it wasn't enough, I went in equipped with 3 potions, and he just barely pulled off a victory, his Onix managing to get a Rock Tomb on my weakened Ratatta while he himself was in the red, causing me a loss. I went again - but I had a giant problem with money, and could only buy 4 potions. Again, it wasn't enough, and I had to reset to the last time I saved, before I started training. So now, I'm training like mad, but this Ratatta just refuses to level up.

Pidgey (Aquillus) Male Lv. 15
- Tackle
- Sand - Attack
- Gust
- Quick Attack

Ratatta (Bootes) Male Lv. [s]12[/s] [b][i]13[/i][/b] (Same as below)
- Tackle
- Tail Whip
- Quick Attack
[b][i]- Hyper Fang[/i][/b] (As I was typing this, my Ratatta actually leveled up. Yay, a move with more that 50 power!)

I plan on getting a Jigglypuff soon, after I beat Brock and FINALLY get my running shoes. It'll be a bit of a search and find, though, as they are rare. But I've pulled it off before. Hopefully it can be a buffer for strong attacks, as based on my current team, you know it's weak in defense.
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I still hate how Firered gives you the running shoes after you beat Brock... <_<

In the meantime, beat Norman. I still hate his Slaking, too. So, so much.

Shinyena the Mightyena Lv. 31

Mani Mani the Sableye Lv. 31
-Fake Out
-Faint Attack
-Night Shade

DOTS the Nuzleaf Lv. 32
-Faint Attack
-Fake Out
-Bullet Seed

Balloon the Cacnea Lv. 30
-Leech Seed
-Faint Attack

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