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Digimon - The Virus Chase (OOC/Not Started/Accepting)

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In the link below you can make the Digimons there,
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/251068-digimon-the-virus-chase-club/"]Club[/url][spoiler='Rules']No Shortposting
No Meta-Gaming
No God modding
No Powerplaying
My word is the law of the RP
Must join club 1st before the RP
Disobeyers are given a warning and if they ignore this then your outta here.[/spoiler][spoiler='Plot']The Digi-World has closed to the Human World and is now forbidden to go there to avoid evil scientist and such to plant evil plots in the Digi-World. But many years after, the Digi-World has opened once again to the Human World. The kids are now happy about the news but the reason of the opening of the Digi-World to the Human World is to train new Digi-destined to save the world from an unknown virus Digimon that is really the cause of the closing of Digi-World.

Now the Digi-destined will now start they're journey to free the Digi-World from the unknown Virus Digimon to stop it from spreading other virus that might shut down Digi-World forever.[/spoiler][spoiler='My App'][/spoiler][spoiler='Accepted Apps'][spoiler='MartMaemees']Username: MartMaemees
RP Name: Brock Gail
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Brock has spiky hair with red stripes. He is tall and quite skinny. He has a lightning mark on his both arms.
[spoiler='Lightning Mark'][img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/MartMaemees/Other/Flame.png?t=1306645742[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: He doesn't have mum or dad. They died when he was 2 years old. The Lightning Marks on his arms appeared when he saw Digi-world in his computer for few minutes and got an electric shock from computer.
Digimon: Going to entry from club soon
Digivice Appearance:[img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/MartMaemees/Other/images.jpg?t=1306645742[/img][/spoiler][spoiler='.:Corbenik:.']Username:.:Corbenik:.
RP Name: Moukon (Mou) Kanashimi
[spoiler=' '][img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/ay/sl/0w/animeboy-1.gif[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: Moukon was a young teen that seem so fragile to the harshness of the real world. He was bullied during the middle school, even with the help of the adults, it never seem to help him to better his situation in living his life. So the time passed, his heart fell into the darkness of despair as he went to draw how he feel onto a sketchbook. There were a countless time how he ever wished to leave the world but in the end he felt his prayers never been answered. until one evening, he sat on a bench in a park where the weather rained, He stare into an emptied gaze. A sudden explosion befall near him was a digimon but to Moukon, it only deem him as a monster. The form of the digimon was BlackGoblinmon as he began to charged at the boy but he scurried away in fear. Moukon suddenly got corner in a small alley. BlackGoblinmon explained that he only came to "grant" the boy's wish as to "leave" the world. Then Moukon realize that to leave the world mean to die, but all he want is just to leave, it doesn't mean to die. Moukon shouted to BlackGoblinmon that he didn't want to die as a digivice appeared in front him emitting a glow. Then a blue burst of flames appear out of nowhere, a form began to surface. there lies Darkeomimon, as he introduce himself to the boy as he is a reflection of Moukon's inner self. BlackGoblinmon shrugged as he charged at the boy but Darkeomimon strike back to protect the boy as Darkeomimon spit fire at BlackGolbinmon and disintegrated. as a year passed with Darkeomimon being his friend, he come to learn more about digimon and the Digital World but now there were awareness that the digital World being open for new people to come but as for Darkeomimon, he is a non-existence digimon to digital World as he is created out of Mou's inner self.
Digimon (1 Digimon per app): Darkeomimon
Digivice Appearance:
[spoiler=' '][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091208044552/digimon/images/thumb/9/97/RyoDArk.gif/100px-RyoDArk.gif[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler='App']Username:
RP Name:
Digimon (1 Digimon per app):
Digivice Appearance:[/spoiler]
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Username: MartMaemees
RP Name: Brock Gail
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Brock has spiky hair with red stripes. He is tall and quite skinny. He has a lightning mark on his both arms.
[spoiler='Lightning Mark'][img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/MartMaemees/Other/Flame.png?t=1306645742[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: He doesn't have mum or dad. They died when he was 2 years old. The Lightning Marks on his arms appeared when he saw Digi-world in his computer for few minutes and got an electric shock from computer.
Digimon: Going to entry from club soon
Digivice Appearance: [img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/MartMaemees/Other/images.jpg?t=1306645742[/img]
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RP Name: Moukon (Mou) Kanashimi
Appearance: [spoiler] [img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/ay/sl/0w/animeboy-1.gif[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: Moukon was a young teen that seem so fragile to the harshness of the real world. He was bullied during the middle school, even with the help of the adults, it never seem to help him to better his situation in living his life. So the time passed, his heart fell into the darkness of despair as he went to draw how he feel onto a sketchbook. There were a countless time how he ever wished to leave the world but in the end he felt his prayers never been answered. until one evening, he sat on a bench in a park where the weather rained, He stare into an emptied gaze. A sudden explosion befall near him was a digimon but to Moukon, it only deem him as a monster. The form of the digimon was BlackGoblinmon as he began to charged at the boy but he scurried away in fear. Moukon suddenly got corner in a small alley. BlackGoblinmon explained that he only came to "grant" the boy's wish as to "leave" the world. Then Moukon realize that to leave the world mean to die, but all he want is just to leave, it doesn't mean to die. Moukon shouted to BlackGoblinmon that he didn't want to die as a digivice appeared in front him emitting a glow. Then a blue burst of flames appear out of nowhere, a form began to surface. there lies Darkeomimon, as he introduce himself to the boy as he is a reflection of Moukon's inner self. BlackGoblinmon shrugged as he charged at the boy but Darkeomimon strike back to protect the boy as Darkeomimon spit fire at BlackGolbinmon and disintegrated. as a year passed with Darkeomimon being his friend, he come to learn more about digimon and the Digital World but now there were awareness that the digital World being open for new people to come but as for Darkeomimon, he is a non-existence digimon to digital World as he is created out of Mou's inner self.
Digimon (1 Digimon per app): Darkeomimon
Digivice Appearance: [spoiler][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091208044552/digimon/images/thumb/9/97/RyoDArk.gif/100px-RyoDArk.gif[/img][/spoiler]
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  • 3 weeks later...
RP Name:Samuel Browler
Bio: Samuel was not a Loner in fact he was a very outgoing person with a helpful personality. Samuel LOVED Dragons and kept a room full of pictures of them. when the Digimon world had opened once again he truly wished for a digimon partner but he knew such a gift would not be given to a random person such as he. Samuel was also a super addicted internet nerd and spent many hours of the night at the desk of his computer posting comments such as "that's what she said" or "I like toast." One day Samuel was at the computer sleeping after a rigorous night of Internet gaming until a message resembling the one from the matrix in which the monitor began displaying a black screen and displayed a message to the viewer in this case it was Samuel. Samuel read the message with stated "Samuel Browler...IT has begun...IT FEEDS...IT must be stopped" Samuel Scratched his head until the message began again "YOU have been CHOSEN...YOU shall gain a partner...YOU are of a righteous heart" The Computor the displayed the Ophanimon insignia from digimon frontier and in Ophanimon's voice said "It is time..." A bright flash later Samuel awoke in a strange land...and the worse part? He was in his Pajamas...DUN DUN DUN!!!! (To be continued)
Digimon (1 Digimon per app):Rexmon
[spoiler=Digivice Appearance It's Really Big though] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/2pq3qit.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
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  • 1 year later...

Digimon= biomon. Description= A plant digimon. Dark green eyes. Body colour parrot green. Short hair. Level= Rookie. Digi-cycle:- In-training= boomon. Rookie= biomon. Champion= biodramon. Ultimate= bellbiomon. Mega= bebiomon. Ultra= bebiomon chaos mode ( If fused by chaosmon). A boy name joushu. Love plants. One time he participated alone in a competetion of plants and lose. And he cried at night in the rain and said if only i have a partner i can won but no one likes me and think i am a nerd. Then suddenly a black hole opened and sucked joushu in. When he woke up he found himself in digital world and there were lots of plants and he liked that place. He found a digivice floating in the air. A voice came out of it ( What is your name?) He said Joushu. Then the digivice turned into a green X Loader. And standing with him was Biomon.

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