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[REQ]Dark Synchro/Exceed Guide

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[b][color=#FF0000]I have a Suggestion for the Custom Cards section.[/color][/b]

Even though a LOT of people know (underground, of course) about Dark Synchros, Dark Tuners and Exceed monsters and all about them (how they're summoned, what differences there are between them and normal cards, etc.), I and a lot of the YCM community don't know about that.

My suggestion is:

[size="4"][b][color=#00FF00]Somebody should make a Pinned topic that is a guide for new, member-made card species, including ones that will be made in the future, such as Exceed monsters.[/color][/b][/size]

I, personally, know of Dark Tuners/Synchros a little, but have no idea about what any other card species do. SO... I need somebody to make one!
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