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Assembling the Cards of Armageddon [LOCK]

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Jace shrugged and strapped on the chute, stepped back a few ways and took a running leap, streamlining himself as he fell. The air rushed past him, as a hand intantly went to his hat, keeping it in place as his other hand ejected the chute to slow his drop. Once the wind wasnt as threatening to his attire, he landed, rather gracefully as he took off the chute and looked to Terry. "Smooth as silk." He said as he dusted his arms off so calm and collected, when inside that leap had nearly terrified him had he not been able to prepair for it.
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Unable to make it through the gate in time, Dex was forced to return to the house. He decided to take the advice of Terry, and went to find the other duelists. [i]"So..."[/i] Dex thought to himself [i]they'll either have gone to their rooms by now or still be dueling. Duel arena first![/i] Dex rushed towards the duel arena, his smart jacket and tie whipping in the wind as he arrived back at the arena he was in earlier, hoping to see whether the duelists were still there. He hoped they would be, as they were apparently going to be needed.
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'Ok, the lakes is just around the corner...what the?' Terry and Jace could see the ditch, and an enromous black fog inside it. 'Oh no, it couldn't!' Trry ran towards the fog as it began to clear. He saw the workers on the floor dead, some with wounds that looked like swords, some so skinny that they had nothing but bone, some with diseases that rotted them, and some just dead. 'The Four Horsemen...' Terry saw the door and asked Jace 'You ready?' He opened the door, and inside they saw Reginald, glowing an eerie glow. He said in a distorted voice [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#8B0000"]'Well, well, well. The swine has come back for another beating. And look, so has the rat!'[/color][/size][/font] He armed his Duel Disk. [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#8B0000"]'I can take you both out.'[/color][/size][/font] 'Not this time. Jace, lets show this dinosaur duelist how Pro's do it!' [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#8B0000"]'Not exactley! We are having a [b]Shadow Game![/b] All of this energy, your energy, has allowed me to enter the Tomb. But now I must awaken the God of the End!'[/color][/size][/font]
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Jace smirked as he activated his duel disk and looked to Reginald. He cracked his neck and took the deck from his pocket, placing it in the slot. "Shadow game? I've studied every text on these things." He looked to Terry. "Think you're up for this?" He chuckled as his eyes rested on Reginald, listening to his words about awakening some god as he yawned. "All talk. Reginald, I told you we would duel when it was time, seems the time is now. I doubt you can take on two pro's at once, lets duel."
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[size="4"][font="Impact"][center]HANDICAP SHADOW DUEL
TERRY (The Round Table) + JACE (Blue Eyes Accelerated Summon)
REGINALD (Apocalypes Now!)[/center][/font]
[spoiler='Special Rules']
Reginald has double the hand size limit and starts of with more cards (10 at the start).
Terry and Jace have induvidual fields. Reginald's tagetting effects chooses 1, but cards that effect all target both.
All Duelists have 8000 Life Points. Terry & Jace can pay with eachother's Life Points.
The Duel will go Reginald -> Jace -> Terry -> Reginald...

[font="Times New Roman"][color="#8B0000"]'I shall start...with [url="http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/1/1a/DoubleSummon5DS1-EN-C-1E.png"]'Double Summon'[/url]! As you know I can now Set Two Monsters. I shall also Set two cards face down. My turn concludes...'[/color][/font] Terry spoke 'Jace, your move! This way I can see you in action and also I reckon I can help you!' Terry looked at his hand. 'Well, Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade works on any Warrior. Also, seeing as Jace appears as a powerful duelist, i bet he'll tribute the warrior with the Equip Spell, so my Grave gets filled quicker!' He then looked at Reginald 'But...why would he use Double Summon? More Defence? Or is it a different deck altogether?'
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Jace smirked as he drew his card. His eyes looked over the cards in his hand. "Hmm..." He picked one card up and dropped int onto his field. "I'll summon Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, allowing me to find a Ritual Spell card, or Ritual Monster from my deck and add it to my hand. And right now, I'll bring my Paladin of White Dragon to my hand." A light burst onto the field as the grey monster emerged, and all of its hands attacked Jace's deck, pulling the Paladin from it. "Now I use my White Dragon Ritual to offer my Manju and summon my Paladin." Jace's eyes looked to Reginald as he continued. My paladin wont be staying long though. I offer my Paladin to summon my first Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck." The paladin vanished in a cloud of sparkles and shards. In a burst of brilliant light, the large magnificent Dragon reared its head. "Say good bye to both of your monsters! I use my Spell Card 'Burst Stream of Destruction', this handy Spell destroys all of your monsters, however my dragon can't attack this turn. So I'll end with 1 face down, and turn it over to Terry."

Jace field: Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1 face down s/t
Cards in hand: 3
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'Well he doesn't have a Warrior, but a Blue-Eyes? Jace must be good.' 'I draw...and use the effect of 'Foolish Burial' sending away my Wulf the Lightsworn Beast. Only so I can Summon him!' Wulf appeared rapiddly onto the field. 'But, like Jace, he ain't staying...but I need the help of my [url="http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5507/150623p.jpg"]'Sir Bedivere'[/url]! Now, I tributeWulf & Bedivere to Summon the one, the only [url="http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2448/150623w.jpg"]'King Arthur'[/url]!' The King of the Round table came forth. 'Now, go Equip Spell! '[url="http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/7633/150623.jpg"]Divine Sword - Excalibur[/url]' will allow Arthur not to be destoyed by battle!' Excalibur appeared in Arthur's hand. Then the knight said 'Yes! My legendary sword in my hand is unstoppable!' 'Show him, Artur! Attack!' Reginald acivated a trap 'Go, [url="[img]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4330/150623jz.jpg[/img]"]'Power Wall'[/url]! This will allow me to destroy my very deck to reduce the damage! Bye-Bye 24 Cards!' Arthur struck, but Power Wall took most of the hit. 'Well, activate Excalibur! I can destroy it, and add a new Divine Sword to my hand, such as '[url="[img]http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/7633/150623.jpg[/img]"]Shining Scimitar[/url]'. I'll end my turn.'

'I draw. Now, I summon [url="http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/4/4d/ArmageddonKnightTU01-EN-R-UE.jpg"]'Armageddon Knight!'[/url] His effect activates, sending my [url="http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/a/a8/VampireLordSD2-EN-C-1E.jpg"]'Vampire Lord'[/url] away.' A dark knight appeared and sent away Vampire Lord. 'Now I tribute my Armageddon Knight to Special Summon [url="[img]http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/2448/150623w.jpg[/img]"]'Armageddon End Knight'[/url]! Now, he ressurects my [url="http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/1791/150623z.jpg"]'Armageddon Vampyre'[/url]. I end turn by setting a face down.'
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Jace drew his card and smirked more. "Fine by me. I use my Spell card Future Fusion. This allows me to send 2 fusion material monsters to my grave, and in 2 turns, I get my fusion monster. I send my Lord of D. and my Divine Dragon Ragnarok to the Graveyard. But I don't need this Future Fusion thing to stay. I play Giant Trunade, returning ALL spell and traps to their owner's hands." Jace looked around as every spell was eradicated but not destroyed. "Now I play my Spell Dragon's Mirror. I remove my Lord Of D and my Divine Dragon to Summon King Dragun. Now all of my Dragons are safe from Spells and Traps of yours. Now I use his second ability to Special Summon 1 Dragon Type Monster from my hand, so I summon a second Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Both of my Blue-Eyes, attack his monsters. Burst Stream Of Destruction!" The Dragons roared as twin blasts of white and blue energy stormed towards Reginald's monsters, shattering them. "I end."

Field: 2 Blue Eyes, King Dragun
Cards in hand: 2
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'When Armageddon End Knight is destroyed I can eradicate evry card in my hand! I'll save this one.' Reginald replied as his monster's where destroyed.

'I draw and I'll equip my King Arthur with Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade and Divine Sword - Shining Scimitar! This will raise his ATK from 2500 to 3000! Now, since Excalibur is in the Grave that makes him 3100!' Arthur roared a battle cry! 'Now I Summon [url="http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/4576/150623l.jpg"]'Sir Tristram de Lyones'[/url] who will Special Summon [url="[img]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4825/150623s.jpg[/img]"]'Sir Galahad'[/url]!' All of Terry's Armada appeared. 'Now then, I have my own Double Summon, so say hello to [url="http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/1791/150623z.jpg"]'Lancelot!'[/url] Lancelot appeared on the field. 'Now I tune Lancelot and Galahad to Synchro Summon [url="http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/403/150623r.jpg"]'The Dragon Knight!'[/url] A great knight appeared, wearing Dragonic Armour. 'Now with his 3600 + 3100, you are almost out of it...go!' Terr's knights slaughtered Reginald to 3300 Life Points left.

'Time to end this. I draw, and with 42 cards in my Graveyard, I banish all of it! To Summon forth [url="http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7633/150623.jpg"]'Angelic Harbinger'[/url]!!! Now, because I remove 42 cards, she has 4200 ATK. And also, you monster's lose this ATK. Now, attack Dragun!'
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Jace waved his hand. "Sorry, but my Dragons are valuable to me! Reveal my face down Trap. MIRROR FORCE!" A blinding light surrounded Jace as he shielded his eyes from the glow, watching as best he could as Reginald's attack was sent flying back and destroyed every face up monster Reginald controlled. "This is what happens when Pro's pull out all the stops Reginald. Even in a Shadow Game, using and throwing away your cards is pointless in the long run. End your turn so I can end your pathetic attempt at this game." He smirked, knowing full well this taunting would irratate Reginald and force him to make an irrational move.
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'Hmm...I lose.' Reginald said as he surrendered. 'What? Why would you do that?' Terry asked. 'Well, simply because if I can't control them, no-one will. Welcome, gentlemen, to the end of times.' Reginald's spirit, combined with the energy he used unlocked each door. 'Jace, let's get out of here!' Terry said as he ran outside. The tomb began to shake...'THE END OF TIMES COMETH!!!' Terry looked at the Horsemen as they rose from their tomb. On a white horse rode Pestilence. On the Red Horse came War. The Black Horse carried Famine. And the Pale Horse was for Death.

'We are the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!' They cheered, then they seperated and wandered the Earth.

Suddenly, out of the ditch came a Fifth Horseman. Similar to Pestilence, he rode a white horse. But unlike the other's, he was there to Conquer them into submission!. He rode up to the duelists and faced Jace. 'You there, boy. Your fiend dueled valiantley, but I am here because of you. You are the chosen duelist to stop the spread of Armageddon. What say you, Duelist? Will you Duel the Strongest Creatures in the Universe?'
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Jace for once was speechless and all he could do was nod. This whole thing was just more than a tournament, it was appocolypse. He looked to Terry, with a look that completely was not him. "I....I cant do this alone..." He looked to Conquest and nodded. "I accept my fate, but I cant do this alone. Skilled as I may be, I was only here for a tournament, not something like this." He closed his eyes and exhaled before speaking again. "I will use all of my power to stop this from happening, after all, if the world ends....who will praise me?" He chuckled, but it was more of a nervous chuckle than a heart felt one.
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'The Chosen has spoken. I assume you want him?' Conquest spoke. 'Very well.' He rode to Terry. 'This is for you. Only for you. Take it, treasure it. Use it forever.' Terry opened his hand and Conquest gave him a card...[url="http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/7404/150623k.jpg"]'Conquest's Chosen - Terranaus'[/url]. 'Wow...I thank you, Conquest.' Terry replied gratefully to his gift. Conquest returned to Jace. 'This is for you. Only for you. Take it, treasure it. Use it forever, chosen one.' He pointed upwards and a card envelope in Light landed into Jace's hands...[url="http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/7633/150623.jpg"]'Conquest of the Four Horsemen'[/url]. He looked at Jace and said 'You are right. You cannot do this alone. Choose your chosen, and defeat War, Pestilence, Famine and Death.'
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"No sugar coating it huh?" He chuckled as he looked to Terry. "Seems we're in this together...we should head back....we'll need the others. I am....sure...they can at least provide some help in this. Two duelists alone cannot a world save." He tucked the card into his pocket along with his deck and turned to head back to the mansion. "All I wanted was to partake in a duel, not fight 4 damn horsemen." He said to himself, walking off into the distance, heading back to where he knew everyone would be, that main gate.
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'True. I never expected any of this.' Terry replied as they walked back up. 'I wonder what will happen when you seal the hoursemen. It just makes more questions.' They arrived back to the cliff. 'Well, there's a lift?' Terry noted, which if he had known he would have used the first time. 'Oh my God. Why do I even bother.' As they took the lift up, and arrived back at the gate, Conquest literally knocked the gates down. 'Rally your troops, they all shall have a Chosen Card! As soon as they are ready we shall ride towards the West, where War headed. The poor soul to be corrupted by him...I couldn't wish for a worse fate.'
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Hearing the crashing of the gates, Albel grabs one of the bags from Clara. "Put those bags in my room for me!" He runs towards the entrance of the house, opening the bag, revealing his Duel Disk and deck, both locked with a 100 digit password. Entering the password as he hurries, the clamps on both items release, and he immediately puts it on his right arm. At this moment, the card spirit of Luther - The True Ruler of 4-D Space appears. [b]"I feared this would happen."[/b] "What do you mean Luther? Did you know something I didn't? [b]"Well, I got to thinking, why would you have been invited to duel here in the first place. I mean, you aren't the biggest hit ever. Then I realized you had a powerful energy in you, something that drew us to you. After much conferencing with some of our most intellectual beings, we've realized what this was really about. It's the 4 Horsemen."[/b] "Wait, you mean War, Famine, Pestilence and Death? But that's supposed to be old legends, not something real." [b]"I'm afraid it is real. It was said whoever was in possession of us would have a chance of being forced to fight one of the Horsemen. But over time, we figured it would never happen. That's why we didn't suspect anything about coming here until the Knight told us of her bad premonitions. We figured you just got lucky. Boy were we wrong."[/b] "Luck has nothing to do with it. This was destiny my friend, and we shall change the worlds destiny today!" Albel has reached the main entrance of the mansion by now.

Card spirits seen:
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Mia was about to draw another card but than she saw it, something she'd been missing from her soul...it was herself. She saw herself as a girl in Miqea, young and scared and not knowing what to do about life, she knew what must be done. She drew her card with the same serious look she had when she was going to start the duel, she than picked up her face down card and added to her hand; probably making Miqea confused. "Don't worry...it won't kill me." Mia said, surrendering and preparing for her energy to be zapped. However, nothing happened and the vines that had once wrapped around their legs were shriveled and decayed. "Huh?" Mia said and then looked as the Venus Fly Traps themselves were also dead. "What's going on?" She questioned and then the main gate had crashed down revealing Jace, Terry, and some horseman. "Ok, now I'm confused..." She said to Miqea
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Too busy cradling herself to take much notice on what was happening, Miqea was also confused. Looking down on the ground, she saw that the Venus fly traps have shrivelled up and died.

[color="#800080"]"Wahoo, take that, Venus fly crap!"[/color] Miqea kicked the one that was entangling her body in the head, [color="#800080"]"If I ever see that thing again, it'll be too soon!"[/color]

Suddenly though, she felt tired. After all it had been a rough night, having her energy drained by the plants and all.
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Having seen Jace and Terry slip out of the gates, Sam wondered what they were up to. However, with the gates closed she couldn't follow, so instead rolled onto her feet and ran back to her room. In quick, practised movements she pulled off the dress and hair extensions and into the men's jacket and trousers she had been wearing earlier. She scooped up her duel disk, and opened the bag. Pulling out he true deck, she thrust it into the slot, before sticking a couple of things from inside into her pockets.

"Samantha" was gone. Now stood Sam, the real duelist, who most people would have been surprised to realise was a girl. She left the room again and went back outside - to find a horseman, with Terry and Jace, had knocked down the gate.

"OK, guys," she asked, "what exactly is going on, and why did you break the gate instead of just opening it like a normal person?"
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Track ran around the building looking for other duelist, but couldnt find any. He then decided to go and find Terry and Jace. He could hear there was a duel going on. He ran to see Terry and , with a horseman standing by them. He went up to them and began to talk. " Sorry but i couldnt find anyone. By the way who the hecks this, horseman guy." Track looked at the horseman, Terry and Jace. " Anyway what did i miss. Wheres Reginald. Im so confused. Could someone please tell me whats going on here." He looked at Terry and Jace waiting for someone to explain. Whilst waiting he set up his duel disk on his wrist.
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Albel kicks open the front doors, and seeing the white horse turns to Luther. "Wait a minute, why are those duelists hanging around with one of the horseman?" [b]"Isn't it obvious? That's Conquest, the fifth Horseman. He is sent to help seal the other Horsemen by offering his assistance to the chosen duelist. Judging on the two he's closest to right now, I'd say one of them has to be the chosen duelist."[/b] "So, I take it they're rounding up the others to help combat each of the Horsemen. Well, then I guess we'd better go lend our assistance to them, shouldn't we?" Albel calmly walks towards the group, not uttering a word.
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As all the duelists gathered, Conquest spoke. 'Duelists. I am Conquest of the Four Hoursemen, sealed away many year ago for fear of our power. None can rival us, we arethe Original Beings. We exsisted since the Dawn of Time. Only the Chosen can unlock our true power...Jace. I have summoned you here through unconventional methods because Armageddon is upon us. But, it is not the end of time. This means the prophecy has come true, someone released us and let us walk the Earth, to finish life once and for all. However, you will not die. You are the Chosen.' He pointed his finger upwards, an orb of Light appeared. 'Take it, treasure it. Use it forever.'

'I trust you to use them. You will travel the globe and hunt these Hoursmen:
[/spoiler][spoiler='...and Death'][img]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3144/150623b.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
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As soon as Jace and Terry arrived back with the strange horsemen, Dex rushed over to join the rest of the duelists in front of them, silently listening as he finally tried to piece together what was going on. As the revealed fifth horsemen, Conquest, spoke and revealed the orb of light above them with the cards, Dex was unable to speak. [i]"The four horsemen of the Apocalypse? Is that what this was about for Reginald, bringing them back."[/i] As the Orb of light descended and the wind kicked up around them, Dex again listened in to the words of Conquest. Dex shuddered at the thought of facing the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: [i]"How would it even be possible to defeat them"[/i] Dex thought to himself. [i]This is what I cam here for though, to show myself and prove myself. I won't back down now![/i] Dex turned to the rest of the group. "I'm in" he said, as he waited for the rest of the group to respond.
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"Count me in to. As my monsters have told me, we were brought here by fate, and I really doubt I wanna go against her wishes. And besides, nothing evil can stop the power of the 4-D Space creatures, as they're the spirits of the most sincere and good people in the world. And there is no way I'm gonna let their lives and their spirits die out due to some guys who want to destroy the world." A grin spreads across his face, as the spirits of his deck let out in unison a loud "YEAH!" Their voice is loud enough that anyone who could hear Albel could hear them as well. "It seems my deck agrees with me."
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'Then take your cards, Duelists.' He handed Dexalas to Dex and Albelalos to Albel. 'Terry, you were the first of the new Chosen Order, thus your card will be the greatest of my Chosen Soldiers.' He gave Terry Terranaus. 'Thank you, Conquest.' I'll fight along you to end this catastrophy!' 'Very good.' replied Conquest. 'Jace, you have my Spirit. You are the Chosen One. Only you can win against a Hoursmen, so long as you use this card!' Conquest said to Jace. He then waited for the rest of the people to collect their Chosen Card.
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