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Ben 10: Another Story [Started/Accepting]

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Wait... we're in tennessee? I didn't know that... cool.

Anywho, I was thinking. Right now, it's just Luke and Alexo. What if they used the fusion function in their next battle???

Yay! Screechodactyl! Alexojet!

Also, a main villian should follow Alexo and Luke. All we're doing is fighting bugs.
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[quote name='Sarcapius' timestamp='1307723311' post='5271883']
Also, a main villian should follow Alexo and Luke. All we're doing is fighting bugs.

Maybe there already is...secretly

@Miki: should we wait for Techi or? I really don't care as I can wait
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Kazuya hadn't seen his mom for a year and broke contact with them there while scared of what happened, hence why he moved to america instead of staying in Japan (note he ran away after turning into the mummy creature leaving his family there and he hasn't contacted them since or I'd of wrote in bio) so therefore even if you were at Kazuya's House you'd have quite a bit of trouble finding a number...
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I'm here...

I asked Miki a second question, She didn't respond so I think Either there was a mix up with her reading my comment or she may have been fed up with my delay.

Since I'm awefully lazy, but seriously hate letting people down...

Can I get quick over-view of what you people want me to post? I have no idea what is going on...Well, After Kaden runs into the fight...
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surely, friend. Basically Miki's chara and ANBU's chara defeated whatever bad guy they were fighting and then they had to take the plumber they were with to the plumbers hospital and secret base; where they met up with my chara, Silvek and then we all teleported through the darkness I made to come back to your chara and now miki's chara is greeting you friendly and Silvek has made a full body appearance for you finally =3

on a different note: I have a second character who's one of the eight omnitrix wielders but he es ebil >=D
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[quote name='Qu@ke' timestamp='1307855015' post='5276614']
"Well that's all well in good, introductions are just fine." The shadowy figure of a man said, his face completely covered by a mask that seemed to be made of pure shadow energy; the only thing visible was his blood red eyes dully shining through. "I think we should probably be off to find the other wielders, don't you agree?" Silvek said and than looked at Kaden, who was giving a confused look. "Don't give me that look, boy. We've met before, my voice doesn't seem familiar at all to you." He said, and than looked at the group he had around him.
"Silvek said and than looked at Kaden, who was giving a confused look."

LAwl bro, Just to be an Ass, I COULD say thats meta-gaming/using my chracter XD

But meh... I'm too bored...
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[quote name='ekikin' timestamp='1307845638' post='5276262']
Sitting around thinking when to-- Wait, there's only nine kids right now? I reserve the tenth! (Being well...not an Omnitrix wielder...)

Sorry, its already reserved. Don't know when Swifty will post his apps. Possible that all his aliens are custom.
If he says he quits, you get the position.
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[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1307861955' post='5276788']
Sorry, its already reserved. Don't know when Swifty will post his apps. Possible that all his aliens are custom.
If he says he quits, you get the position.

I got my app up the same day you announced a spot and 8 out of 10 of my aliens were custom....
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Sorry for double posting, but my app is updated. New powers are listed to make Umbra look more BA, and my tenth alien, Venom, has been added... with everything except an appearance. I'm having trouble thinking one up, but I'm willing to take ideas.
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[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1307966666' post='5279971']
GAIZ!!!! POST!!!!

Hmmm Venom's appearance...

He could resemble a Black Widow Spider, similiar to how Roach resembles a Roach.
If you need anything from Kaden, do not be afraid to Pm me, however. This week is finals and 1-2 posts this week is all I'll be able to pull. Specifics as in details and prefference for these posts would be very appreciated in the pm as well.

Techi love u long time, -I'm out(Like, Heading to next class, Not out of the rp or anything like that... Just logging off...)
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[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1307966666' post='5279971']
GAIZ!!!! POST!!!!

Hmmm Venom's appearance...

He could resemble a Black Widow Spider, similiar to how Roach resembles a Roach.
I will post, just as soon as my conversation gets carried on.

In other news... wow. How did I overlook an arachnoid appearance? Thanks for that--I'll be updating my app in a sec.
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