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The Story of +Whambulance: An Intro

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[spoiler=Prelude]A Prelude

I discovered a way to make Low-Quality fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards without download. It was here. I made many awfully OP'd cards to show to my friends, using Pikachu, Stewie Griffin, Mario, and the Shoop da Whoop guy. Impressed, they asked for the website. They did not become members, and at the time I was not a member. Then, I saw the Forum tab. I read threads with cool cards that looked real. I viewed threads on Pokemon, my favorite shows, and some important news with witty commentary. Using a Facebook account, I registered for Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker with high hopes.


[spoiler=Some Guy in a Whambulance Aug. 25, 2010-Jan. 15, 2011]Some Guy in a Whambulance

Prior to joining, I saw many members complaining about newbies who didn't follow primary rules. I looked in the thread where Help could be found, and skimmed through the list. Basic things; don't swear, no double posting, statuses could only be one per day. I get it, I get it. I began gathering pictures for my first set; Ed, Edd, n' Eddy. Maybe I should have payed closer attention instead of flying through the Questions/Help thread, because I was left high and dry when it was time to post the cards. Without bothering to search my inquiry, I posted an assistance thread, to which disgruntled members immediately accommodated me (formerly Lieutenant Renji, poopybuttoxes) After learning this invaluable advice, I posted these cards, which received mixed praise. poopybuttoxes claimed these were "awesome for a new member", and many commented that my OCG was horrible. I took this in stride, which led me to create my next set, the Looney Tunes set. This got mixed praise as well, but it was getting better. OCG was still the main problem, so I took it to Google and learned a bit more about it. While keeping the guide in another tab, I went to work on the Red vs. Blue deck. An improvement, yes. I realized I really never used the Realistic Card thread. So, I jumped ships and created the New Tide set. This went over better than expected, but I quickly realized how overpowered these cards were. I created singles out the wazoo, and lost contests. On January 16th, I arrived at my SGIAW hiatus, and started again.


[spoiler=MegaTrafficCone Jan. 15, 2011- Apr. 23, 2011]MegaTrafficCone

Just my Youtube name. I attempted to re-establish myself as a member by being more active on the boards, the status bar, and the forum. Single cards were the result. However, I *think* I built up a positive reputation.


[spoiler=+Whambulance Apr. 23, 2011- ] +Whambulance

Paying homage to my former Username, I posted in threads galore. I have no legacy for this incarnation yet.


As for my information...

Likes: Forums, Video Games, good books, Fire, mainstream, 80's cartoons, 90's cartoons, comics, rock music, pianos, orchestrals, Soundwave the Decepticon, Xbox360, and paperplanes.

Dislikes: Trolls, Bees, Twilight, pop music, rap (modern), Water, hipsters, the "FIGHT ME!!!" response, Final Fantasy jokes (I don't get it...), getting yelled at, Synchro Summons (Really, what is this?), and karate.


Things I Support: Xbox360 in the "PS3 v. Xbox360" Debate, Left in "Left v. Right" Debate, Halo in "Halo Series v. Call of Duty" Debate, Ninjas in "Pirates v. Ninjas" Debate.


So, that's me. Stay Classy, YCM.

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Sorry, meester:


Only newly-registered members may post introductions. These are people that have recently gained membership in this site within the past three months. Therefore, a person that has been on this site for more than three months, is not considered a newly-registered member.

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