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[Suggestion] Allow users to Embed Videos from other Sites


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Just to clarify, I really appriciate being able to Link Youtube Videos but I was wondering if it would be possible to Embed Video from other Video Sharing Services.


The Link above is an example of a IP Board Code addition for Megavideo. It should be easy to set up other Sites as well. To put it bluntly, Youtube Video Sucks :P Being able to stream from oher sites would be a great addition. Also you can limit the Sites so no Porn lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Meh, YouTube isn't having that much of a problem, it's just that a lot of claims are being made even if they're baseless upon the terms of "fair use." I'd like to see video imbedding on YCM, but there'd be little point for it since it's an image based site and the only reason to imbedd video is for reasons other than what's related to the site. It would also be much harder to screen and potentially much more dangerous due to potential copyright threats from companies and the fact that someone could randomly post something that's against the rules.
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