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Art Breakdown: Mystic Necronomancer


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[left]Weeks ago, n8thegr8 asked me to create a card image.[/left][left]He requested for a fusion of a Spellcaster and "Time Wizard"[/left][left]It took me probably a week (a lot of procrastinations have been made) but I managed though.[/left][left]
[/left][left]Here's a breakdown of the card image I made.[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/2jchajb.png[/IMG][/left][left]Draft. Still in its Skeletal phase. I'm planning to make it look similar to Akakieisu...[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/o0pk4z.png[/IMG][/left][left]Still in its Skeletal phase although much more cluttered. Structure is (sort of) improving.[/left][left]Added a staff, arm and stomach belts...[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/20r1teu.png[/IMG][/left][left]Base Line art is finished! Took out the robe, staff, arm and stomach belts. [/left][left]Added more "Time Seals". Now on to the next phase.[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/20zxq2t.jpg[/IMG][/left][left]COLORING YAY! Draft Color scheme, too Jinzo-y because I planned to give it Shiny Sleeves.[/left][left]Gave it the "Magician's circle" in the huge gear. Looks kinda awkward actually[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/or2ecp.png[/IMG][/left][left]Took out a lot and added a lot as well. Gave it a steel color scheme. Looks like an Ancient Gear?[/left][left]Hell yes. (I sort of intended it during pre-planning) Gave it Time Wizard's Staff, warped eyes, oh and look ma, no arms! [/left][left]Changed time arms and removed broken looking gear as well. Took out the "Time Seal" papers and just[/left][left]stuck with one (just like the original) as well as its mouth, and if you noticed, I took out the gears and still maintained[/left][left]the huge gear but made it hollow.[/left][left]
[/left][left][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/25smxvt.png[/IMG][/left][left]Added a Cool Background and there you have it! =D[/left][left]
[/left][left]Finished product as seen here: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/246080-accursed-destruction/page__p__5135464#entry5135464"]http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/246080-accursed-destruction/page__p__5135464#entry5135464[/url][/left][left]
[/left][left]Also here is an example of a Booster Pack I made:[/left][left][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/2cg0860.png[/IMG][/left][left]
[/left][left]That's all for now =D[/left][left]
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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1306328052' post='5230747']
Very, very nice. Personally, I think you could've done more with the body(?) but it turned out well.

Hope to see a lot more from you in this section. ;D

Hehe, thanks and yes, there will be more! =D

[quote name='NightWalker' timestamp='1306362173' post='5231802']
Oh god...


I can only imagine the art you have the potential to produce....

Tag? You mean sigs? I'll see what I can do ;)

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I am personally not a future graphic artist, but I am not sure I like it, I love ur process and the inbtween steps but there is just something about the final picture where is doesn't seem like the lighting isn't right or something... its coming from all over the place
Also the styles of coloring you used are all different, which I personally don't like... looking at the hand, the face and the shoulder thing, they all seem different
and you can barely see the body with the background you picked
also, what ever it is you did on the hands you should use the same style on the rest of the body... IMO

If you are going to use the effects and pattern that you did on the braclet/gauntlet behind the hand may i suggest that you continue to use that else where in the picture, i very much like the red glow and the pattern of the gear and think it would help if you carried that through to a few other places

I am not saying the picture is bad, by no means is it, not at all, infacts its rather amazing... but there are a few things that could be changed to make it look that much more pro

[color="#FFFFFF"]I hope I am not seen as a fool for all of my comments
and I hope they somehow manage to help you become even better[/color]
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