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Pokemon: The Novus Region


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I have a ton of pokemon I've been drawing for my fakemon region so I decided to get some help from YCM. Also This Region can have AS MANY FAKEMON AS POSSIBLE. I am saying this because I have created over 150 pokemon already. I will try to get it up soon.
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Have Fun!
You know what to do people![/spoiler]
[spoiler=When make a pokemon sprite 1 rule...]
Do not use parts of already existing pokemon[/spoiler]
[spoiler=What to Do/Talk about]
Pokemon. Create pokemon, items etc..[/spoiler]
Favorite Pokemon:
Favorite Pokemon Generation:
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club:
What Do You Like About Pokemon:
How Much Do You Like Pokemon[/spoiler]
[spoiler=My Application]
Username: Machoke
Favorite Pokemon: Machoke
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Kanto
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: I'm A leader. What do you expect?
What Do You Like About Pokemon: Everything
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: Nothing could compare.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=How to rank up]
Get Promotion Points[/spoiler]
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/250506-the-arenos-region-acceptingstartedic/page__p__5227165#entry5227165"]The Arenos Region[/url][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Great Designer][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Good Designer][/spoiler]
Nightwing the Dark Falcon
Ty the Mightyena
SF-A2 Miki
Alex C. Exodia

[spoiler=Novus Region][spoiler=Pokemon][spoiler=Egrow][img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8871/egrowsprite.png[/img]
Thanks to yugiohbakuganpokemon for the image. (I made the pokemon)
(thanks to Ty the mightyena for the sprite)
Species: The Egg Pokemon
Type: Grass
Pokedex Entry: To hide itself, EGROW disguises itself as an egg.[/spoiler]

Species: The Nymph Pokemon
Type: Grass-Bug
Pokedex Entry: Usually, A NYMPHY does not leave its mother until it is time to evolve.[/spoiler]

Species: The Spiny Leaf insect pokemon
Type: Grass-Bug(female)/Bug-Flying(Male)
Entry: When Female and Male STILLEAF mate, the female will almost instantly produce EGROW.
Gender differences:
Males: Males are smaller and Have Wings
Females: Females are bigger but don’t have wings.[/spoiler]
[img]http://i56.tinypic.com/23vj7k5.jpg[/img]pokemon, yugiohbakuganpokemon made the color pic.
(Once again, i made the
Species: The Fire Rabbit Pokemon
Type: Fire
Pokedex Entry: Though BOXONG have gloves on the end of their paws like boxers do, It is not considered the fighting type.[/spoiler]
Species: The Boxer Pig Pokemon
Type: Fire-Fighting
Pokedex Entry: Ironically, BOXOG is the largest in weight and height of its Pre-evolution and evolution[/spoiler]
Species: The Healing Boxer Pokemon
Type: Fire-Fighting
Pokedex Entry: It is thought that Because of BOXOG's large mass, LOBOX would be a bigger than it is today.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=squog (By Ty the Mightyena)][img]http://i54.tinypic.com/1z6bbds.png[/img]
Species: The puppy pokemon
Type: Normal
Pokedex Entry: N/A[/spoiler]
Species: The Friendly Piranha Pokemon
Type: Water
Pokedex Entry: Even though it can be as aggressive as its evolution, it is called the friendly piranha pokemon.[/spoiler]
Species: The aggressive piranha pokemon
Type: Water
Pokedex Entry: Its reputation is actually worse than PURRIHA because it can be as aggressive as HANDIHA but is still friendly.
Species: The Shark Pokemon
Type: Water-Dark
Pokedex Entry: SHARPERO are sometimes called shadow sharks because they sneak up on their unsuspecting victims, and then eat them whole.
[spoiler=Wolvtillion(By YugiohBakuganPokemon)][img]http://i51.tinypic.com/2jfdnab.jpg[/img]
Species: The Wolf Pokemon
Type: Normal
Pokedex Entry:WOLVTILLION are you found in large packs in forests. These Pokemon are very vicious and may attack all at once without reason.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hall of Fame]
yugiohbakuganpokemon-Being our first member
Nightwing the Dark Falcon- Made up the region name.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=How to get promotion points]
Do something for the club. If there is something I want done that i can't do myself it'll be in the spoiler below
[spoiler=What can I do to get promotion points?]Make a club Banner and make it link to this club. Reward: 5 promotion points
Sprite a Hand-drawn pokemon: 2 Promotion points
Make a color picture of a hand-drawn pokemon: 1 promotion point [/spoiler]
[spoiler=what are promotion points?]
Promotion points are points so when you get a certain amount of points you rank up.
10 points to go to Good Designer
50 to go to great designer
100 to go to Co-Leader[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Who Has promotion points?]
Ty the mightyena=4[/spoiler]
24/05/11:First Pokemon, Egrow, is added!
25/05/11:Egrow's evolutions, nymphy and stilleaf, are added!
25/05/11: The fire starters, Boxong, boxog and lobox are added!
25/05/11:Girafsprig, the pre-evo of girafarig, made by Nightwing the Dark Falcon, is added![/spoiler]
Have fun!
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[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]Username: Nightwing the Dark Falcon
Favorite Pokemon: Hard to say... Castform
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Gen V
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: A lot most likely
What Do You Like About Pokemon: Everything
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: A LOT! [/size][/font]
[font="tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]
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k both excepted. YBP(Yugiohbakuganpokemon) you can be in the hall of fame for being our first member.
Nightwing, that sounds pretty good. So your also in hall of fame for thinking up our region name. I don't know much latin btw.
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Username: Ty the Mightyena
Favorite Pokemon: Mightyena
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Hoenn/Unova
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: I'll try to help as much as possible
What Do You Like About Pokemon: Wi-Fi stuff, and the Pokemon themselves
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: 10/10
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[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]Username: Pokefanatic
Favorite Pokemon: bulbasuar
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Unova
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: alot
What Do You Like About Pokemon: look at my name
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: looks at my name[/size][/font]
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Username: V4.
Favorite Pokemon: Mew
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Generation I
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: A Whole Hell A lot about Kanto Region
What Do You Like About Pokemon: The ability of like animal creatures but with differnt elements to work with them
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: First generation Five Stars Others- 3 Stars
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Username: SF-A2 Miki (Formerly Jolta)
Favorite Pokemon: Jolteon
Favorite Pokemon Generation: Generation V
How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: Make a lot of Fakemon, I have gazillions of crazy ideas.
What Do You Like About Pokemon: The simple concept of the main series, and a lil' side game.
How Much Do You Like Pokemon: Its my life.
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Hey Machoke, want me to make the first Fakemon? I'm good with fictional creatures.

Magnet Pokemon
Voltugan are very timid and tend to hide in their shells. Their origins are unknown
Length: 0.2m
Weight: 20 k.g.

Ability: Defeatist

Well, its basically a Turtle that has electrical powers.
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Little Flame Beast Pokemon
Flameventa are very playful Pokemon. However, they are very strong too. The fire on its tail burns at 9500 degrees Fahrenheit when it's mad.
Length: 1.7 in
Weight: 34 lbs
Ability: Blaze
Pic: [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/nzn09y.jpg[/IMG]
Can this be the Fire starter? I'll make the evos later.

EDIT: Here's an Egrow pic I just made:
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No. I Already Got a Fire starter I worked 3 days on to get the first evo looking right. I also did the water starter but I have trouble naming them. I'll put them up soon. But Do you know how to sprite from scratch? Because I would REALLY like a region of fakemon that doesn't look like other pokemon =P Sorry.
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Username: Alex C. Exodia

Favorite Pokemon: Absol

Favorite Pokemon Generation: Johto(The Original)

How Much Do You Think You Will Help This Club: Pretty Good. I'm 12, been playing since 3.

What Do You Like About Pokemon: The old Pokemon Crystal, and the Graphics of Unova.

How Much Do You Like Pokemon: 8/10
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