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Dynasty Warriors - A Land Divided [LOCK]


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Kazuya walked through the main building calmly as he sent an elite to tell them to leave now, the elite most likely having arrived shortly after the man. Kazuya continuing through to what appeared to be a war room two elites standing inside, "round up the training squad, tell them we leave for tactical pattern A within `10 minutes" he then said as the two disappeared from the room behind him while he walked to large circular globe with a flat top made for planning strategy placing the town layout of buildings which he knew about on the board before placing red pieces to symbolize his 'invading' troops.

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"well, prepare. we leave in 10 minutes. this task should be easy for you. is there any who still doubt?", he said, watching everybody grabbing smoke bombs and small daggers. "well, that was a quick preparation. i must leave for the war room to discuss our strategy; but for now, prepare and train for another 5 minutes.", he said, walking towards the war room. "well, Kazuya? do you have any idea what tactic you are going to use?"

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"which tactic?.. well there are many.. surrounding smoking you out and taking out while trying to get out of city, infiltrate and take you out compromising your group, luring men out and taking them out till there is an easily overpowered amount, Hit & Run.. and then there's the fact of me being in my assault group allowing us to switch mid-assault and make defending preparation for one almost useless for another.. why don't you see if you can beat the strategy set out on the board.." he then said walking out of the room slowly to arm himself with smoke bombs and other such ninja tools.

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"well, i had another idea. my soldiers were also trained to disguise themselves as an enemy if it was required. where did you let them go? we need them. when they are there, they can sabotage the enemies armor and weapons. i believe this is the Greek 'Trojan Horse' strategy? it was very famous among my researchers. then after that, we can launch a full-frontal assault, thus effectively taking them out without being compromised. what do you think?", he said to the last 2 people in the room: another tactician and an elite guard.

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"but you are defending the city not attacking.. and Kazuya knows how everyone in his group acts exactly it would be tricky for most of us to sneak into his group.." the tactician replied as he moved over closer to the board to study where Kazuya's 'invading' forces had been placed earlier. "hm.. strategy A.. he must really want to show you how he can conquer your group.. if you have guards at the right spots though you may be able to stop him from switching tactics and destroying you from the inside.." he continued stepping back slightly, "the buildings will allows surprise attacks, while the alleys in between will cause them to move in smaller numbers when they enter.." he then said trying to help with the strategy.

Kazuya stood outside with his group of men seemingly just waiting for time to pass, "Strategy A.. if he manages to block it we'll switch to the versatility tactic of ours.." he then said quietly.

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"are there any other strategies?", he said, looking out of the door and seeing Kazuya halfway down the stairs. "because he might've been listening to that. he'll beat us with it. i'm going to improvise", he said, signalling to a mysterious object he pulled out of his pocket. "this orb is the embodiment of fire; Zhuge Liang gave this to me personally. i will burn them out!", he said, putting it back in his pocket before anyone else could say anything.

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"but that would also burn you an your men out of the city you are defending no? after all if you aren't at your village when it starts your a sitting duck.. and even then.." the tactician then whispered quickly before turning seeing Kazuya. Kazuya looked over at the tactician and the others in the war room as he reached the bottom of the stairs, well If you want to reach the city before this starts you should start moving within the next minute, after all I don't want you in between the city and this castle or it would be far too easy.." he said standing still calmly.

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"fine, i'll go. i'm going to improvise my strategy. Don't follow me, Kazuya.", he said, walking out of the door. "we're going!", he called to the soldiers, almost immediately following him out of the castle. "set up traps outside the position i give you", he said, pointing to a place Kazuya would come through sooner or later. "set up an ambush twenty feet away from the trap. i brought juggernauts as a present from Zhuge Liang.", he said.

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Kazuya walked through his castle to his troops who were waiting in full gear, "hm.. lets go easy to start.. Strategy A form Alpha.. he then said as they followed him out into the main hallway to wait for the time to start the battle, the minutes passing quickly as they waited before they time came Kazuya walking outside and throwing 5 small ball objects into the air each bursting within 3 seconds and sending up a large smoke signal to represent the battles start. The troops followed Kazuya as they moved towards the city Kazuya stopping while just in view of the edge of the city sending a single elite troop to go check if they have any defenses set up the man running quickly from the group.

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"i see one coming. hide yourselves!", he called out as he drew out a blade-bow. "i'll take care of this." he missed twice, getting angrier, he shot the elite in the leg, putting him on the floor. "better not go to look. might be a trap.", he called out to his troops, getting anxious, knowing Kazuya was extremely fast and talented. "we better move. prepare the move to another position!", he said, checking for any more troops. "can anyone hand me a decent blade? Kazuya has my family heirloom.", he said, being immediately handed a longsword.

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Kazuya watched as the man was hit in the leg with an arrow having already started moving seeing two hit the ground nearby the elite he sent his men scattering slightly, "cut off any escape.." he then said as he moved throwing a bomb into the air and covering his eyes as it hit the ground producing a burst of smoke most likely covering him from the view of any that were looking in Kazuya's direction for a few seconds which he made use of to move around to a position where he wouldn't be seen unless there were people watching from the windows of the building hiding him from view of those inside the city. "[i]hm.. they missed twice so that narrows down who it was to a choice of roughly half the people inside the town that may have had the bow.. hm.. if they don't have the buildings covered[/i]" he thought throwing a kunai with a letter strapped to it in a couple of seconds back to one of his men who seemed to be the second in command spreading the new order of 'enter through the buildings after surrounding' to each of the men who were close enough who continued to pass the command throughout the other..

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drawing his blade quietly, he noticed an elite entering the building. he also saw a back exit that the elite wasn't guarding. he threw his fire orb on the floor and stood on it. the building caught fire, and by that time he was already out of it. "[i]the warrior better have died in the wrath of my last orb...[/i]", he thought, watching two elites start running towards the building. picking up a rusted blade from the floor, he waited. and waited. suddenly, an elite flew through the door, covered in fire. "[i]this was the elite that was meant to be dead![/i]", he thought, running up to the guard and somehow managing to lodge the rusted, but sharp blade in the elites arm, he noticed something. the elite was begging for [i]mercy[/i]. "i am not a very violent person. i will spare your life in exchange for my position being kept a secret. it could mean something bad if you do not uphold your part of the deal.", he said, helping him up. "run away, while your honor is still intact!"

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ooc: Spare his life? orders by Kazuya were it was a non-lethal combat/war exercise.. and Kazuya would obviously notice the flaming building so telling the guard not to reveal the position?.. (even if it was far away from Kazuya's entry zone the smoke would be a dead giveaway)

Kazuya moved through the building quickly disarming and knocking down any of the trainees who ran at him, most realizing to stay down would be a good thing at least until Kazuya had moved further as Kazuya noticed fire erupt on a building nearby shooting out of the door and throwing down his remaining smoke bombs covering roughly the entire block in smoke the center of the smoke being in front of the smoking building as the two elites made to kick at the enemy tactician's legs under the cover of smoke whilst the burning elite ran through the smoke exiting nearby as Kazuya entered, running towards a nearby source of water as Kazuya shot through the smoke his expression one of anger taking down any and all trainees inside the smoke on his way towards the burning building moving forwards at the same speed even when taking down the trainees most not knowing who it was or where the one that hit them was due to the smoke covering the area blocking most from normal sight the burning building however shining slightly the light from the fire showing the center of the smoke.

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"blast! Kazuya!", he shouted, running towards the nearest building and grabbing his bow. concentrating so much, he forgot to fire and ending up surrounded, he dropped his bow on the floor. "is this over yet?", he said, noticing an unusual statue behind him. glancing at it, he saw an orb in its chest. "[i]is this a monument to Bia Xie? a bit too small to fend all of them off, but it'll have to do.[/i]", he thought, making a break for the statue, drawing his blade quickly before anyone hit him. starting to block, he was knocked off his feet by a very strong elite.

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Kazuya moved through the smoke quickly arriving at the building and entering his armor protecting him from the flames as he saw the man knocked over by one of his elites. "Tactician compromised, Game over" he said as he threw a kunai hitting the floorboards just beside the mans head. "everyone back to base.. try to wake the trainees.." he said as he continued to walk looking down at his new tactician lifting him up by his shirt so that he could move from the building and get out as Kazuya walked over towards the statue looking at the orb.

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"you know what that is? or have you had this in your training village all the time and haven't known what it is?", he questioned. "this is a life orb. it is a very rare type of orb, imported straight from a small settlement outside of Luo Yang. crush it, and think about what you wish to bring to life.", he said. walking back over to the castle, he said, "i think my doings were a bit rash. it's what happens when i get a little carried away. i apologize for injuring your troops."

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"hm.. I knew it was an orb but the power to bring anything to life? such power surely does not exist so easy to hold does it?" he asked as he removed the orb from the statue. Kazuya then walked out with ther two elites after the man the elites each holding dark blue orbs being those with power of water manipulating the power to a level equal to roughly 1/3 of it's normal strength without breaking it, continuing using the powers until the fire was at a easily handled level before following Kazuya and their new strategist/tactician who was appologising for injuring his troops, those injured being lifted and carried back by others most of which were unharmed. "Not only did you get carried away but a simp0lew smoke trick not only led to inability for you to do anything again st my own advance it even confused you enough that you dashed into a building that was alight, did you even realize it was on fire before you got back into it?" he then asked his quietly.

ooc: couldn't tink how to reply.. Dx managed to now

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"the village has since been destroyed. this is why it is so rare. even a statue would be brought to life. it was a very expensive item to purchase. may i show you where it stood?", he said, looking around for a map. "do you have one?", he questioned. looking around, he saw his path of destruction. "i guess that was kinda stupid...", taking time to think, he remembered. [i]even a touch of this would bring something to life...what if it was more than a touch? the object in question would become uncontrollable![/i], he thought.

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