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We Are Heroes | A New Superpower RP | (Not Started/No Longer Accepting/Accepting Reserves for Future Parts)

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Name: Jack Fright
Age: 16
Gender: M
Bio: Jack was parentless when he grew up but he is extremely rich. The one who adopt him is a multi-billionaire. When his fake parents died, he discovered about a strange lab full of discoveries of the powers of the Jack-o-Lantern. He then saw a full tuxedo attire that is being covered in a green aura. He decide to wear it and have the ability to raise the dead. But since they are only Zombie-like when they become alive again. He cannot see his true parents. He decided to use his powers for good and stopped lots of robberies and such with the power of the dead. while hiding as the so-called, "The Jack-O-Lantern".
Personality: He always watches the children in the streets playing. He is good at Chess. He also like the game of Chess. He likes ice cream and Halloween as well. He likes to give candies to children during Halloween.
Appearance: He has White Hair, slightly tanned. He is also 112 lbs. And he is 5'8 tall. He wears a black tuxedo, black jeans and uses a pumpkin mask and also a white scarf. when in his superhero duties. But he commonly wears a black sweather and common jeans and a nice pair of shoes when he is in his home.
Superpower: Has the ability to raise an army of the dead (10-20 dead zombie guys)
Title: The Jack-O-Lantern
Weapons: Nothing. No weapons. but carries a short staff (like of a magician)
1 Belief: "Do not do unto others what others want them to do unto to you." (I think its Confucius... Only hear it from my mom and some book)
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[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][/font][spoiler=Nine Asfel] [font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Name:[/b] [i]Nine Asfel[/i]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Age:[/b] [i]18[/i]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Gender: [/b][i]Male[/i]
[b]Bio: [/b][color=#1C2837][i][font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Nine claimed to have cut all ties to his life in C.R.I.M.S.O.N., believing that they were the cause of his weakness. Nine seemed unwilling to needlessly kill in his quest for power. He possessed incredible self-control of his emotions, constantly displaying an emotionless personality. He only showed surprise when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he didn't lose his composure. He did not possess any arrogance, and fully justified any statements he made about his power, even complimenting his opponents at times on their abilities. In addition to being an extremely powerful human, Nine had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also displayed great intuition, as he was almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realized the truth. Despite his status as a "weak experiment" in C.R.I.M.S.O.N., Nine took little enjoyment in violence and/or combat. [/font][font="Arial"]P[/font][/i][/color][size=2][i][font="Arial"]eople praise and respect his outstanding swordsmanship. However, that doesn't seem to interest him at all. [/font][/i][/size]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][color="#1c2837"][i]
[color="#1c2837"][b]Personality: [/b][color=#000000][size=2][font="Arial"][i]He prefers to live freely, without being bounded by rules or obligations. H[/i][/font][/size][/color][color=#000000][size=2][font="Arial"][i][size=2][size=2]e [/size][/size][size=2][size=2]usually speaks sarcastically and without regard for the feelings of the people around him.[/size][/size][size=2][size=2] He is free-spirited and remains calm [/size][/size][size=2][size=2]despite the attention he receives for being a Blade.[/size][/size][/i][/font][/size][/color]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][/font]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-09/ge-male-fighter.html"][i]Nine Asfel[/i][/url]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][/font][spoiler=[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Superpower:[/b][/font]] [b][size=2][font="Tahoma"][u][size=2]Enhanced Speed[/size][/u][/font][/size][/b]
[b][b][size=2][font="Tahoma"][size=3][i]Thinking processes, hand movements, eye motion, and reaction times are faster. [/i][/size][/font][/size][/b][/b][size=2][i][font="Tahoma"]The power to reach extraordinary physical speed without exhaustion or overheating due to friction. S[/font][/i][/size][size=2][i][font="Tahoma"]hort bursts of speed allowing the user to move faster than the eye can track, making it appear as if they have teleporte[/font][font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]d[/font][font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]. Being [/font][/i][/size][font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][i][font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif]able to cover great distances in short time, performing short dashes of speed faster than the normal human brain could process.[/font][/i][/font][/spoiler]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b][color=#3A3A3A][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][/size][/font][/color][/b][/font]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Title:[/b] [i]Velocity[/i]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][/font][spoiler=[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][b]Weapons:][/b][/font]
[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/039/a/2/Dual_Swords_by_Mereador.jpg][b][u]Dual Swords[/u][/b][/url][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][i][size=2]Possess a high attacking speed. [/size][/i][size=2][i]Dual Swords are most notable for their "chain-attack" method of dealing large amounts of damage over time[/i].[/size][/font][/spoiler]

[b]1 Belief:[/b] [i]"Fear what you don't know..." -Nine Asfel[/i][/spoiler]


[font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][/font]
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@Black: may both myn be villain? (1 for current sga then 2nd one in next saga (editing post with apps now)

[spoiler=Kazuya (Ninja)]Name: Kazuya Himori
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: Kazuya was born in a family of ninja's who had moved into the USA living in a large city having brought a two story house, the bottom half being converted into a training area while the top floor was their living compartment. As Kazuya grew he learned ninjutsu even learning the Kuji-Kiri hand symbols which he used to represent the type of fighting he had done whilst fighting/training. When Kazuya reached 16 his powers had started to show making the Hand Symbol Rin his strength had increased, enough that his swing against the metal pole he was training on both sliced it in half and broke the sword. Trying the other symbols he found no effect until he used retsu two small holes appearing and when he placed his hand in one it came out the other, trying Zai he had created a very small amount of water and to complete it he tried Zen surrounded by glowing yellow light which in two minutes of training faded and left his severely weaker and exhausted. Kazuya has since moved away from his parent having specially made weapons made with obsidian to use in any fights he may have, trusting almost no-one due to their complete difference from himself and the attitude of most normal people to him.
Personality: Kazuya is often quiet, not trusting most people around him as he moves watching those others around him carefully. Hard for him to trust anyone properly he often tries to figure out whether or not he can trust someone this often leading to a battle of some sort due to how he goes about this. When in battle Kazuya usually sticks to the shadows, hiding and moving fast though at the same time attacking physically to subdue his opponent hand to hand.
Appearance: [url="http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/132/d/f/Urban_Ninja_by_Black1360.png"]Pic[/url]
Kuji-Kiri Energy Manipulation:
- Rin: By performing the Hand Symbol representing Rin (Power) Kazuya can increase his Physical Strength Twofold
- Pyo: By performing the Hand Symbol representing Pyo (Energy) Kazuya can redirect energy aimed at him [attacks of pure energy, light attacks, electric attacks]
- To: by performing the Hand Symbol representing To (Harmony) Kazuya can calm the emotions of those close enough (within 1 to 2m) this can disrupt melee fighting or even trick others into believing that their friends are attacking Kazuya who seems to them innocent
- Sha: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Sha (Healing) Kazuya can increase his healing rate so that minor cuts and bruises heal within minutes and non-lethal damage heals within an hour without leaving any mark
- Kai: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Kai (Intuition) Kazuya can see seconds into the future able to see possible attacks and block them before they arrive
- Jin: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Jin (Awareness) Kazuya's Thought process is increased and sped up making it seem as though the world is moving slightly slower increasing his awreness of everything around him his sight though being faster than his body flawing this ability
- Retsu: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Retsu (Dimension) Kazuya can open small (roughly a quarter of human size) Holes into a pocket Dimension allowing him to attack through these holes against something up to 6m away with his hand through these holes
- Zai: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Zai (Creation) Kazuya can Create Natural objects nearby or manipulate currently existing elements [trees/plants, Water, Rock/earth]
- Zen: by performing the Hand Symbol representing Zen (Absolute) Kazuya can Power his body up beyond normal limits, surrounded by a yellow glow as his speed, strength, awareness, perception, And ability with his Other abilities is increased in strength twofold (fourfold for his Zai ability) for 2 minutes however after those 2 minutes pass he becomes incredibly weak often needing to rest, becoming extremely vulnerable with his physical strength and speed severely reduced for the next hour.
Title: "True Ninja"
1 A Pure Black Kusarigama, chain is made from gold and is longer than a normal kusarigama chain, blade made from obsidian
2 Multiple Shuriken Made with Obsidian (Pure black)
1 Belief: “Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small.” Ruth Gendler
Age: 16
Gender: male
Bio: (minimum 4 lines, outline your life in the last 15-20 years)
Personality: (No cool, calm and collected)
Appearance: (Pic or description)
Title: (EG: Name "the ..... ")
Weapons: (Max 3, description, appearance)
1 Belief: (A moral you live by)
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Both need to limit your powers, Nash you have 3 completly different ones, you can only have 1. ANBU if ud like your guys to be villains then you'll have to pm me, because they have to meet a certain criteria, so ull have to edit them according to my direction in terms of appearance and power (although you can choose has to fall in the category I mention.) Hard to explain just pm me.

also no problem DK, Nash I could probaly include you very soon provided you edit your app a bit.

Angrybird, not enough detail in appearance or personality.

I know the time where I can add you'se 2 just edit your apps some
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Nah it's fine, hope I answered your questions enough, Also ANBU, that is a nice ability, just make sure for now he only knows 3-4 of them, thta way as he gets stronger he learns new ones, so yea just ensure that and do a bio, (can be a small one I guess) and then I'll let you know when to enter, wont be long at all ctually 1 event happens then ull be in.

Also if youd like to see what "Samus" looks like Theres a small pic on the first page, to give you a rough idea.
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with ur power of raising the dead at the start make the types of zombies clear, like can u list the type u can ressurect? Also fix the personality, "He is good" ? Whats his personality, redo the personality how he is in front of people, is he loud is he quiet why he acts the way he does how he feels towards what, stuff like that. Then accepted
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k angrybird the personality is dreadful however, i liiek the idea of the pumpkin mask so for that innovative idea accepted and ill pm u when to enter,

Vaulk does have a superpower, a strong one, cant really say what it is yet though, if you know say it in the RP.
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