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A Work in Progress

Boss Z

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[center]Okay, so this amazing girl... who I've Like for maybe 19 or so months... it was like the October of the Last School Year that I first saw her ^_^
Her birthday is in September next year and well I've been slipping from her and her sister (who is/was like my best friend)
They're non-identical Twins

I'm trying to focus all of my mediocre artistic talent in creating a few drawings of them and turning them into posters for their birthday(s)
I've got several months but I have to get back in their lives before the end of the School year and then work hard over the summer...

But this is where I am going to be posting all the updates of my progress here
And there will be a lot... because after everyday of working on the Drawings I'm scanning them to my computer so that if I mess up I can have some place to go back to without having to start all over again
Wanna comment on my progress?
I haven't started on actually drawing the girl into the picture yet...

[spoiler= Of My Love][spoiler= First Picture]This is the first angle... and the first picture
[spoiler= Step 1][IMG]http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k587/JJVH_Z/1stPic1.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler= Coloring Practice][IMG]http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k587/JJVH_Z/1stPic2.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler= Second Picture]This angle is basically just top down...
[spoiler= Step 1][IMG]http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k587/JJVH_Z/2ndPic1.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

[spoiler= Of Her Twin]

I'm also gonna need some help, I'll need someone to colorize the pictures when I am all done...[/center]

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I am really only good @ coloring with Pencils... so this looks a little sad, buts its much cooler in reality
(The pic was taken with my phone)
It is just a practice for the coloring of the Final Version...

[spoiler= Coloring Practice]
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I am gioing step by step... I am just really scared of screwing the pic up so these are like check points to go from if I mess up
I haven't drawn the girl in the chair yet <_<
I'm not the best with drawing people and I am having a problem getting started with drawing her

The coloring really doesn't show up well?
damn... stupid scanner for only scanning half of the freaking picture and making me use my phone

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Yes, I am going to draw the girl In the Chair, its not a joke, lol
Its going to be Cool if I can actually do it...

I did shade in pencil (?)
Or do you mean like graphite? Not colored pencil?
The Thickness of my lines? Where do they differ?

I'm gonna go over it in Sharpy Pen before teh final copy
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Good, 'Cause I need infinite amounts of it for my uphill battle

I am still to nervous to go further... though i have an idea on how to draw it from a friend
I'm just practicing my drawing skills in general first

I have 2 pokemon drawings I wanna post soon, if my scannar is wroking again
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