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Assembling the Cards of Armageddon [LOCK]

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[quote name='Grandt' timestamp='1306855579' post='5244209']
Sorry for not posting in a while. I've been absorbed into Portal 2 all weekend. On top of all of the end-of-school year stuff, I haven't found much time for this. I'll try to fit a post in later today.

Ugh! I absolutely detest portal 2! I don't know how people can like it so much. I'll give it that it's better than the average puzzler but still!

Also, as not to seem off topic, I will be posting soonish =P
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@Qu@ke: And what, pray tell, is so bad about Portal 2? It's fun, it's immersive, it's challenging, it's well-made, and all of the characters except Chell are hilarious to watch and listen to. There are reasons I've been playing it so much and neglecting to post here.
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@Grandt: He can have an opinion, you know. Even if you disagree..

Aaaand I recycle a character from an RP that never got off the ground. After doing some edits to fit the setting, of course.

Username: Unownguy
RP Name: Gabriel Tekka
Age: 20
Bio: Born to a richer family, Gabe had a lot of things going his way - he always got the new cards, went to the prestigious schools, and his parents did their best to try to set him up for a life a lot like theirs. Unfortunately, he was never a very social kid, so their life seemed terrible to him. When he could, he set out to college, trying to get a degree working with computers. His parents are... not quite supportive of his choice, so he is on his own when it comes to funding. He is a good duelist, thankfully, good enough to secure tournament prizes as a regular salary, while still leaving time for his courses so he can have a much more stable and less luck-based job later in his life.
Personality: He is quiet, smart, and analytic, but has a very snarky sense of humor. He's not as trusting of strangers as he'd like to think, but is a very solid acquaintance once you get to know him. He's very protective of his friends and family, as well. Hates riding on Duel Runners.
Attraction: N/A
Appearance: Has long black hair tied in a ponytail. His face is sharp with brown eyes. He wears a black-and-white jacket over a dark blue t-shirt and jeans, and black-and-white sneakers. Has a white belt with a deck 'pocket'.
Career: Computer Science major, Duelist
Deck: Machine Aggro
Ace Card(s): There's one more, but it's a custom card that still needs a pic. [spoiler=Machina Fortress][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100723081849/yugioh/images/thumb/b/b9/MachinaFortressSDMM-EN-UR-1E.jpg/300px-MachinaFortressSDMM-EN-UR-1E.jpg[/img]
Lore: You can discard Machine-Type monster(s) whose total Levels equal 8 or more to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, select and destroy 1 card your opponent controls. When this face-up card you control is targeted by an opponent's Effect Monster's effect, look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 card from their hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chimeratech Fortress Dragon][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090814024536/yugioh/images/thumb/0/0c/ChimeratechFortressDragonJUMP-EN-UR-LE.png/300px-ChimeratechFortressDragonJUMP-EN-UR-LE.png[/img]
Lore: "Cyber Dragon" + 1 or more Machine-Type monsters.
This monster cannot be used as a Fusion Material Monster. You can only Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from either side of the field to the Graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization".) The original ATK of this card is equal to 1000 x the number of Fusion Material Monsters used to Special Summon it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chimeratech Overdragon][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080607024332/yugioh/images/thumb/2/25/ChimeratechOverdragonGLD1-EN-GUR-LE.png/300px-ChimeratechOverdragonGLD1-EN-GUR-LE.png[/img]
Lore: "Cyber Dragon" + 1 or more Machine-Type monsters
This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card is Fusion Summoned, send all other cards you control to the Graveyard. The original ATK and DEF of this card are each 800 x the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon. Each turn, this card can attack as many of your opponent's monsters as the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon.[/spoiler]
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I think I'll join, note I'll PM you the cards tommorow as I want to get to sleep....

Username: sonicblade95
RP Name: Albel Smith
Age: 21
Bio [At least four FULL lines]: Albel was born into a family of Turbo Duelists who were said to have never have lost a duel in disgrace, only honor. When Albel was only 6, tragedy struck as both his parents were killed in an accident during a Turbo Duel. Albel, now orphaned, was thrown into an orphanage where the other orphans taught him how to duel. At first, he was shaky, hardly being anything that could be seen as winning material. But over time, his mind matured, and he had memorized nearly every combo his deck could produce and strategies to counter his opponents. As such, by age 18 he had graduated college with a degree in programing, which he used to hone his mind to help him duel better. However, fate had a cruel way of working with Albel, as during a local street duel a fire broke out, burning Albel's left arm severly and plunged him into a coma for 6 months. Upon awaking to find himself in the hospital, he found himself roomed with a frail old man who was dying before his eyes. The old man asked Albel if he could help him with one final task before he left this world, and Albel accepted. Working day and night he helped the man write out his will, as none of his family had dared to come see him in his condition. Upon completing the old man's dying request, the old man handed Albel his deck saying, "You've shown me there are others who are worthy of eternal life, hold onto these, as they contain the dreams and memories of many before me." Within the hour, the man was dead, and Albel was left with a new deck. Since that day, he has seen the spirits of these cards, who constantly try to help him achieve the true goal of what the cards meant. He was invited to the tournament for unknown reasons, as he was never in any championship bouts.
Personality [Cannot be repeated from Bio, must be at least 2 FULL lines:]Intelligent, always uses logic in his statements, naturally a loner, feels constantly mocked by his opponents lower intelligence, master strategist, can read anyone like a book, very sarcastic, very sadistic, at times actually enjoys others pain.
Attraction [Optional, but lets try and have a bit of romance]: Ironically enough, some of his card spirits are in love with him.....
Apperance [Pics or description allowed]: Black Hair with Yellow tints throughout, Left arm is covered in a special gauntlet to help keep his burned skin protected, wears special metal boots designed to keep him physically active, otherwise he'd look like any other average guy
Career [Pro-Duelist, Student, Teacher, whatever. This will help narrow down your age] : Computer Programming
Deck [MAX 2, no Exodia or instant wins excluding Final Countdown, If Custom, PM cards or if you have them on a post give in the links]: 4-D Space Power
Ace Card(s) [MAX 5, Images are mandatory]:
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I just wanna take a moment to say excellent post Time Psyduck, the one where you saw Jace and Mia in your mind, fantastic! Your really helping me develop her my character the way I won't her to be seen, excellent role playing!
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[quote name='Qu@ke' timestamp='1306960832' post='5247116']
I just wanna take a moment to say excellent post Time Psyduck, the one where you saw Jace and Mia in your mind, fantastic! Your really helping me develop her my character the way I won't her to be seen, excellent role playing!

Thank you. I think that's the first time anyone's complemented my RP-ing (as opposed to just not saying I suck and should get out of their RP).

Anyway, in light of recent announcements, Sam's deck's aces have changed: [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gurensaurus"]Gurensaurus[/url], aka Grenosaurus, has been replaced by [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Evolkaiser_Ragia"]Evolkaiser Ragia[/url].
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[quote name='Time Psyduck' timestamp='1306965749' post='5247346']
Thank you. I think that's the first time anyone's complemented my RP-ing (as opposed to just not saying I suck and should get out of their RP).

Anyway, in light of recent announcements, Sam's deck's aces have changed: [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gurensaurus"]Gurensaurus[/url], aka Grenosaurus, has been replaced by [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Evolkaiser_Ragia"]Evolkaiser Ragia[/url].

Im with Quake on this too Time. This is true rp, where you can just put yourself into a character and have it come so naturally and helping others develop theirs.
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Sorry if I'm a bit late with this application.

Username: Blake Mas
RP Name: Dex Arderson
Age: 17
Bio: Dex always looked up to his older brother Luke, always promising to follow in his foot-steps as a rising star, a duelist with potential. Dex had been looked after by Luke for his entire life, his parents too busy with work to be able to care for him properly, and so it was up to Luke to make sure Dex was looked after Dex. This was the case for the first 15 years of his life, his parents scarcely seen while he followed Luke around, always on the sidelines as Luke tried to make a name for himself as a professional duelist. This changed however after Luke hit the big time, he became famous and had little time for Dex, who found himself now isolated having relied on his brother to look out for him in the last few years of his life. And so now Dex tries to prove himself. So far, Dex has proved a capable duelist rising through the minor leagues, leading to an invitation to the manor, where Dex hopes he can finally make it to where his brother is, ending his isolation.
Personality: At times, Dex can seem like he’s in control, keeping his cool when things go his way. However, this can drastically change as he becomes desperate when things swing the other way. He often feels he’s extremely isolated, and this can even lead to him not trusting other people. However, when he allows people to get to know him, he can be friendly and trusting.
Appearance: Dex is often seen wearing a casual suit, smart trousers and a shirt with a dark green tie and a black waistcoat on as well. Dex has green eyes and long hair, which nearly droops over his eyes.
Career : Aspiring duelist (semi-pro)
Deck: Gusto
Ace Card(s): Daigusto Sphreeze, Daigusto Dragos, Daigusto Ultros (last two are customer cards which have been PM'ed to host)
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People, Sam just went back into cross-dressing mode. Her hair is probably about the quarter of the length it was, and she dressed in men's clothing. She looks very androgynous, and she shouldn't be identified easily (after all, how many people do you know who cut off most of their hair in a few minutes? She shouldn't really be identified as female without someone at least taking a second glance.
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