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Kingdom Hearts, Return of the Organization ( Accepting via OOC )

Envoy of Twilight

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[spoiler=OOC Thread]http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/249572-kingdom-hearts-return-of-the-organization/[/spoiler]

[i]Uzubrame wandered through the black and white world known as the "Timeless River". As he walked, he looked at the strange people of the world. "[b]I'm curious, are there any worthy opponents in this boring place[/b]", he said expressionless. His hood covered his face, which had already formed into a cynical smirk. He flicked his hand, and with that, summoned some Shadow Heartless. He flicked his other hand, except this time, a large, black figure rose in the distance. A Darkside Heartless. "Time to see what this puny little world is made of", he said softly. He began to walk away before he turned to the Shadows. "[b]Find a wielder. Bring the blade. No matter what[/b]".[/i]
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Kumo wondered through the second district of Traverse Town. A heavy rain pelted him and the buldings, soaking his cloths. He looked up to see the grey clouds in the eternal night sky, just than a band of Shadows and Neo Shadowns surrounded him. "Looks like I got you weaklings to work with, this will be very quick" said Kumo who than moved his hand up words in the air as a flash of light followed by his blade he called liked to call Silent Storm.

"Bring it on!" he said, than like they had been commanded too they rushed at Kumo. He easily sliced through the first shadow, than he destroyed 3 neo shadows with a couple of swift thrusts of his sword. "THUNDER!!!". 4 bolts of lightning appeared from the gloomy sky and destroyed the remaining shadows. "Wish these heartless would put up more of a fight." Just than a giant shadow engulfed Kumo, he quickly turned around to see a Darkside looking down at him.
"Guess I shouldn't have spoken so soon..!" he said as he dodged the huge hand of the Darkside, Kumo jumped up on the arm of the gargantuan heartless and ran up it. He than jumped off the arm and bashed his sword into the Darksides head causing it to stumble back in a daze.

"Damn, you must be the leader of this brigade"
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Riku lay still and motionless. He was inside a large gummi ship with King Mickey. Riku could barly keep his yees opened, his chest was covered in blood his hands trembled with pain. Mickey noticed Riku awake and sighed a sigh of relief. [color="#0000FF"]"M...Mickey...what...happened." [/color]Riku questioned as he slowly attempted to sit up from the bed he lay on. Riku gripped his gut in pain, he grinded his teeth and breathed deeply in an attempt to regain his cool. [color="#FF0000"]"You were out for a while Riku, and with no surprise you took quite a beating!" [/color]mickey stated. [color="#FF0000"]"Try to remain still, we're on our way to Traverse Town, it's safer."[/color] Riku lay back down and gazed at the ceiling with his half opened eyes. [color="#0000FF"]"Mickey." [/color]He began. [color="#0000FF"]"That man...was h-?" [/color][color="#FF0000"]"Yes"[/color] Mickey confirmed cutting off Riku. [color="#0000FF"]"I thought...so, but how?"[/color] [color="#FF0000"]"I'll explain it to you later Riku, we're almost at traverse Town, try to rest until then."[/color]. Riku slowly closed hhis eyes but continued to think of the man in the black robe, Riku had no idea what happened after he plunged off the spire, for now he needed to focus on resting.
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