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LOCK!!! DK vs Queen of Thorns! Queen of Thorns wins!!! ;D [DK - 1; QoT - 3]

Dwarven King

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Written Cards - Not accepted
Votes - Not acceptable unless a reason is included
Previously posted cards - Not acceptable
Deadline - One week after challenger's card is posted. Whoever has the most votes wins. In the case of a tie, first person to get a vote wins.

Loser gives the winner +1 Rep and 100 points.

Create a card that supports the following.

[spoiler=Support this][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/3/39/SlotMachineDB1-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

The entries are as follows:


LORE: When you have a card on the field with "Slot Machine" as it's name, you may activate this spell card. Once per turn, you may look at the top card of your opponent's deck, then put it back. If it's a monster card, send one monster on your side of the field and on your opponent's side of the field to the graveyard. If it's a spell card, destroy all spells and traps on your opponent's side of the field. If it's a trap card, destroy all spells and traps on your side of the field including this one.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Queen of Thorns][img]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/2835/146154.jpg[/img]

LORE: You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Slot Machine" from your Hand or Deck. If you Tributed this card this way the Special Summoned monster gains 1000 ATK until the end of the turn.[/spoiler]


DK - 1

Queen of Thorns - 3

Please vote![/center]
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I vote for DK, his card seem more playable in any machine decks that features Slot Machine while Queen card special summon Slot Machine, no one wants to tribute a 1700 Atk point monster just to summon a monster with 2000 atk and its only 3000 for that one turn. (IMO)
[spoiler=Rating][spoiler=DK Rating]9.5/10-OCG
5/5- Picture
5/5-Name Support Picture and Vice Versa
9.7/10[/spoiler][spoiler=Queen of Thorns Rating]9.5/10-OCG
4.5/5- Picture
5/5-Name Support Picture and Vice Versa
Can you vote in The contest i Started:
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[color=blue]Slot Results:[/color]
-OCG correction attempt:
[b]Once per turn, if you control a "Slot Machine", you can reveal the top card of your opponent's Deck. Monster Card: Send 1 monster on each side of the field to the Graveyard. Spell Card: Destroy all Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls. Trap Card: Destroy all Spell/Trap Cards you control.[/b]
Original version had many extra words that could get avoided (for example: it is a given that if all your S/T will be destroyed, of course this card will too). I don't like effects that rely on luck or effects that rely on your opponent's cards, but seems to go with the theme and card's effects are not bad at all. 1 good effect, 1 bad effect, and 1 effect that hurts both. Too bad monster needed is so weak and heavy for it. Fun how Stardust Dragon cannot negate because it's luck-based (according to the rules).
-Image-wise is not appealing.

[color=blue]Magic Dealer "07":[/color]
I liked this card very much to say the least.
Combo: Summoner Monk discards to get this from the Deck > you have now a 3000 ATK monster for 1 turn.
-OCG correction attempt:
You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Slot Machine" from your [b]h[/b]and or Deck. If you [b]do,[/b] the Special Summoned monster gains 1000 ATK until the [b]E[/b]nd [b]Phase[/b].
I agree that ATK boost for 1 turn only is not enough though.
-Image-wise I like it but it looks a little squished.

Each card helps "Slot Machine" in a way the other card doesn't so, its a hard decision.
hmmm... I'll vote for second card ultimately. It gives speed to a possible Deck and seems consistent enough.

[size=3]Vote for: ~[b]Magic Dealer "07"[/b]~[/size]
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