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YCM Club War - Force of Absolution [OOC]

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Oh yeah it wont start for a bit.

Also while I'm here I have a question. I saw that it has forms in the app, and heard elsewhere you can have 3 forms, but is that total or what?


Because I can think of my original form plus two others . . . just would need to think of a 3rd and final one if thats true.

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If this rp dies Powerforce wins by default.


Simply because our side actually has accepted people, until jake, clair or striker post their app the treehouse has a force of 0.


So yes, Striker if you don't move we win, and you will have to accept that you lost.

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I don't mean to post without an app but...



The plot seems biased towards the AP


Mind changing it?


Might join

This is late but still about the plot.


Your wrong.


Because see thing is, this is based on ACTUAL EVENTS, this is not some mythical fairy tale of how great ap is.


AP was a club, Striker got banned from it, he declared war, that's pretty much the entiriry of the rl background story.


I atleast made the 'banned him' a different persona. This is actually LENIENT to the treehouse.


If it sounds biased... well nothing I can do about that, I didn't even join the status where war was declared.

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I was just saying that it glorified the AP and made a fool out of Striker.


At least make it seem like a two sided rp


If Striker (or anyone) GM's then they get banned from the war


...That's exactly what Striker did to himself though.


That plot is pretty much exactly what happened, no reason to change it. :/

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I was just saying that it glorified the AP and made a fool out of Striker.


At least make it seem like a two sided rp


If Striker (or anyone) GM's then they get banned from the war

Unfortunatly Striker made himself into a fool.


I just wrote it down.


Maybe AP was overly glorified but Striker's side is exactly as it should be.


Hell I used his most famous cop-out to make it atleast seem like there was uncertainty on which side was in the right this war.


...That's exactly what Striker did to himself though.


That plot is pretty much exactly what happened, no reason to change it. :/

Pretty much, the only difference is that in this story striker is somehow able to make space trees.

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App has been edited. I now have a main form, and a much more in depth history. There is also a limit on how long he can stay in each form and a cooldown period before he can go into one of his already used transformations again.

The app is still the same.


I checked.


Your a liar.

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[spoiler=What you have been waiting for...]

Name: Mr. Striker

Nickname/Title: Strikey, Strike, Mr. S, Striker

Appearance: He has hazelnut-colored eyes. His hair changes color depending on the mood he is in. Red for angry, blue for calm, blond for happy, and black for scared. He has an average build for someone with the height of 6 feet. His weight, which is at 220 lbs, allows him to easily tackle people without much effort. He has a scar on his face from the first YCM Club War.

Bio: Striker joined early May of 2009. People thought that he would be the next rising star, and the one that would end the tyrannical rule of the biggest clubs around. He shot up through the ranks and gained many allies. That all changed in early March of 2010 when a hate thread washed that all away. During the first YCM War, he was captured by RP.820, but he somehow escaped unharmed. That gave rise to War Torn, his primary alter-ego. He was left helpless for a good part of that year, until the RP War. He managed to gain temporary control and used that window of opportunity to locate the Stone of Okandia, which allowed him to get rid of War Torn. It was also during the RP War that Striker found his dragon Omnus, which has brightly colored scales to resemble the elements. After the RP War, Striker was forced to rebuild the damage War Torn caused, but it was too much. Near the end of it, he had an argument with a great pal, Dane, which separated the duo. That lead him to being banned from Absolute Powerforce and being shot to the moon. He built his army and arranged his heavy artillery carefully on the moon hoping to find an opening. With a small army and a lot of artillery to back him up, Striker declared war on May 8, 2011, which two days before Striker’s 2nd anniversary on YCM.

Weapons: MK-45 Machine Gun- The standard weapon of choice for a General. It is an automatic gun which gives Striker the ability to spray bullets at his opponent. It hold 40 bullets per magazine. Striker carries 10 magazines with him.

Sword of Lightning- A magical sword that Striker found while exploring the original Treehouse. The sword allows Striker to call down lightning on his opponent for 30 seconds.

Giant Laser- His main long range weapon. It is a satellite orbiting the Earth that can be activated by Striker pushing a button on his shirt sleeve. It cannot target an individual since it is programed to target and destroy buildings.

Abilities: [spoiler=Evasive]Mist Transformation: This ability allows Striker to transform into mist to lower the amount of damage he would have received from his opponents Limit Break; however, if he thinks about the attack within 15 minutes, the full effect of the attack would start to show.


[spoiler=Defensive]Lightning Dash: A precursor to the Flashstep. This ability allows Striker to dodge his opponent’s attacks or to escape; however, it leaves a trail of blue light that is visible to his enemies.

Light Shield: This ability allows Striker to create a dome of light ranging from a self containing barrier to a battle zone block off.


[spoiler=Offensive]Earthquake Punch: By punching the ground under him, Striker is able to send a 5.0 earthquake towards his opponent. It has a range of 15 ft.

Hailstorm Barrage: This ability allows Striker to manipulate the clouds in the sky in order to drop giant sized hail on his opponent for two posts.

Light Rays: This ability allows Striker to shoot rays of light out of his hand. This is not to be confused with Light Orbs.

Light Orbs: This ability allows Striker to create orbs of light so he can throw them at his opponent.

Fists of Lightning: This ability covers Striker’s hands with a faint, white layer. It gives Striker an added kick if he has to fight with his fists. If he punches someone in the right spot, he could knock his opponent out.

Flame Spread: This ability allows Striker to surround his opponent in a circle of flames. The heat of the flames slowly weakens his opponent, but it is weakened by a simple shower of water.


Faction: The Treehouse of Fun

Limit Break: Tornado Fury- This ability allows Striker to form a tornado out of the sky allowing him to transport his opponent away from him.

Forms: (If any) The Form(s) you can morph into. Give the following:

[spoiler=Spoiler]Name: Sokani

Appearance: The majority of the features from Striker’s normal self apply to this form. The only difference is that Sokani glows a bit to show the power that he has.

Original Appearance: Made him up :D

Bio: Sokani was born just in the last two months. This was part due to the help of Daemon. This training took place in Striker’s own void, where Daemon easily took over. It was an incantation, that Daemon taught him, that allowed Striker to unlock the power of Sokani.

Weapons: Same as Striker’s normal form.

Abilities: Same as Striker’s normal form except they are 50% stronger.

Duration: This form can last for 10 of Striker’s posts, or when Striker uses his FES ability. Whichever comes first.

Drawbacks: After 12 posts or when Sokani uses his FES, he is reverted back into Striker with a power decrease of 25% for 5 of his posts. If Sokani reverts back to Striker before the 12 post limit and hasn’t used FES, he suffers no decrease in his powers. No matter what he does, Striker cannot any form for 6 posts after this form is used.

Limit Break: Final Elemental Strike (FES). This attack is the strongest out of Sokani Striker. It allows Striker to create a giant wave of chaos that travels at hurricane speeds followed by a 5.0 earthquake. The attack can cause serious damage to his opponent, but it has a radius of 25 feet.


[spoiler=Spoiler]Name: Shikonami

Appearance: Shikonami’s eyes are a blend of the colors of the elements. His hair color is the same as his eyes. The main give away is that he illuminates from the power that is built up inside him.

Original Appearance: Just made him up.

Bio: During a crazy experiment, Striker and his dragon Omnus were merged when said experiment malfunctioned. This gave rise to Shikonami. His past in unknown, but it has been said that he was one of the last Elemental Warriors.

Weapons: Same as Striker’s normal form.

Abilities: All abilities are the same as Striker’s except the following:

Chaotic End: Allows Shikonami to repeatedly throw chaos orbs at his opponent for 30 seconds.

Duration: This form can last for 7 of Striker’s posts, or when Striker uses his Eclipsed Ruin LB. Whichever comes first. Shikonami can; however, revert back to Striker before the 7 posts are up with no drawbacks as long as he didn’t use his LB.

Drawbacks: After the form wears of, Omnus and Striker become separated. Their powers are weakened for 4 posts of Striker’s posts. No form can be used for 8 posts after this form is used.

Limit Break: Eclipsed Ruin. This allows Shikonami to completely eclipse the sun. This gives him the ability to use chaos waves the size of a tsunami for 1 post.




Ladies and gentlemen, class is in session.

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Funny, I was going under the assumption that Oleon4, also known as Trolleon, was to be depicted as the Glitch's right hand? I mean, he DID create a rival forum to YCM on HDForums, referred to in the second war as Heaven Desecrated. :/

The big reveal was going to be that Nexev was secretly Draco, sortof revived unconciously by Glitch.


That is why he had weird lust for the being.


...I should add that in the second app.

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