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So, this place has changed.

Chibi Metiyu~

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Hello. I don't know if anyone would remember me, but I fear I may have lost respect from some people here. I was here when the graphic design section was blasting with actually good designers, and when roleplaying had some real interest in it. Now, I see both sections have lost their old touch. I'd let people guess who I am, but I believe I've made it quite obvious to those who already know me. I am anomu13, San-Meti 13, Meti, Planet X, Careless Whisper....do I need to go on with all my old usernames? If the staff wishes to ban me for a multi, so be it. I just want to see just how much this place has changed.

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Hello. I don't know if anyone would remember me, but I fear I may have lost respect from some people here. I was here when the graphic design section was blasting with actually good designers, and when roleplaying had some real interest in it. Now, I see both sections have lost their old touch. I'd let people guess who I am, but I believe I've made it quite obvious to those who already know me. I am anomu13, San-Meti 13, Meti, Planet X, Careless Whisper....do I need to go on with all my old usernames? If the staff wishes to ban me for a multi, so be it. I just want to see just how much this place has changed.



Things get worse on any forum after some time, what I like to call the Dominoes effect of 1 Moron joins, tells his moron friend to join, he tells his moron friend to join...Repeat the cycle.

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Guest Daemon

Actually, I just checked it out and they seem to be a different style then what I have seen, so i have most likely never seen your work.

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welcome back man, probably dont know you cuz i dont come from way back, but hey things change

the older you get the more everyone else looks like a drooling idiot.

and yes haha there are a couple drooling idiots


but just ignore the stupid s***

watch out for the great potentials, have em work at it


forum will do fine

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