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Logo Request - Pay up to 1500 Points


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Umm...I have been coming up with ideas for my Book cover and stumbled across the LTR shop run by NW. I was wanting a logo similar to the shop log without the Pictures and different letters. Here is an example of it:


As you can see these are the Font/Style I want. (Hopefully someone knows how to make them or what they are) I would like the letters T L and F.

Down the side I would like the smaller writting, for the 'T' I would like the word 'The' down the side. (Without the ''s)
Down the side of the 'L' I would like the word 'Lost' (Without the ''s)
Down the side of the 'F' I would like the word 'Freedom' (Witout the ''s)

I would like similar colours to the one NW made and I do not want any pics to go with it. Just the Letters/Words.
I would also like the shadow behind.
Underneath I would like 'Benjamin Sargent' in the same text used to write Night Walker and Yin. Like this:


I will pay up to 1500 points and a few reps.

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A logo has no BG, you're product has one.

Bassa, because you are considered to be somewhat of a friend I'll do this for you.
Only problem is I reinstalled my entire hard drive, i'm starting from scratch.
But I have a way of getting back that font, bear with me.
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That is pretty cool mate. I would have used it if NW hadn't of offered.

1500 points for such an insane pice of Artwork.

And thanks NW for having a go. I feel a bit faint, being considered a friend by one of the greats... ;)

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