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[REQ] Avatar/Tag [REQ]


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Okay, first up, the Avatar: (Thanks Yin for the Renders)

Size: Obvious 100x100
Render: http://imageshack.us/m/16/9421/raptor2.png
Color: I want it to be black, but I want it to be a sort-of fog effect. I want there to be some kind of dark red lightning effect in there. Kinda small and subtle dark red streaks in it.
Text: No Face
Text Color: I want it to be a faded white
Anything else: I would like the text to be in the lower right-hand corner. I kinda want the text to be covered just a tiny bit by the black fog.


Size: Around 400x120
Render [A little rough]: http://imageshack.us/m/24/8452/raptor1j.png
Color: I want it to be black, but I want it to be a sort-of fog effect. I want there to be some kind of dark red lightning effect in there. Kinda small and subtle dark red streaks in it.
Text: No Face
Text Color: I want it to be a faded white
Anything else: I would like the text to be in the lower right-hand corner. I kinda want the text to be covered just a tiny bit by the black fog.

Thank you guys for trying. I kinda want a high-quality set here. But I will pay you well for it...Want some gold? *evil laugh*
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