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Kingdom Hearts, Return of the Organization

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*Stares at Frybread*
You don't want to keep snickering.
You want to give me all your points.
*Waves hand at you*

OT: My apps are in:
Name: Rafael
Age: 19
Personality: Rafael
Bio: Rafael is a freelance hunter/assassin, who targets Nobodies. He lived by this way of life for the spanish of his 19 years. At a young age, he lived alone, within Hollow Bastian/Radiant Garden. He had secluded himself from any human contact, and as such, barely knew what happened on the outer world. At the age of 14, he ventured outside to practice; the first time he had ever seen daylight. He was blinded, and ambushed by both Heartless and Nobodies in his state of shock. It was at this point that he gained his "abilities", and was thrown into an Antiform-like state. He went out of control, and secluded himself within an even deeper darkness, almost to the point of complete isolation. This lasted for a year, before he regained control of his body. He retained his Antiform state, but was able to revert to his old appearance. By this point in his life, he had made the decision to eliminate those that had attacked him. His Antiform-like instincts prevented him from destroying Heartless.
Keyblade Description: A blade crafted to appear as a thunderbolt. It constantly crackles with electricity, the handle being formed by that electricity. The blade itself is almost perfectly straight, while the hooked end is curved.
Abilities: All Thunder-based spells. All Thunder-based attacks. Some Dark-based attacks.
Other: He will not attack a Heartless.

Rank: VII
Name: Farxale
Age: N/A
Personality: Farxale is gruff, and treats most things with little-to-no respect.
Bio: Farxale existed from the moment that Rafael was imbued with the power of Heartless. He came into the world atop the ruins of an old, destroyed world, which appeared to be ruled by a group of white creatures. Knowing nothing but battle, he fought. He continued fighting, eventually to be offered a position within Organization XIII, a group of which Farxale strangely knew about. Reluctantly, he joined, acting as a freelancer assassin for them.
Appearance: Currently N/A. Enshrouded by the darkness of his Organization XIII robes.
Race: Nobody
Weapon: Enduring Storm (Keyblade)
Abilities: Every Thunder-based spell. All attacks are Thunder-based.
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Just basically I'd be controlling 1) His Nobody, 2) Riku himself and 3) Possibly his heartless. I have this idea for a number of reasons, not just because "Riku is cool so I'm gonna put no thought into it and put him in there", no, what I'm thinking is that he can be a sub plot for my character "Riku", it shows that I have no interest in being the "Main" anything and it allows him to be kind of like a guide to other keybladers about the light and darkness. basically I want him to have a sub plot that doesn't interfere with the main plot, eg: "Sasuke's revenge on Itachi". And besides I already have thought of a backstory as to why his nobody exists. But If you'se don't think my intentions are right or if you'se would like me to get another idea I can.
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Yea that's true but I had an idea for it, basically his like a heartless for eg, because the darkness controlled his heart at a certain point he is like a living heartless as in the ageing does not affect him, however, as he did temporarily lose his heart he gave birth to his nobody whilst his heartless remains in his heart. His heartless gets released and controls him for small periods of time, he'll learn later to control this power.

But yea completly up to you Swift it's fine with me.
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Being App:

Name: Riku
Age: over 2000
Personality: Very mind set and focused, he has a thorough understanding of the light and the darkness, he still remains in between however.
Bio: (After the events of Kingdom Hearts) Riku constantly searches the worlds not only fighting the heartless and nobodies but finding himself, what his purpose is now, how to make "peace" and how to continue Sora's work. Upon identifying the activities of a specific world that was shrouded in darkness, Riku entered the world to find the source, to his surprise the world was black, covered with the heartless and nobodies, Riku fought bravly until he got to the source, the cnetr eof the world, a large spire like tower that was home to one. Upon reaching the top, Riku found himself in battle with a man wearing an Organization XIII cloak. Surprised by this Riku questioned the man, however they went unanswered as the two locked in combat. It was a short figt however with Riku being plunged off the enormouse spire and landing in ice cold water. Slowly descending to the water below Riku saw the end of his life, that was until a dark aura began flowing through his body his eyes turned into a dark black with a red pupil. His clothes also changed drastically as a black light released from his body and the water around him sending the water flying in the distance. Riku lay in his original form in a large hole where the water once was. It was at tis point Mickey arrived and took Riku away whilstthe man at the spire just watched.
Appearance: Same as usual but tends to wear an Organizatioin XIII cloak.
Keyblade Description: Black and blue, he has access to 2 when he enters his dark form.
Abilities: Dark sphere(A light shield reducing a bit of damage) , Dark aura (A Darkness energy ball gets unleasehed), Dark rush (Rushes with dark intent a faster slightly stronger type of strikes get unleashed) Dark slash (swing his keyblade in mid air releasing a dark slice of power)
Other: he often is with Mickey.

That's basically it can go into more detail if needed.
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