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Kingdom Hearts, Return of the Organization

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[spoiler=Plot]Thousands of years have passed since the defeat of Xhearnort and Xemnas. The worlds were seemingly at peace, and have been for some time now. At least, that is what it had seemed like. Nobody bothered, in all these years, to stop and think of why the Heartless and Nobodies suddenly stopped appearing. In truth, they had never stopped being created, for all this time, they have just been sent to another ( artificial ) world. The Heartless and Nobody were now under one command. Who, one might ask. Why, Organization XIII of course. Over time, the Organization had revived itself, this time, with new members. However, the original motives of the Organization have been changed, and not only nobodies can be members. Heartless have also been able to join the Organization now. The motives of the group now are very different; to find a way to bring about the "Unversed" and create an army of them, Heartless, and Nobodies to completely dominate every world that they come across in order to find something, anything, to fill the gap inside them ( at least, that is the Nobodies overall motive ). The Heartless members motives are, yes, to build an army that has Unversed within it, but to also just destroy as much as possible and become god-like beings through this destruction. Now more than ever, Keyblade wielders are needed. Luckily, the Organization was not the only group that was still going on for all these years. Another army has been raised, that of Keyblade wielders from all around. Perhaps they will be able to fight off and defeat this new threat; perhaps not. Only, as they say, time will tell.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules]1. No spamming, GOD NO SPAMMING. There will be no warnings, once, and you're out.
2. No godmodding. I mean, come on. Its pretty self-explanatory.
3. No short-posting. 2 warnings, 3rd time, you're gone.
4. Read the rules.
5. And, as corny as it sounds, try to have some fun, ok?[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Organization XIII App]
Race: ( Has to be Heartless or Nobody )

[spoiler=Keyblade Wielder App]
Keyblade Description:

[spoiler=Normal Heartless App]
Heartless Type:

[spoiler=Normal Nobody App]
Nobody Type:

[spoiler=Normal Unversed App]
Unversed Type:

[spoiler=My App]
Rank: I
Name: Uzubrame
Age: Unknown
Personality: Uzubrame is actually very social for a heartless. He talks with the other members frequently, and even laughs a few times, although the humor is not true. He tends to get very protective of Heartless as a whole, getting angered when he sees or hears one has died. In battle, he tends to be very sarcastic, but when angry, he stops talking altogether.
Bio: Uzubrame was born out of the darkness of a warrior hailing from a Kingdom somewhere far off in the world. This warriors name was Bushin Kakugun. Bushin had slowly been corrupted through every battle he went through, eventually turning into a mass murderer. Although he was a psycho killer, he respected opponents with honor. Bushin never had a childhood, as he was drafted into fighting with blades from the time he could walk. Due to this reason, his heartless, Uzubrame, has taken on an appearance exactly alike Bushin's when he was fifteen. The darkness within Bushin started with his childhood being ripped away from him, and ended when he was finally killed in battle by a Keyblade wielder. The death was accidental, for Bushin took a brave dive off a cliff, and although it looked like he was going to land safely, he landed straight through a Keyblade. The darkness within him was so great, that is managed to manifest into what is now Uzubrame. It was so powerful, in fact, that Uzubrame was able to form its own personality, something normal Heartless could not do. He also kept his mind, but not his memories. When he was growing up and fighting, he studied the Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed. Those memories, for some odd reason, have stayed though. That is why, after a while, Uzubrame found out about what had been Organization XIII was and what its motives where. He decided to use that as a way to fulfill the bloodthirsty desire within him. Over time, he has won over some comrades, valuable ones at that. He now is the leader of the Organization, ruling as what would seem a benevolent ruler.
Appearance: Uzubrame looks like a stocky, 5'11 teen with brown hair and brown eyes. His hair is fairly long, but not in the back, only in the front. His bangs cover his eyes almost all the time and he also wears his Organization XIII jacket everywhere, although, unlike the others, his has been modified in color to be red.
Race: Heartless
Weapon: Uzubrame uses no physical weapon, only his raw power and dark magic.
Abilities: Uzubrame has the ability to summon any Heartless at almost any given time, albeit he has the right amount of mana, etc.
Other: N/A[/spoiler]
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Hmmm...I will admit friend, I really think you should put more effort in the character applications. Like, only the Organization Nobodies and Keyblade Wielders have enough attention, while the rest of the apps don't have as much detail. If you want people to join, you really should put more care into the applications and attention to everything else.
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And if you're going to make a KH rp, atleast get the names right. Pretty much every KH fan knows that Ansem is the Blond Guy in red robes, AKA DiZ. The Heartless is Xehanort. *Sigh*.

Anyway, might aswell put an App up(You should too, Fry. You're very good with the KH stuff.)
[spoiler=Here ya go]Rank: N/A
Name: Akurix
[b]Original Name[/b]: Akira Mizuragi
Age: Uncountable
Original Age: 20
Personality: Later.
Bio: Later(For the Moment, was the leader of Org XIII while it was gaining power. Quit for mysterious Reason just before Uzubrame became leader, after starting to form Org XIII, 20 years before Uzubrame found out about Org XIII
Appearance: Later
Race: Nobody
Weapon: Two equal Length Katana's, one Muramasa Style, one Murasame Style, Each with Seperate Abilities.
Abilities: Will do Later. Control over Space.

Will finish later. At the moment, Imma rushing.
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[quote name='Magnet Soldier' timestamp='1305392106' post='5207913']
And if you're going to make a KH rp, atleast get the names right. Pretty much every KH fan knows that Ansem is the Blond Guy in red robes, AKA DiZ. The Heartless is Xehanort. *Sigh*.

Anyway, might aswell put an App up(You should too, Fry. You're very good with the KH stuff.)
[spoiler=Here ya go]Rank: N/A
Name: Akurix
[b]Original Name[/b]: Akira Mizuragi
Age: Uncountable
Original Age: 20
Personality: Later.
Bio: Later(For the Moment, was the leader of Org XIII while it was gaining power. Quit for mysterious Reason just before Uzubrame became leader, after starting to form Org XIII, 20 years before Uzubrame found out about Org XIII
Appearance: Later
Race: Nobody
Weapon: Two equal Length Katana's, one Muramasa Style, one Murasame Style, Each with Seperate Abilities.
Abilities: Will do Later. Control over Space.

Will finish later. At the moment, Imma rushing.

He was called Xehanort as a Heartless as well. During the actual battle at the end of the first game, though, he is called Ansem, I think. Later, though, that is fixed.

If I have a character, would I be allowed to have an intelligent heartless? You have, in the application for heartless, a part that asks what type of heartless I'd like to be, but none of the generic ones are what I want.
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A KH rp with a passable plot? COUNT ME IN!!!! After all I'm named after my favorite KH character.

Name:kumo(pronounced 'koo-mo')


Personality:Kumo is usually happy, in any situation and likes to keep things cooled down to avoid stress. He tries to be funny constantly(to no avail). He also is a bit of a ladies man, but usually gets rejected.

Bio:To be explained in the RP itself.

[spoiler=Appearance:][IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2emoq5w.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler] He stands at about 5'10 and weighs 165 pounds. He is tall and slander with a muscular build, and broad shoulders.

Keyblade Description:He gets his keyblade later on in the RP, for now he uses a long broad sword with a red hilt and a white blade.

Abilities:Magic:Thunder, Fire, Blizzard, Gravity, Cure. Dodge Roll, Glide, and Block.

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Sigh.....I'm pulling out already. [size="1"]Sorry, but after HVR's app, I feel as though this is going to be noob/Generic boring Rping, with people bringing in Riku's and Sora's and stuff, and everyone will weild a Keyblade. [/size] Sorry, but I just feel as though this will end up a low standard RP which will die early. Good bye.

I said he was called Xehanort, I didn't specify when. He was called Xehanort as a Heartless aswell, I know that.
And he was still called Xehanort, he just took the Identity of his Formor Master, Ansem the wise. Still named Xehanort.
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[quote name='Magnet Soldier' timestamp='1305464023' post='5209882']
Sigh.....I'm pulling out already. [size="1"]Sorry, but after HVR's app, I feel as though this is going to be noob/Generic boring Rping, with people bringing in Riku's and Sora's and stuff, and everyone will weild a Keyblade. [/size] Sorry, but I just feel as though this will end up a low standard RP which will die early. Good bye.

I said he was called Xehanort, I didn't specify when. He was called Xehanort as a Heartless aswell, I know that.
And he was still called Xehanort, he just took the Identity of his Formor Master, Ansem the wise. Still named Xehanort.

It feels like you're calling me an idiot, man.
That doesn't matter.

What I'm trying to tell you is that the game's walkthrough had him named as Ansem. It isn't actually Ansem, but if you look in that glossary whatever it was that had a description of every character and heartless, it would call him Ansem.

Anyways, Ansem didn't really look like Xehanort's heartless, either. Even Luxord pulled off a better job with that. Though I barely remember. The last time I played a Kingdom Hearts game was two years ago.
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Okay, also I have an idea for some of the worlds in the RP.

Destiny Islands(obviously)
Disney Castle(again obvious)
The World That Never Was(Headquerters of the Organazation XIII)
The Realm of Darkness
The Realm of Nothingness
Olympus Coliseum
Deep Jungle
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters( an x-men world, since disney now owns marvel comics)
Notre Dame(world based on the hunchback of notre dame)
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[quote name='Half Vamp Riku' timestamp='1305479257' post='5210397']
Okay, also I have an idea for some of the worlds in the RP.

[b]Destiny Islands(obviously)
Disney Castle(again obvious)
The World That Never Was(Headquerters of the Organazation XIII)
The Realm of Darkness
The Realm of Nothingness[/b] [b][u]This is what I mean by Generic.TWTNW was destroyed, and I reckon there should be a different world for Org. XIII[/u][/b]
Olympus Coliseum
Deep Jungle
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters( an x-men world, since disney now owns marvel comics)
Notre Dame(world based on the hunchback of notre dame)
And HVR, he said any worlds in the game are acceptable.

But I'll apologize about my previous statement. It was harsh, and my day was already being crap. But I'm still pulling out(It still seems Generic.)
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