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JoJo's Bizarres Adventure - The Celestial Games -

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[spoiler=Plot:]The time for the great event of the "Celestial Games" has come once again, 10 teams of Riple users and Stand User from all around the world together with the called invencible team of Atantida had all reunited for the games, from, Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Oceania, teams had gathered. It looked like another normal game year, but there was something wrong, they all not even knew, but a great manace was among them, the team of the young Vincent Johojo, know by his friends as Jojo

You are part of one of the teams, as a team on games you must compete on the games, but yet you still live your normal life, you will be staying in the country arena of Atlantida. But beware evil lurks where we last expect.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Free Time/Competitions:] In this world most of the free time adn sports competitions are the same as we have in our world, such as sports, like boxing, kendo, wrestiling, car races and stuff, but there are some special events called "Soul Racing", they are battles on circular arenas where the participants battle wach other while running on special designed 2 horses Chariots, each runner must have theyr own weapons on this fight, sometimes special weapons are given to them as a chalenge, on this special Races, the combatents must fight each other till one of them or feel uncounsious or to fall on the middle of the running arena, Stands and Riple/Ramon Powers are alowed on this sport, but not be fooled this is not a sport of strength only, it greatest saying is "Only a perfectly syncronized mind and body can surpass this overwhelming chalenge.". Once 7 years there is a internarional competion is held in the world's greatest arena, the man-made floating country of Atlantida, by beeing held on a sky country these games are called "The Celestial Games".[/spoiler]

[spoiler=[b]The Celestial Games Rules and Regulations:[/b]]
[b]• Each country can have up to 2 Teams;[/b]
[b]• Each team must have at least one member for each solo modality of the games;[/b]
[b]• There is a total of 5 solo games and 3 pair games and 2 full group games;[/b]
[b]• The use of Stands, Riple/Ramon abilities is allowed;[/b]
[b]• If a member of a team kills a member from an other team, the killer team team is judged by the Judges of that were present on that game;[/b]
[b]• If a member defies a judge he is subdued and is set to face a judgement of his actions, on this judgement there are the team leader, the Judge and withness, that re normaly the other team or his own team.[/b]
[b]• The Jugdes must always be fair in the judgements or when judging the games, if a jugde is picking on a team for no reason there is a council of judges that will measure the reasons adn doings of the judge, this council is named "Prosecutors"[/b]
[b]• If a Judge uses his power when they aren't judging a game or team members or other judges they are sent to the Prosecutors to take care of the case.[/b]
[b]• If a Judge or Prosecutor is beeing paid by a team or another judge to do something under the sheats, like disclacifing a team for nothing, both, the team or prosecutor and Judge or Prosecutor are sentenced to the will one that were prejudiced.[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler= About Stands:]
Stand is a semi-etheral bodyes(they can only be seen by others Stand user, or by use of special amchines developed by Atlantida's people, but can interact ith everything around them like a normal person,a re usualy confused as ghosts) of superatural power that can be used by any living beeing that can think by its own, such as humans, birds, dogs, etc. Stands are basicly the person's will's power fusioned with part of the person's inner self, giving it its abilityes. There are 3 natural ways of developing a Stand, by intense mental and physical training, been born with it, or if you live among stand users for a long period of time(like 3 to 7 years) you may develop a Stand because of the emaning power of the Stand Users. There is two unnatural way of getting a Stand, if you are hit by a "Stand Arrow", that is a arrow made from a special material only found in certain meteorites that rediate witht he same energy as a Stand the other if by fusioning part of a strange organism called *The Saint* that can get any form, depending on where it was fusioned, but as sson as the parts are removed from each other the stand disapear. The consequences for a Stand is that everything that happens to the stand also happens to you, if your Stand is beheaded or have broken bones you will have the same thing aswell. There are 3 types of Stand;
•Remote: This type of Stand can get as far as they want from theyr user, but it get weaker as it get away from it's user(Like Kakyoin's Hyerophant Green).
•Unremote: This type of Stand have incredible abilities but a limited range that can get away from it's user(Liek Jotaro's Star Platinum or Dio's The World or Joseph's Heremit Purple).
•Automatic: Automatic Stands are stands that act without the command of the will of theyr users, Remote and Unremote Stands can get to this point of beeing automatic if they are sync with theyr users anad act like the same body adn spirit.
There are some stands that are in midclass betewen Remote and Unremote Stands, this can get farther that Unremote Stands but not as far then Remote Stands. All kinds of Stands can get to a special form called Requiem, where they get fusioned with they user realeasing both true power.
WARNING: A person normaly have only one Stand, when a person happens to have a second Stand the person's life cile is hihly decreased and most of times the power is so overwhelming that the person end up dying by its own power and the Stands turn into pre energy.(In other words, no 2 Stands, unless I tell you that you can have such thing.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler= About Riple/Ramon Powers:]
The Riple/Ramon is an ancient techinique used to fight agaisnt the undead, it used the power of teh greatest sourse of life, The Sun, to unleash powerfull skills. The Riple is the energy that every single person resonate to live, people with the correct breathing training can manipualte that energy to do almost any kind of thing, theyr Life span is bigger that an avarage person, theyr wounds are quickly healed, and others stuff like that, Riple users can manipulate any organic things to turn into a weapon, like using spagethi stripes as razor sharp trowing neadles, or turn roses into super destructive missles, and they can manipulate those things previously used as weapons for a short period of time, normaly Riple users caries with them water bulbs, that as any liquid is a riple conductor and radar, inorganic weapons such as swords, scythes, can be used as riple conductor only when the weapon is completely made of the same material and is imbue with a special oil, Riple users can make theyr own fighting style when using and when not usign the riple power in full strenth, normaly they use both at the same time, Riple users can make ot theyr own Signature muves, that are moves completely created by them, like exploding soap bubles that burn and destroy its target if it touch it The overdrives are special techniques used normaly as a finisher, they are great amount of energy used in one single blow, are capable of destroying a whole building, the overdrives are a masive manipulation of energy at your will, depending on what kind of overdrive you use you can make up to diferent things, like generating fire from nowhere, or reviving a plant or healing wounds.[/spoiler]
[spoiler= About The Vampires:]
Regular classic vempires, but here they can surpass the sun weakness but at the sun they normaly get weaker, since they use a type of energy that is the opposite than the Riple, instead of creating and warming they destroy and can freeze almost anything only by touching it, beeign undead they not have to fear such things as a beahing or beeing cutted in half, they have only to worry if theyr head is crushed, if it is splited witha sword it will get back to normal by reconecting to his other half, weakness like holy water and puting a stake trough theyr heart, do not kill them only let them temporaly imobilizes them.[/spoiler]

1- All YCM rules apply;
2- No spamming or trolling;
3- No shortposting, no Godmod or powerplaying;
4- You can have up to 2 Characters(3 with my aproval only, doubts about it? PM about them)
5- You can only use other member character with the permission of its owner and BOTH of you MUST know and agree with what will happen with them(just fora a matter of security if you fell that it is a good diea on sending me a copy of the Pm about the characters feel free to do os, just put this Name on it: "JJBARP - Multiple member character using")
6- NPC use is restrained to the hosts, if you want/need to use them for some reason PM me about it, I will get a reply about it ASAP.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=App. Form:]
RP Name:
Race(Human or Vampire):
Stand or Riple User:
Family tree(opcional):
[spoiler=If Stand User:]
Stand Name:
Stand Type:
Stand Apearence:
Stand Powers:
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style:
Weapon of Choice:
Main Commom Techiniques:
Signature Move:
[spoiler=My/Main Character:]
Username: Gabriel Maeso
RP Name: Janus Johojo, aka Jojo.
Full Name: Janus Johojo Vouberg Jardi Kujo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple User
Apearece: Janus have dark ble almost purple eyes, a grayish hair that falls to the middle of his back, wears a sleaveless dark blue shirt, leather fingerless gloves, a silver and black belt falling a bit from his waist, another belt adjusted correctly to his waist, a pair of dark jeens and a pair of black letter boots,have a realy dark blue scarf around his neck that is big enough that cover part of his upper torso, his shoulders and his mouth sometimes.
Personality: Janus is a reserved yet cheerful man, he never take his eyes out of his objective, he never broke a promise before adn want to keep things like that, loyal to his friends, he enjoy reading to mediavel chivalary novels, and follows a lot of the medieval chivalary honor and pride.
Family tree(optional): Father: Kurga Johojo; Mother: Melina Vouberg, Granfather: Vouberg; Granmother: Mari Jardi; Gran-granfather: Carmine Vouberg; Gran-granmother: Jolyne Kujo.
[spoiler=Bio:] Janus was born at Japan but his mom had died giving birth to him for unknow reasons, his father took hum and his brother back to England, there they lived theyr regular and normal lives, till the day that Janus started showign natural signals of special powers, his father took him and his brother to a training temple of such kind of skill on tibet, there they learned to control theyr powers, Janus was a prodigy at the Riple, at the age of 11 to 14 he managed to learn all possible kinds of riple manipulation, when he adn his brother completed 16 and 17 years old one of the masters discovered a special power deep inside Janus, the power of the anti-Riple, the same energy that the vampires use to live and fight, it had never happened before in the whole history and was a unique case, he knew that Janus was instable and had a great future ahead of him, he sent him on a 1 year meditaion on the top of the mountain, after this year he came back from the summit and asked to leave the temple to go finda real meanign to his life, what was asked by him was concived, he then left on a journey around the world to meet with otehr and find himself. after 3 years this same journey brought him to compete for Europe on The Celestial Games, he is a representant of the European Riple temple, he hopes to find his brother once more on this tournament.[/spoiler]
Team: Europe
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "The Beast", Janos fight in a mix of street fighting, claw fighting and instinc fighting.
Weapon of Choice: Plain silver Scythe, that the silver used to make it was imbuied with the most fine adn pure riple amplifing oil in the world, it reacled the point that he can brake his scythe and turn it into minnor blades at his will.
Main Commom Techiniques: regular fighting by using riple on what is around him or on himself that he can use riple into to get a advantage over his opponent combined with his beast fighting style.
Overdrives: Yellow(regular solar power overdrive), flaming red(his arm burst into flames but not destroying his clothes or body and use it to fight in a flaming battle,) Blue( use the power of the riple amplified by a liquid conductor to create extremly powerfull and destructive attacks).
Signature Move: Anti Riple outburst, he liberate a enourmous quantity of Anti Riple on himself adn on his scythe, that give him the conditions of a perfect vampire, no sun weakness, freezing, regenerating adn can use his scythe abilities and special attack to use a nearly unmatcheble power. He don't use this attack often because of some side effects of it.
[spoiler=Data(sinse I realized that it was a good idea I will start using it on every RP I make)]
Europe - Janus Johojo,
Asia -
America(South, Central and North, yes ALL of them) -
Africa -
Oceania -

Not all of the teams must be filled to start this, and you don't need to be born from one continent to compete in its team(s ), like Janos, he is born in Japan but compete for England.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Accepted Apps]
[Spoiler=Janus Johojo:]
Username: Gabriel Maeso
RP Name: Janus Johojo, aka Jojo.
Full Name: Janus Johojo Vouberg Jardi Kujo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple User
Apearece: Janus have dark ble almost purple eyes, a grayish hair that falls to the middle of his back, wears a sleaveless dark blue shirt, leather fingerless gloves, a silver and black belt falling a bit from his waist, another belt adjusted correctly to his waist, a pair of dark jeens and a pair of black letter boots,have a realy dark blue scarf around his neck that is big enough that cover part of his upper torso, his shoulders and his mouth sometimes.
Personality: Janus is a reserved yet cheerful man, he never take his eyes out of his objective, he never broke a promise before adn want to keep things like that, loyal to his friends, he enjoy reading to mediavel chivalary novels, and follows a lot of the medieval chivalary honor and pride.
Family tree(optional): Father: Kurga Johojo; Mother: Melina Vouberg, Granfather: Vouberg; Granmother: Mari Jardi; Gran-granfather: Carmine Vouberg; Gran-granmother: Jolyne Kujo.
[spoiler=Bio:] Janus was born at Japan but his mom had died giving birth to him for unknow reasons, his father took hum and his brother back to England, there they lived theyr regular and normal lives, till the day that Janus started showign natural signals of special powers, his father took him and his brother to a training temple of such kind of skill on tibet, there they learned to control theyr powers, Janus was a prodigy at the Riple, at the age of 11 to 14 he managed to learn all possible kinds of riple manipulation, when he adn his brother completed 16 and 17 years old one of the masters discovered a special power deep inside Janus, the power of the anti-Riple, the same energy that the vampires use to live and fight, it had never happened before in the whole history and was a unique case, he knew that Janus was instable and had a great future ahead of him, he sent him on a 1 year meditaion on the top of the mountain, after this year he came back from the summit and asked to leave the temple to go finda real meanign to his life, what was asked by him was concived, he then left on a journey around the world to meet with otehr and find himself. after 3 years this same journey brought him to compete for Europe on The Celestial Games, he is a representant of the European Riple temple, he hopes to find his brother once more on this tournament.[/spoiler]
Team: Europe
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "The Beast", Janos fight in a mix of street fighting, claw fighting and instinc fighting.
Weapon of Choice: Plain silver Scythe, that the silver used to make it was imbuied with the most fine adn pure riple amplifing oil in the world, it reacled the point that he can brake his scythe and turn it into minnor blades at his will.
Main Commom Techiniques: regular fighting by using riple on what is around him or on himself that he can use riple into to get a advantage over his opponent combined with his beast fighting style.
Overdrives: Yellow(regular solar power overdrive), flaming red(his arm burst into flames but not destroying his clothes or body and use it to fight in a flaming battle,) Blue( use the power of the riple amplified by a liquid conductor to create extremly powerfull and destructive attacks).
Signature Move: Anti Riple outburst, he liberate a enourmous quantity of Anti Riple on himself adn on his scythe, that give him the conditions of a perfect vampire, no sun weakness, freezing, regenerating adn can use his scythe abilities and special attack to use a nearly unmatcheble power. He don't use this attack often because of some side effects of it.

Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kazuya Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
clothes = black and white (no grey or anything just the two extremes, white where gold is everything else black) and no sword [add eye holes in mask][/spoiler]
Personality: Kazuya usually seems much colder than his brother, while around those from other teams (except his brother) and even those of other nationalities inside his team he often becomes quiet, thinking stuff out but often not talking calmly, either making remarks against, to anger or to plan something with a person he trusts, trusting however only few on his own team, showing how untrustworthy he think other are.
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Asia
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Wolf", using his obsidian Gauntlets to quickly strike at his opponent and using his Riple powers to change them as to be able to cause damage, using his legs mainly as a distraction to open up chances to attack
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian Gauntlets that were imbued with Riple Amplifying Oil allowing him to change them (make ends of fingers claw-like, etc.), shoes made of obsidian imbued with the riple amplifying oil (always on, only modifies for his signature)
Main Common Techniques: Using Riple to modify the sharpness of his gauntlets or change the amount of the obsidian in a part of them to increase the damage they can cause, (without Gauntlets he usually only uses it for healing or making organic objects nearby he is using sharper to be thrown)
Overdrives: Grey [The obsidian gauntlets Kazuya wears glow grey before he slashes at the air, seemingly slicing through it as they send waves of energy forwards from where he sliced], Orange [If Kazuya is wearing his obsidian gauntlets he makes the bulk of them move forming them into a wrist guard while his hand glows orange for a couple of seconds, slashing at the air he can send very small waves of what appear to be orange flame towards the opponent/target]
Signature Move: Wolf Burst, Kazuya Modifies his gauntlets to look like wolf paws as he changes his shoes made of the same obsidian so that they also look as if wolf paws, Kazuya then crouches onto all fours before launching himself forward using his manipulation of the obsidian on these 'paws' to boost his jumping/movement speed and sharpens their ends to attack, allowing him to outmaneuver and slice up most opponent's who do not excel in such speed. [/spoiler][/spoiler]
Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kenshi Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
Personality: Kenshi is usually kind to others, seeming much more open and kind than his brother. He often trusts most people until they give him a reason not to which often ends up with him needing to see a proper sign not to trust someone before they'll believe anyone but their brother of any suspicions. When around Kazuya Kenshi is mostly laid back often talking about simple things and not paying much attention to those around him
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Europe
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Harpy" using his obsidian chest armor to make wings out the back allowing him to fly he often stay in the air performing ranged attack with various obsidian ball he made to be used for throwing items.
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian chestplate/upper body armor along with an amount of balls of obsidian kept in a bag he hangs from his waist both imbued with ripple amplifying oil
Main Common Techniques: using riple to create nd move wing on the back of the chestplate and throwing the ball of obsidian in different forms for multiple purposes i.e. throwing needle for stabbing, spike ball for calitrop style effect
Overdrives: Grey (Kenshi's chestplate and the balls inside the bag at his waist glow grey before he pulls out from the bag what appear to be a medium- long sword with spikes along it as his wings sharpen), Blue (Kenshi uses nearby water to increase his riple power and creates what looks like a single harpy - group of harpies depending on wter size which he sends following his opponent, each having a different effect from their touch shown by their color: red = Boiled Water/Burn, Blue = Freezing [only low amounts], yellow = Electrified & Black = Muddied/ used to blind)
Signature Move: "Harpy's Burst", Kenshi's harpy wings grow sharper s the chest plate on his frount seems to rerrange and go up his arms to cover his hands and turns them in to sharp clawed talons which he uses if the opponent come close, prefferring however to throw a fusion of 3 or 4 balls of obsidian into a mini harpy which will fly after the opponent for a short distance before shooting forwards into whatever is that direction only able to use two of these at a time due to concentration needed to keep them from just falling as he manipulates them through small amounts of blood left on them from his fingers.. [/spoiler][/spoiler]

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Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kazuya Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
clothes = black and white (no grey or anything just the two extremes, white where gold is everything else black) and no sword [add eye holes in mask][/spoiler]
Personality: Kazuya usually seems much colder than his brother, while around those from other teams (except his brother) and even those of other nationalities inside his team he often becomes quiet, thinking stuff out but often not talking calmly, either making remarks against, to anger or to plan something with a person he trusts, trusting however only few on his own team, showing how untrustworthy he think other are.
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Asia
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Wolf", using his obsidian Gauntlets to quickly strike at his opponent and using his Riple powers to change them as to be able to cause damage, using his legs mainly as a distraction to open up chances to attack
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian Gauntlets that were imbued with Riple Amplifying Oil allowing him to change them (make ends of fingers claw-like, etc.), shoes made of obsidian imbued with the riple amplifying oil (always on, only modifies for his signature)
Main Common Techniques: Using Riple to modify the sharpness of his gauntlets or change the amount of the obsidian in a part of them to increase the damage they can cause, (without Gauntlets he usually only uses it for healing or making organic objects nearby he is using sharper to be thrown)
Overdrives: Grey [The obsidian gauntlets Kazuya wears glow grey before he slashes at the air, seemingly slicing through it as they send waves of energy forwards from where he sliced], Orange [If Kazuya is wearing his obsidian gauntlets he makes the bulk of them move forming them into a wrist guard while his hand glows orange for a couple of seconds, slashing at the air he can send very small waves of what appear to be orange flame towards the opponent/target]
Signature Move: Wolf Burst, Kazuya Modifies his gauntlets to look like wolf paws as he changes his shoes made of the same obsidian so that they also look as if wolf paws, Kazuya then crouches onto all fours before launching himself forward using his manipulation of the obsidian on these 'paws' to boost his jumping/movement speed and sharpens their ends to attack, allowing him to outmaneuver and slice up most opponent's who do not excel in such speed. [/spoiler][/spoiler]
Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kenshi Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
Personality: Kenshi is usually kind to others, seeming much more open and kind than his brother. He often trusts most people until they give him a reason not to which often ends up with him needing to see a proper sign not to trust someone before they'll believe anyone but their brother of any suspicions. When around Kazuya Kenshi is mostly laid back often talking about simple things and not paying much attention to those around him
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Europe
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Harpy" using his obsidian chest armor to make wings out the back allowing him to fly he often stay in the air performing ranged attack with various obsidian ball he made to be used for throwing items.
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian chestplate/upper body armor along with an amount of balls of obsidian kept in a bag he hangs from his waist both imbued with ripple amplifying oil
Main Common Techniques: using riple to create nd move wing on the back of the chestplate and throwing the ball of obsidian in different forms for multiple purposes i.e. throwing needle for stabbing, spike ball for calitrop style effect
Overdrives: Grey (Kenshi's chestplate and the balls inside the bag at his waist glow grey before he pulls out from the bag what appear to be a medium- long sword with spikes along it as his wings sharpen), Blue (Kenshi uses nearby water to increase his riple power and creates what looks like a single harpy - group of harpies depending on wter size which he sends following his opponent, each having a different effect from their touch shown by their color: red = Boiled Water/Burn, Blue = Freezing [only low amounts], yellow = Electrified & Black = Muddied/ used to blind)
Signature Move: "Harpy's Burst", Kenshi's harpy wings grow sharper s the chest plate on his frount seems to rerrange and go up his arms to cover his hands and turns them in to sharp clawed talons which he uses if the opponent come close, prefferring however to throw a fusion of 3 or 4 balls of obsidian into a mini harpy which will fly after the opponent for a short distance before shooting forwards into whatever is that direction only able to use two of these at a time due to concentration needed to keep them from just falling as he manipulates them through small amounts of blood left on them from his fingers.. [/spoiler][/spoiler]

Is overdrives certain colors or is it custom?
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[quote name='ANBU' timestamp='1305353077' post='5207146']
Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kazuya Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
clothes = black and white (no grey or anything just the two extremes, white where gold is everything else black) and no sword [add eye holes in mask][/spoiler]
Personality: Kazuya usually seems much colder than his brother, while around those from other teams (except his brother) and even those of other nationalities inside his team he often becomes quiet, thinking stuff out but often not talking calmly, either making remarks against, to anger or to plan something with a person he trusts, trusting however only few on his own team, showing how untrustworthy he think other are.
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Asia
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Wolf", using his obsidian Gauntlets to quickly strike at his opponent and using his Riple powers to change them as to be able to cause damage, using his legs mainly as a distraction to open up chances to attack
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian Gauntlets that were imbued with Riple Amplifying Oil allowing him to change them (make ends of fingers claw-like, etc.), shoes made of obsidian imbued with the riple amplifying oil (always on, only modifies for his signature)
Main Common Techniques: Using Riple to modify the sharpness of his gauntlets or change the amount of the obsidian in a part of them to increase the damage they can cause, (without Gauntlets he usually only uses it for healing or making organic objects nearby he is using sharper to be thrown)
Overdrives: Grey [The obsidian gauntlets Kazuya wears glow grey before he slashes at the air, seemingly slicing through it as they send waves of energy forwards from where he sliced], Orange [If Kazuya is wearing his obsidian gauntlets he makes the bulk of them move forming them into a wrist guard while his hand glows orange for a couple of seconds, slashing at the air he can send very small waves of what appear to be orange flame towards the opponent/target]
Signature Move: Wolf Burst, Kazuya Modifies his gauntlets to look like wolf paws as he changes his shoes made of the same obsidian so that they also look as if wolf paws, Kazuya then crouches onto all fours before launching himself forward using his manipulation of the obsidian on these 'paws' to boost his jumping/movement speed and sharpens their ends to attack, allowing him to outmaneuver and slice up most opponent's who do not excel in such speed. [/spoiler][/spoiler]
Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kenshi Himori
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race(Human or Vampire): Human
Stand or Riple User: Riple
Personality: Kenshi is usually kind to others, seeming much more open and kind than his brother. He often trusts most people until they give him a reason not to which often ends up with him needing to see a proper sign not to trust someone before they'll believe anyone but their brother of any suspicions. When around Kazuya Kenshi is mostly laid back often talking about simple things and not paying much attention to those around him
Family tree(optional):
[color="#FFFFFF"]Kazuaaa[/color]Kazu[color="#FFFFFF"]aa[/color] Hiromi
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshi were both born during the middle of winter within minute of eachother, Kazuya having came out first though took on the responsibility of being the elder of the two and made sure his brother didn't cause much trouble while his parent's worked or went with friends, this caused Kazuya's cold way of talking to others though often not talking to his brother as such being the only one he knew he could trust. When they both turned 18 Kenshi left for the Europe only keeping in contact with Kazuya who had moved to a different city by post as they each developed their individual styles with the powers of ripple they had grown up with, Kazuya's at that time being a mock/failed attempt t what he now calls "Wolf" style. Kenhi's however had varied greatly from the "Wolf" style Kazuya used, instead of fast close range attack he developed his own ranged "Harpy" style and such the two's styles were greatly varied, one melee-intensive the other ranged. Kenshi had Joined the European team at the Same Time Kazuya joined the Asian team, Kazuya in hi letter from Kenshi which slowed due to the training they did for the celestial game for their teams had said something about another member of his team who seemed to be from asia this leading to Kazuya's dislike/distrust of most of the people in hi team who he slowly started to trust again afterwards.
Team: Europe
[spoiler=If Riple/Ramon User:]
Fighting Style: "Harpy" using his obsidian chest armor to make wings out the back allowing him to fly he often stay in the air performing ranged attack with various obsidian ball he made to be used for throwing items.
Weapon of Choice: Obsidian chestplate/upper body armor along with an amount of balls of obsidian kept in a bag he hangs from his waist both imbued with ripple amplifying oil
Main Common Techniques: using riple to create nd move wing on the back of the chestplate and throwing the ball of obsidian in different forms for multiple purposes i.e. throwing needle for stabbing, spike ball for calitrop style effect
Overdrives: Grey (Kenshi's chestplate and the balls inside the bag at his waist glow grey before he pulls out from the bag what appear to be a medium- long sword with spikes along it as his wings sharpen), Blue (Kenshi uses nearby water to increase his riple power and creates what looks like a single harpy - group of harpies depending on wter size which he sends following his opponent, each having a different effect from their touch shown by their color: red = Boiled Water/Burn, Blue = Freezing [only low amounts], yellow = Electrified & Black = Muddied/ used to blind)
Signature Move: "Harpy's Burst", Kenshi's harpy wings grow sharper s the chest plate on his frount seems to rerrange and go up his arms to cover his hands and turns them in to sharp clawed talons which he uses if the opponent come close, prefferring however to throw a fusion of 3 or 4 balls of obsidian into a mini harpy which will fly after the opponent for a short distance before shooting forwards into whatever is that direction only able to use two of these at a time due to concentration needed to keep them from just falling as he manipulates them through small amounts of blood left on them from his fingers.. [/spoiler][/spoiler]

Is overdrives certain colors or is it custom?

BOth Accepted adn first post edited to include them on the accepted apps part.
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