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Tefached's Random Splices (Just 2)


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A few weeks back I decided to get back to my basic roots and do some splicing, after a decent year and a half away from them, it was nice to get back.

Two random pkmn splices (which can now be found on Deviantart). The program I used was GIMP.

Lairon + Ivysaur = Ivisran


Terrakion + Aggron = Teragrion


any comments or critiques would be lovely and welcomed, I'd like to know how out of date I am now that I've been gone.
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Don't let the blind praise above fool you. You really should learn how to recolor properly. You have a lot of left over colors which clash with the added ones. For example, there is plenty of left over gray on the first, and there are some areas where the borders aren't fixed on the 2nd. It's a very amateurish mistake that I don't get how so many people seem to not see it.

They are right about the simplicity though. Something like an alteration of the legs, or alteration of the body could have helped a lot. Simple head swapping is sort of weak as far as splicing is concerned. The real goal is to hit a 50-50 point where it seems like both Pokemon properly blend together.
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[quote name='Jappio' timestamp='1305142344' post='5203149']
For example, there is plenty of left over gray on the first, and there are some areas where the borders aren't fixed on the 2nd. It's a very amateurish mistake that I don't get how so many people seem to not see it.
I'm part of the foolish crowd who blatantly disregarded this lack-of-detail. I'm guessing the pallate was incomplete, so it was left as is. I would have just added a semi-darker green to those gray parts.
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I prefer simple, and the clashing borders has always been an issue for me.

The second one, like stated, was just quick 8 min practice to see if i still remembered basics.

Thank you for the critiques, seems im still where i was (slightly lower if not) than when i left.
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