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Everyone said the world would end with global warming. They were wrong. It would end with mecha warfare. When the technological revolution known as the Solomon Engine was invented, the Exframe, a combat mech, quickly developed, but the power that was brought wasn’t used prudently, to say the least. Dictators and revolutionaries quickly took power, redrawing the global map, and within 30 years, the world as we know it is changed. The vast majority of the Earth is under the control of one of five superpowers, but a sixth, the Pacific Rim, aims to step onto the global stage. To do this, they’re putting out a casting call of sorts to find the most talented pilots on Earth, and also the most susceptible. Organized into an underground faction known as “Flood” and aided by the Japanese empire, the Pacific Rim looks like it might be able to succeed. But in a world where diplomacy plays as much a part as giant robots, morals shift as often as country lines, and nothing is as it seems...


[spoiler=RP Rules]No fancy passwords here or anything. I expect you to follow the rules of the RP section. I also will be discriminatory with my acceptance of apps: if I don’t feel you’re up to snuff, you will be rejected. (That isn’t to say, though, that I won’t help you try to get accepted.) Once the IC thread is up, you’re expected to post at least somewhat regularly if you aren’t absent in real life: failure to do so will result in me giving you the boot. Finally, there will be violence, swearing, and all that fun stuff. I trust you will be mature enough, ne?


[spoiler=Country/Nation Guide]A map to accompany the descriptions below can be found here. (Wikipedia was the original source.)


[spoiler=Superpowers]There are currently five major superpowers in the world, who combined comprise approximately of 80% of the current (read as OOC) nations. A sixth is attempting to earn recognition.


East Asian Bloc (China, Mongolia, India, Eastern Russia) – Neo-Communism became the law and religion in the EAC, with loyalty to the state valued above all other dogmas. Dissension is quickly suppressed and rebellions silenced; but if one can look past this brutal government, they will find a life of relative stability and cooperation. Just don’t think wrong. They are currently focused on trying to conquer Japan and the rest of Russia.


Neo-European Union (current equivalent, Norway, Iceland, Greenland) – The NEU has weathered the test of time and have emerged much stronger politically than they were before. Having integrated its component countries in more ways than just currency, it boasts the largest economic might of the five superpowers by far and the highest life expectancy.


African Federation (North Africa) – Not many people would have thought much of such a previously-barren land, but the AF emerged from the roots of tumult that had previously overthrown many dictatorships in the region. Being the youngest of the four major alliances to be created, they still face heavy pressure from other countries, and have the additional downside of being close to the war-torn Middle East.


United North American States (US, Canada, Mexico, Alaska) – A historically-stable triumvirate, these three countries joined together to form a bastion of peace in an unstable world. However, this noble goal hasn’t been fully recognized yet; political and corporate corruption is a large problem in the area, and with its deep-seated nature, it may be a while to bring about reform.


New Empire of Japan (Japan, Sakhalin, Kurile Islands, Philippines) – Seeing as they are the only originally-independent country to be a superpower, it’s no wonder that Japan has significant political clout. Their historically isolationist policies has kept them afloat in times of great change, and they are usually the great negotiators in inter-superpower debates. However, if one of the current powers has to go, they’re on the top of the list. Japan is currently allied with the Pacific Rim to develop Exframes through Shikura Heavy Industries.


Pacific Rim (Australia, Oceania, New Zealand, Hawaii, Indonesia) – Although currently unrecognized as an actual superpower, the Pacific Rim countries work together in a loose alliance, with the major goal being preventing any foreign invasion. Due to the long-term mutual support that has been demonstrated, the Pacific Rim countries have tried to organize themselves into an actual world power against opposition from the five current ones, which is where the story starts.


[spoiler=Others]South America – Drugs, drugs, drugs. Cartels and gang violence run crazy over the country, and the law of the land is defined by who has the gun pointed at your head. The government of many of the countries are puppets, and although they try to institute reform, often these attempts get shot down. Poverty is at an unfortunate high, and emigration is equally so.


Middle East – After countless years of warfare in the region, the Middle East has been reduced to little more than a desert. However, there is still fighting going on over the vast amounts of oil that have still been untapped, despite the few bands of nomads that wander around trying to eke out a living.


Southeast Asia, Central America – These two areas are currently being fought over by the powers: the East Asian Bloc and the Pacific Rim are vying for Southeast Asia, while Central America is caught between the United North American States and gangs from South America.


South Africa, West Russia – The same thing happened to both of these areas: following the collapse of the traditional country system, they have been divided into small fortified “fiefdoms” with wide expanses of open land in between. Very few powers think to expand here, mainly because there aren’t many resources left after a boom in strip mining in the latter and deforestation in the former.


Antarctica – War is predicted in the next few years to happen over the rich amount of ore and minerals buried under the frigid frontier’s icy crust. All previous territorial claims are currently nullified, and there is little actual settlement outside of scientists studying the increasing hazard of global warming.



[spoiler=Exframe Guide]Overview – Short for “external frame,” an Exframe is this world’s mecha. Originally developed as a new way to minimize combatant losses while maximizing that of the enemy in warfare, they quickly outsourced actual hand-to-hand battle. Combat Exframes are usually around 16 feet tall and are constructed out of a strong steel/titanium alloy, while police and sport models are usually only around 10 feet. Although the vast majority of Exframe units are mass-produced, pilots who are particularly skilled get specially commissioned Exframes to fight with, many of which are much more powerful than the regular drivel. They are all distinctly humanoid with recognizable features, like the head, where the ejectable cockpit is stored. The control system combines major motor controls through joysticks and minor subconscious reactions through an electrode headset. Although this makes piloting a bit easier, it also leaves the pilot open to electromagnetic attacks. Exframes do have the capability of gliding "flight" through jetpacks, but the wing apparatus is pretty clumsy.


Solomon Engine – The device that makes the magic happen, the engine is a canister of viscous irradiated fluid about three feet tall stored within the heart of the Exframe, sealed up in lead. Rapidly circulating the fluid causes controlled nuclear “sparks,” which are then transformed into electricity to power the machine. Due to its low emission, a Solomon Engine is ideal for long-term battling: however, damage to them can quickly make the Exframe as a whole inoperable.


Point Array – Usually just called the “array,” this is a set of holographic screens stretching 360 degrees around the cockpit. This is to make up for the fact that there aren’t any actual windows in the Exframe: they’d be major weakspots. The screens can be shifted to display various filters, like infrared and thermal.


Spinners – Low-friction wheels usually attached to the Exframe’s feet, they can brake nearly instantly. They require momentum to get going, though.


[spoiler=Weapons]Although standard weapons like guns, flamethrowers and missile launchers are common and should be expected, there are a few unique Exframe weapons, listed below.


Hack Wires – These are retractable whiplike cables that constantly emit an electromagnetic field. Upon contact with an opponent, they temporarily interfere with the Exframe’s data systems, partially paralyzing them while touching. Hack Wires are usually stored within drums on an Exframe’s joints.


Forge Blades – More offensively-based Exframe weapons, these are simply energy blades that vibrate at incredibly high speeds, allowing them to cut through metal with less resistance than a steel blade. They can be made in various shapes and applications.


Flash Bombs – Grenade-like spheres, these release a powerful electromagnetic wave much like a Hack Wire. It’s much more powerful in scale and lasts longer, but the widerange effect makes them more difficult to aim.



[spoiler=Character Application]Remove all text in {curly brackets} before posting. If your character for some reason isn’t an Exframe pilot, remove that portion of the app (everything in and including the appropriate spoiler.) Also, although you can only make one player character, you can make any number of NPCs to be used. If you’d like to make one, write “NPC” in the “(OOC Name)” section in the main spoiler. You don’t need as much for the personality and history section, in that case; only a few sentences.


By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.
[spoiler="Character Name (OOC Name)"][b]Name:[/b] 
[b]Age:[/b] {You need to be at least 21.}
[b]Gender:[/b] {Male or female only, please.}
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] {For example, “½ British, ½ French.”}
[b]Place of Birth:[/b] {Check the “Country/Nation Guide” above for help.}

[b]Appearance:[/b] {No pictures. At least 1 paragraph here, without clothing description. That goes below.}
[b]Clothing:[/b] {Include both street clothing and your pilot suit: the pilot suit has to be more skintight to prevent snaggage. Just 1 paragraph.}

[b]Personality:[/b] {Here’s the meat and potatoes. At least 2 paragraphs, and nothing too clichéd.}
[b]History:[/b] {This should cover only the major details of their life: e.g, those that had a profound effect on their development. 2 paragraphs ideally.}
[b]Reason for Joining:[/b] {Why did they abandon their home, if applicable, and ally with the Pacific Rim?}
[b]Additional:[/b] {Anything not covered in the fields above?}[spoiler="Exframe"][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] {Long-range, short-range, scout, assault? You get the idea.}
[b]Description:[/b] {No pictures. Give an idea of the color scheme, dimensions, basic body shape, and any additional important details.}
[b]Arsenal:[/b] {You can have the standard weapons mentioned in the Exframe Guide (as long as you don’t go overboard), but you can also have one “unique” system, such as the Guren’s radiation surger in Code Geass. Make sure things make sense with what you laid out below, though!}

[b]Power:[/b] {You have 17 “points” to allot to these five categories. Each one requires at least 1 point and no single category can have more than 5. Use all 17. Remember, these points are only for a comparative guideline. For this category, how strong is your Exframe?}
[b]Defense:[/b] {How well can your Exframe take a hit?}
[b]Speed:[/b] {How fast can your Exframe go?}
[b]Accuracy:[/b] {In long-range combat, how good is your Exframe at aiming?}
[b]Mobility:[/b] {How easy is it for your Exframe to turn and stop?}[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Accepted Characters][spoiler=Ana Maria "Angel" Ramirez (Luxray)]Name: Ana Maria "Angel" Ramirez

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: 1/2th Brazilian, 1/2 American

Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America


Appearance: With an hourglass figure and flawless brown skin, Angel was made to impress. A tad short but well-curved nonetheless, it's clear that destiny has been good to her- well, her physical appearance, at least. Her hair is similarly sensuous, long and silky black. It flows to the middle of her back, though it is usually pulled back into a ponytail. Curiously, it's obvious that, despite it's beauty, Angel does not care about her hair- when it's in a ponytail it's hastily done and hairs usually hang out, as though Angel has better things to do that care about her hair.


Her face is small, round, and adorned with traditional South American features- small, dark, features, almost-black eyes, and a small and rather pinched mouth. However, that is not to say she's not pretty- in fact, she is quite so. She rarely wears makeup, but in a way that adds to her beauty; many a man has fallen prey to the small and lush femme fatale.

Clothing: For street clothing, Angel generally dresses in light, airy, and above all, inexpensive clothes. A blank tank top and jeans will usually suffice, and Angel will don a leather jacket occasionally over this outfit. The outfit is always accentuated by a number of bead and leather bracelets over her tanned wrists and ankles, and sometimes Angel will don a black armband, in rememberance of her lost companions.


Mecha suit-wise, Angel usually wears a motorcycle gear-like outfit; a tight, green and black jacket paired with identically colored pants, boots, and gloves. She has also taken to donning sunglasses during such periods, though if they impede with her vision, Angel will most definitely take them off.


Personality: Angel looks out for herself. And only herself. She puts herself first and foremost, and is always looking out for her own hide; she rarely is the one rushing to the rescue of her allies. She has a one-track mind, pursuing her goals avidly and relentlessly, and she is not afraid to sacrifice people to get them. Fiercely independent, she believes she and she alone alone is the best one to do things. However, she is by no means a lone wolf; she recognizes the tactical advantage of allies and will reluctantly allow them to "help her out". Cynical and bitter from a life growing up on the streets, she had nevertheless maintained a certain sort of quasi-friendly personality that allows her to bond with most people. Not that she allows herself to grow close to people- she usually keeps them at arm's length. As said, she looks out for herself, and herself alone.


Maybe it's from her situation in life, but Angel reacts well to pressure. She never freezes, never hesitates; she just does that which needs to be done. She has a good eye for battlefield tactics and is savvy all-around, so while she is not the best person to watch your back, her value on the battlefield is undisputed. Though she usually behaves with a certain kind of feminism that generally adds up to "I'm not a damsel in distress, I can save my own ass, thank you very much" she is not afraid to use her feminine charms- especially when they help her achieve one of her goals. When asked about her personal history, Angel will respond with a curt "I don't want to talk about it" and do her best to steer the conversation away; it's obvious she's trying to avoid her past and is aiming for a new start.

History: Born to a Brazilian prostitute and one of her American clients, Ana Maria was fated to have a hard life. She grew up on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, her father having left before she was born and her mother abandoning her on a sidewalk, and quickly fell in with one of the drug cartels in the area, a local group known as the Vasquez cartel, named after it's first leader. Proving savvy with both thievery and drug-running, the girl quickly advanced through the ranks, and the strength of her gang with her. It was around this time she acquired her nickname- one of her gang-mates sarcastically referred to her as an "Angel" for the gang after she was the first to sneak drugs across the Brazilian border, and the name stuck. Finally, by the time she was promoted to leader of the Vasquez cartel, her gang was one of the toughest in the land; recognizing the need to get stronger weaponry to extend her boundaries, Angel made connections with a slightly disreputable man named Cortez -who made Exframes- and commissioned one. However, by this time, her gang was starting to attract attention from some of the major drug cartels of South America, and one of them decided to get rid of the group before it became a threat. The attack came when Angel was visiting Cortez and her new mech; a group of armed men descended on the Vasquez cartel headquarters, and killed everyone there. There were no survivors- except Angel. In a fit of rage, she took her new mech and attacked the group, who were returning to their masters; she completely obliterated them. However, this was but nothing for the drug cartels- such a loss barely affects a group that constituted hundreds of thousands. Nevertheless, it was blow to their pride, so they began to send assassins after Angel. Soon, the young lady was forced to leave South America.


Angel reexamined her life and decided it was time to change. She didn't want any more to do with war, drugs, and the like; she wanted to escape all that. The problem was, where would she find the money to make this dream a reality? Finding she had no other real skills, Angel began parading around the five superpowers, totting herself as a "Mecha pilot for hire", even though she no longer wanted to be such. She got a few good jobs here and there, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to support the oh-so-young girl; she constantly needed more money. Always needed more money, if she wanted to start a new lease on life. Finally, there was a light in the darkness; she heard of a new superpower on the rise that was looking for mech drivers, and willing to pay good money for them. Out of desperation, she signed up with the Pacific Rim.

Reason for Joining: Angel was forced to leave South America by a rival gang. She joined up with the Pacific Rim for the fame, the the wealth- and mostly desperation.

Additional: Angel can speak three different languages (or the modern versions thereof)- Portuguese, Spanish, and English.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Nova Graça (New Grace in Portuguese)

Type: Scout, with a side focus on hit-and-run technologies.

Description: A bit ram-shackle, Angel's mech is nonetheless well-equipped and armored. They took a former war model and revamped it to better suit Angel's skills. It's human-shaped (although to a much larger scale), though it's features are much sharper than a humans'. It's painted in a lurid green and yellow, and The mech is a bit more than sixteen feet, with a large, metallic head, long and skinny, starting out relatively large and tapering into a point at the end. The array is placed in here and partially in the "chest" of the creature.

Arsenal: A pair of large, curved, scimitar-esque Forge Blades wrap around the mech's wrists, and by a spring-loaded mechanism they fall outward out into full sword form. A grenade launcher is harnessed to the right shoulder, with four barrels spiking outward, as the machine is a pain to reload and instead has been edited to fire four grenades independently. A secondary machine gun hangs underneath the left Forge Blade, though Angel rarely uses it. The main weapon (or rather, asset) of the mech is a large, flower-shaped device placed on the mech's chest. This is a hologram generator, able to produce convincing 3-D images in the air. It is used to create realistic mechs to confuse and distract the enemy, though they are but illusions and cannot harm anything, and once touched it becomes clear they are holograms. They can go a total 50 yards around the mech, and the expense of only being able to operate a total half hour before needing a cooldown period. The cooldown period is relative to the amount of time the illusion generator has been used, so the best way to use the hologram generator is in bursts.


Power: 4

Defense: 3

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 2

Mobility: 3


[spoiler=Catalina "Kitty" He (ElectricKirby)]Name: Catalina "Kitty" He

Call Sign: Snatch

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: 50% Welsh, 25% Japanese, 25% Chinese

Place of Birth: Cardiff, Wales


Appearance: Catalina's most unique feature is her unbelievably pale skin tone. She has short, black hair that she keeps no longer than the top of her neck. She ties it back when she works on Glass. She's short for her age, coming in at 5'1". Her weight is no help to her petite stature; she doesn't even come into the 100s, weighing only 89 lbs. Her relatively slender figure helps her in stealthy operations, which includes stealing. Her wide, blue eyes give her a "cute" factor, and gives her better night vision.

Clothing: Catalina's regular style is fairly simple. She sports a plain white sleeveless shirt and black track pants, with a white stripe down the sides and inseam. She wears a holster that houses a 9mm Revolver, used when necessary. Her pilot suit isn't so different. It has the same aesthetic design: white sleeveless top, black bottom with white stripes, etc., etc. In the case of a formal situation, she wears strapless dresses. Frankly, she hates sleeves, and doesn't like to wear them. It's a rather irrational dislike, as even she can't reason to why she won't.


Personality: In one word, Kitty is a bit mischievous. She steals small things, and rarely gets caught. Due to this, she has quite a few enemies, and can hardly ever go into a store. On the upside, a lot of people know her, and she's somewhat famous. She also loves to joke around, playing around with other people like toys. Of course, she hates when people joke her stature, resorting immediately to violence if they do. Despite being small, she still pack a big punch.

Kitty's redeeming feature is her generosity and sensitivity, although it often doesn't show it at times. She goes out of her way to help a person in need, or if she sees a cute animal. She loves to make things for her friends, and often steals gifts to give. Although she can't cook for her life, she always tries to make food for them. She gets sensitive and often cries when someone insults her cooking, or if someone just doesn't like it, leading to the fact that she doesn't know that she can't cook. This also leads to her friends eating her food to just not feel guilty.

History: Kitty's earliest memory is her father leaving home to join the military. She can still clearly remember that day. He told her that he was leaving to fight. "Father! You told me you wouldn't fight anymore!" she protested. But it was to no avail. "I have to." Those words were the last Kitty heard from her father. She was only ten at the time. From that point on, she lived under the supervision of her mother, who lived in Shanghai, China after divorcing her father. This side of the family was strict as can be, and so Kitty became used to very tight rules. All it did, however, was motivate her to find ways to break them and not get caught.

Recently, she discovered an illegal operation of ExFrame production near her home. She broke in, per usual, and managed to acquire one of her own. It was an illegal version of a prefect model, but she stole it anyway. Her skills as a pilot were no surprise for the daughter of a war veteran, but she still wasn't perfect. She made her way to Tokyo, known for its advancements in ExFrame production. While there, she was ambushed by a street ExFrame gang. She managed to disable the entire gang, but her ExFrame was in horrible condition. A man in a black trenchcoat offered to repair it, but instead, he took the ExFrame and ran off. Kitty wandered around, until she met up with a mysterious man in an alley one night. He told her he could get her an ExFrame. Of course, she was skeptical, but she decided to go with him anyway. He led her to a warehouse, and inside was a single ExFrame. He told her it was a prototype, but she took it anyway. She spends most of her free time trying to add things to Glass, and make it more powerful than it was meant to be. Because of her almost constant work, she has extensive knowledge on how ExFrames work, and can repair others when necessary. Although, she often charges for that.

Reason for Joining: Kitty knew that's where her father fought last time, and she's hoping she'll find him.

Additional: She's allergic to most types of pollen. She also has a habit of stealing. If you leave something out, and aren't watching it, it's hers. She also has an uncanny love of noodles.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Glass: Model 0

Type: Assault

Description: Glass is aesthetically like any other ExFrame. The head appears to have some kind of horn, although its purpose is unknown at the time. Its white color scheme with black stripes down the side of the legs and arms are its distinguishing feature. It stands slightly taller that other models, however, by about a foot or two. Internally, however, there are many, many differences. The cockpit is also located elsewhere. It is located inside the torso, as opposed to the head, in front of the casing of the Solomon Engine. It's supposed to allow a more complete synchronization between ExFrame and pilot.This allows better synchronization techniques and mechanics to be used. Its signature feature, the Ion Cannon, is mounted on its back, facing upwards when Glass stands up straight. The intake vent is located at the other end of the cannon, which is located at the bottom of the back. The RailGun located on the left wrist had the ability to collapse for mobility purposes.


Melee Weaponry:

Assassin's Blade:

Concealed within the left palm of the ExFrame, this small-scale Forge Blade doesn't do much damage, as it cannot penetrate deep enough to do any critical damage. However, it is useful in tight situations.

Long Blade:

The ExFrame's most used weapon. This Forge Blade is able to retract into the forearm, it slides out over the right wrist of the ExFrame. It only has one edge, and a small, double-barrel pulse gun is mounted on the blunt edge. Fully unsheathed, the Forge Blade itself is three meters long.

Projectile Weaponry:

Ion Cannon:

This cannon fires ITS LAZUH supercharged oxygen particles, and is very powerful, able to practically obliterate anything it touches, including lead. However, it is unreliable. It takes about a minute to charge up, and the user cannot move while doing so. It has heavy recoil, and the ExFrame may sustain critical damage if not anchored properly. It has a long cooldown time, and the ExFrame may overheat and shut down if it cannot cool properly. Overall, this weapon is rarely used.

Double-Barrel Pulse Laser Gun:

Mounted on the blunt edge of the ExFrame's Forge Blade, these small guns pack a small punch, by letting out a burst of concentrated photon energy. This gives the ExFrame some long-range capability.

Shoulder-Mounted 8 Missile Pods:

Eight missiles are mounted on each shoulder, able to fire at will. This is one of the ExFrame's most stable and reliable weapons, and therefore, one of the most used.

144mm Anti-ExFrame RailGun:

Mounted on the back of the left wrist, the RailGun, commonly used by snipers, requires anchoring due to the heavy recoil it has. The force of the recoil will knock off the targeting systems, so aiming is near impossible and relies on intuition and luck.


Phase Gauntlets:

The forearms of the ExFrame vibrate at high frequency, approximately matching an average Forge Blade frequency. This allows it to block a strike from a Forge Blade, and possibly EM pulses. These gauntlets are the ExFrame's only line of defense.


Stability Locks:

Used exclusively to anchor the ExFrame while charging and firing the Ion Cannon. It takes about 15 seconds to set up, as the locks are located on the bottom of the left foot, the right knee, and on the ends of the main four fingers on both hands. The locks are fragile, although sturdy enough to allow the firing of the Ion Cannon, but are mostly a priority target.

Particle Intake Vent:

The vent located in the lower back region is used exclusively to collect particles for the firing of the Ion Cannon. It's only liability is being covered; at that point, it can't collect particles, and the cannon will stop charging.

Power: 5

Defense: 1

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 1

Mobility: 5


[spoiler=Corinne Jericho (Rarity)]

Name: Corinne Jericho

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: ¾ Australian ¼ Japanese

Place of Birth: City of Blue Mountains, Australia, Pacific Rim


Appearance: The first thing you notice about Corinne is her perfect tan. The second thing you notice is her well-toned body, with an extremely athletic looking pair of legs and arms. To compliment her tan, she makes sure to keep her long brunette hair as voluminous as possible; sadly, it’s very rare that she’ll succeed, leaving her with partially combed, messy hair that drops to about her lower back. The next feature most commonly noticed is her rather well endow- err… Striking green eyes!

Clothing: For casual clothing, Corinne typically sticks to jean shorts and a black tank top. She wears dark leather boots, which if you inquire about, will net you a story about how she personally hunted a crocodile to obtain the leather for them. Ask about her aquamarine necklace adorned with shark teeth, and she’ll go on about how you have to aim for the shark’s eye. To compliment the tank top, she wears a dark brown jacket with odd black trimming, featuring white breaks where the buttons are. Whatever you do, just don’t ask her about it. You really don’t want her trying to reenact fighting a Tasmanian Devil with her fists.


For work she just wears her wetsuit, which apparently is a great substitute for Pilot Suits. It’s a white, with light blue rectangular markings around her arms, and a bright yellow ‘collar’ around her neck. Just don’t ask about the hastily-sewn-over scratch marks on her backside.


Personality: Corinne is what you would call, a klutz. Ditzy and naive, she doesn’t seem to understand that she is quite attractive, nor does she seem to grasp the concept of death all too well. It could just be that she hides her true self under an airy girl that happens to be good with most forms of weaponry. Did she ever tell you the time she shot a Bengal Tiger straight down the center of its forehead, WHILE it was attempting to bite off her arm? WHILE using a sling shot? No? Well let me tell you, it was pretty WILD.


…She also likes to make puns.


While she appears to be carefree and a little bit stupid, she can handle herself extremely well in adrenaline pumping situations. People have said that she turns from naive to serious, and all it takes is to get her blood pumping. Her brutal efficiency in combat has scared her team mates before, and at times they even have to step in when she takes it a little too far. Not unlike other Pilots, she is an obvious adrenaline junky, which thankfully fits her Exframe perfectly.

History: Corinne’s childhood was interesting, to say the least. Her father was a high class Australian military officer, and he wanted his daughter to be hard as nails. Her mother was also in the military, but she had died in an early series of Exframe testing. To this day Corinne still doesn’t remember the funeral. Her father raised her to be tough, and he didn’t take no for an answer. While other kids were trying to pass Algebra, she was trying to make sure she doesn’t get mauled by lions. She was taken out to several ‘high class’ hunting outings, and did things like extreme fishing, vertical mountain climbing, wing-suiting, extreme ice-fishing (don’t ask.), and narwhal hunting. Her exposure to such events left her courageous, tough, and honestly a little crazy.


At the age of twenty, she had ignored any possible chance for College (or well, the few that would even accept her.) to joined the EGP, or, the Exframe Grand Prix. The EGP is one of the world’s most recent sporting trends; participants race in their custom Exframes in teams of three, their goal is to reach the finish line first. Each course has its own specific rules, but violence is typically allowed. Corinne was pretty successful in the EGP, being apart of Team SeaHawks. That is also where she obtained her Exframe mech, with of course, some convincing done on her father’s part. At one point in her career, they were forced to race in Antarctica for the championship. Corinne took it a little too seriously, and in the final lap she threw off the enemy lead so badly that he crashed into the Artic Ocean.


His Exframe quickly sunk.


Right after their win, a huge flood of attention was drawn to Corinne and her accidental killing. She would have had to face court if it wasn’t for her father, who once again, pulled some strings. With her racing career in ruins, she decided to follow in her late mother’s footsteps; pilot a combat Exframe, or at least die trying.

Reason for Joining: Besides the fact her father was a rather influential military commander, she also wanted to use her previous Exframe experience in a different manner.

Additional: Daddy's girl.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Sea-Gull

Type: Long Range but perfectly capable of performing an air scout.

Description: The Sea-Gull is a converted R.Exframe, or a Racing Exframe. Due to this, it has several key dimensional and engineering differences. The first, most obvious difference is that it’s much sleeker than other Exframes. It is naturally aerodynamic, built for extreme speeds. The other noticeable differences are the feet; they appear to be small turbines. If you gave them a closer inspection, you would be able to find two hidden skate attachments. The cockpit of the Sea-Gull could be found in the chest, not the head. This was so that the pilot was in a stable location when launching on the EGPX tracks. It had a white color scheme, with light blue accents, and a bright yellow coat on the head of the Exframe. After joining Flood however, her Exframe got an upgrade.


It now possesses two large, semi-curved wings stretching from its back. In the center of each wing are two drums. Normally these wings are folded back to give the Exframe some form of being aerodynamic. Another new addition is the rather large sniper rifle attached to the right arm of the Exframe. It has a wind adjustment system, built in scope, cooling system, and recoil management system. Surprisingly, it has no way to keep itself still; it relies completely on the Exframe itself to be still. Besides that, four ‘rivets’ can be found along the sides of the mech.

Arsenal: The sniper as mentioned before, known as the Dae-Gul. The rivets on the Exframe house forge blades, they are smaller than normal, and resemble wakizashis. Considering the Exframe’s specialty however, they are hardly used. The only reason the manufacturers even included them was out of request from Corinne, who insisted that she should have a method of defending herself in melee range. The signature feature of the Exframe is the C.E.P.S. or Complete Exframe Positioning System. The C.E.P.S. is housed in the two drums included in the Exframe’s wings. They are basically a self propulsion system, allowing the Exframe to perfectly position itself in unpredictable weather conditions, such as oh, a hurricane in the middle of the ocean. This system allows the Sea-Gull to effectively be able to snipe anywhere. Corinne’s specific model allows her to create a shrouding mist, which conflicts with the common Exframe radar system.


Power: 4

Defense: 1

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 5

Mobility: 2


[spoiler=Cory Diedrich (Kyubey)]Name: Cory Diedrich.

Age: 25.

Gender: Male.

Ethnicity: ¾ German, ¼ French.

Place of Birth: Six-Fours-les-Plages, France, NEU.


Appearance: The only real hints of Cory’s French roots is his skin tone; a pureblood German couldn’t maintain a tan for any significant period like he can. His hair is a tawny blond that remains in a perpetually tousled state, refusing to be combed. He has the typical Aryan blue eyes that are tinted with hints of green and gold, but they seem to have been a bit dulled over the last few years. Cory has a strong build; not necessarily defined, but sturdy. Combined with the perpetual slight stubble that he has, and you get the image of a reliable person.

Clothing: Cory usually dresses simply, with his preferred wardrobe consisting of plain tight T-shirts, jeans (fashionably ripped, of course) with an old belt, and a pair of Converses. The only pieces of jewelry he has are a simple silver crucifix, worn on a chain around his neck, and an amethyst graduation ring on his right ring finger. His pilot suit is mainly white with black side panels and gold outlines, much like his Exframe’s coloration, but is shortsleeved and zips up the front.


Personality: At first glance, Cory doesn’t appear to be the pilot type. He has a certain flippant laxness about him, an almost-arrogance that comes with the skills he brings to the table. Cory knows his strengths, and he’s not above subtly throwing his weight around in order to get his way. This can easily piss off people if he goes about it wrong, but hey. You win some, you lose some. He also has some hedonistic tendencies to him, in that he loves the experience of things above all others. (Alcohol, beer in particular, is one of this big weaknesses.) If Cory finds something new, it’s almost a fact that he’ll try it, danger not being a factor. It’s not that he’s a hype junkie or anything. He just believes life’s too short. To this degree, Cory is a bit of a flirt: he enjoys his female company, but finds it difficult at times to actually commit.


Piloting, however, is a different matter. Although the omnipresent cockiness is still there, Cory’s attitude is tempered, more steel than dynamite. He channels this energy into an almost blind disregard for his own safety in order to get the mission completed. It’s not out of charity or self-sacrifice: it’s some internal drive that Cory can’t tap otherwise. He needs the heat of battle as a medicine of sorts, to keep him focused and level. Otherwise, he gets twitchy and wary outside the cockpit, unable to calm himself down in lull times. Cory won’t admit it, but he needs his Exframe. It’s almost a part of him.


There’s also a tinge of sadness on this brute. Cory feels like he’s let a lot of people down in his life, stemming from his parent issues and the countless euros he’s funneled away in gambling. He feels like he needs to reform, and joining Flood will be his first step. Now, he only needs to keep control...


History: He wasn’t supposed to be born in France, but Cory popped out when his parents were returning to his mother’s hometown. Her parents were French, and she and her husband, a diplomat, were visiting them when the birth occurred. They had to stay around to make sure that their new son would properly acclimate, but there began Cory’s culture split.


His parents let him stay with Anaïs’ (his mother’s) parents, his grandparents. Getting uprooted at age four to head back to Berlin gave Cory quite the culture shock, and up through his teens he was rather aimless and disrespectful, causing trouble for trouble’s sake. Being the son of a political figure left a bad taste in his parents’ mouths, and Cory and Jakob (his father) were butting heads for quite a while. Because he was closer to his mother and he displayed a lot of undisguised aggravation towards his father, the two eventually split, with Jakob moving up north.


It was at this time that Anaïs grew fed up and sent Cory off to military boarding school, specifically for Exframe-centric combat. Over his four years of education there, Cory grew in combat, quickly rising to the head of his class through turned his bitterness away from his parents for shaking his life up into something more productive. He eventually tried to get back in touch with his father, but it was to no avail: Jacob had remarried and had no intention to talk to the son who drove him apart from his ex-wife. This crushed him even more, forcing Cory to take another step on the path to growing up.


Upon graduation, Cory went into the military and served on active duty for four years, as per tradition. However, he grew restless and didn’t continue his service afterwards, drifting across Germany to take up random small jobs and gamble away his savings in the process. He met his girlfriend Freya on one of these excursions, and they were going steady for around three months when he heard about Flood through the grapevine.

Reason for Joining: Cory was getting tired of the dullness of the NEU, and wanted to seek some more excitement overseas. Plus, he was trying to escape some gambling debts, which he was hiding from Freya at the time.

Additional: Cory is Catholic, although he isn’t actively practicing. He also loves cats and any form of dessert, and is fluent in German as well as English. (He once was in French, but now struggles to find some words.)[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Aubade.

Type: Assault – get in, wreck stuff, get out.

Description: Aubade is mainly white in color, with accents of black and gold. It has a very streamlined body, with a head vaguely shaped like a “V” with the points oriented backwards. The frame itself is a bit hunched over compared to other Exframes instead of standing straight, making it shorter than average, and a pair of shark-like fins extend from the back of its shoulders: these are where its Jump System is located. The cockpit is motorcycle-style and located primarily in the Exframe’s head. Overall, the effect is lean and mean.


Distortion Blades: A modified version of Force Blades and the Aubade’s primary short-distance weaponry, these are a set of four double-pronged thin blades mounted in wrist holsters that can be ejected on a moment’s whim. Each one of them has a small modified Solomon Engine in the hilt, which when activated double the length of the blades from three to six feet. This momentary surge is usually enough to skewer any unexpecting Exframe.


Jump System: Normally concealed in the fins on Aubade’s back, they can temporarily expanded into a set of thin wing-like jets that allow the Exframe to propel itself into the air. However, they do not support maintained flight, and instead are only used to dodge attacks through jumping. They also increase aerodynamics on the ground if deployed, temporarily increasing speed but make the Aubade a bigger target.


Flash Grenade Launchers: A pair of these in the shoulders, each one has 50 rounds of ammunition and can independently aim.


Assault Rifle: The rifle is normally stored in a back holster between the Jump System units, and carries a supply of both armor-piercing and EMP-enabled drilling rounds. However, the two must be manually changed between uses.


Modified Spinners: Instead of using hinged wheels for the spinners, the Aubade uses spheres, making them more mobile but also more difficult to control.


Power: 4

Defense: 4

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 2

Mobility: 2


[spoiler=Gui Leduc (Otaku-sama)]

Name: Gui "The Duke" Leduc


Age: 29


Gender: Male


Ethnicity: 100% Canadian, direct descendant of the French settlers of Canada


Place of Birth: Sault St. Marie, Quebec, Canada, U.N.A.S.


Appearance: 6' 1", thin and wiry frame, Caucasian skin tone. Gui's short brown hair is usually unkempt and messy, but is able to maintain its exact shape event through the most rigorous battles. His eyes are deep brown and give out an air of haughtiness and confidence. His body is muscular from the army training, marked with the occasional scar here and there. On his face is an almost perpetual grin, making Gui look like an overtly proud person. However, most of the time, this grin is worn ironically, the opposite of his mood.


Clothing: His usual attire is rugged, appearing ready to enter the wilderness at the drop of a hat. He wears a thick cotton shirt, a weathered leather jacket, a pair of army cargo pants and heavy hiking boots. Along his belt are various tools, including a Swiss Army knife, a flask and a 10 inch hunting knife. His fight suit is a tight fitting white leather suit with a red maple leaf on the back.


Personality: Gui is a thrill seeker at heart. Bored by almost anything, Gui is constantly on the search for the next big thing. As a result, in between drinking sessions/highs/adrenaline rushes, Gui is jaded, indifferent and often viciously cynical and sarcastic. He is a heavy smoker, drinker and drug user, often carrying a flask of absinthe around with him just in case things get too boring. However, when he is drunk/high, he becomes a very pleasant individual, as philosophical and full of wisdom as a drunk man can be.

His opinion of the politics of the world is contradicting. He is patriotic UNAS (Canada in particular) citizen, but he also hates the UNAS as a country, mostly because of the corruption in the government. This patriotism is opposed to his anarchist ideals, which lead him to believe "the Man" is the cause for most of the evil in the world. This inner contradiction further contributes to his cynicism.


History: Gui was born to a lower-middle class family in Sault St. Marie. He never had much money, but that never stopped Gui from having fun. As a child, he would be the first to jump off the high diving board and the first to try rolling down a hill in a barrel, causing much fretting on his mother's part. As Gui grew older, his crazy antics became more serious, evolving to vandalism and gang fights. His father was not pleased by this and forced him to enlist in the Army, hoping it would straighten him out. In the Army, Gui proved to be an effective but unruly soldier, managing to both enrage and impress his drill sergeant at the same time. Despite his disobedience, Gui managed to get promoted into the UNAS Exframe division. It was in an Exframe where he fought most of his battles. He fought in the favelas of the contested cities of Central America. The battles slowly changed him, making him more cynical and less interested in life, corrupting his integrity as a soldier. He began doing the drugs confiscated from the cartels and got an addiction to absinthe, resulting in many reprimands from his superiors. At this time, Gui also started to see the corruption within the army, where he started seeing the superiors selling the confiscated drugs to the black market in the UNAS. He got frustrated with the corruption and his lack of freedom and went AWOL, stealing a prototype Exframe before escaping to the Pacific Rim on a cartel boat. Upon arriving in the Pacific Rim, the Flood quickly identified Gui as an obvious candidate, seeing as he already had an Exframe and military training.


Reason for Joining: Disgruntled with the corruption of the UNAS military and government and unsatisfied with fighting small skirmishes against cartels.


Additional: At any given moment, there is a 50/50 chance of Gui being drunk or high.



Name: "Chaplain" Model UNASSA-358 Hybrid Shock Assault Frame


Type: Hybrid (effective at all ranges)/ Shock Assault (Frontline battle, under heavy fire)


Description: Based on a standard mass production model, its body is slightly more angular and slightly larger than the generic. Its body is customized to resemble a monk wearing a robe, its head is covered with a hood and the body is covered in long armour plates made to resemble the folds of a robe. Its body is painted red with white designs, forming a large white cross on the front and back.


Arsenal: "Arquebus" UNASWS-420 Exframe Shock Assault Weapon System: The Arquebus is a weapon held by the Chaplain and designed for use by the Chaplain. No other Exframe can use it as it requires the Chaplain's unique digital signal to function. Its shape is reminiscent of the arquebus used during warfare in the dawn of gunpowder warfare. However, it is not a simple gunpowder ballistic rifle. Its main weapon is an electromagnetic railgun that fires 2 kg depleted uranium slugs at Mach 5, causing grievous damage to almost any target of any armour type. Each round must be loaded individually, but each slug is capable of large AoE damage if fired at the ground. However, due to the large explosion created on impact with the target, the Arquebus cannot be fired at close range without chance of damaging the weapon. At the end of the barrel is a long bayonet that uses the same vibration technology as the Forge Blades, making the Arquebus an formidable melée weapon as well. The blade can also be charged with powerful electric currents, allowing it to stun any Exframe it makes contact with. This electric property can be over charged to emit bolts of lightning, but this method of attack is extremely inefficient on energy. 

tl;dr, it's a rifle with a knife.


UNASPA-300 Standard Point Array System

UNASAE-257 Pilot Ejection System

UNASAS-032 Armoured Assault Spinners


Power: 4

Defense: 4

Speed: 2

Accuracy: 5

Mobility: 2



[spoiler=Humberto Goza (shadowferret)]Name: Humberto Goza

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 3/4 Mexican, 1/4 Puerto Rican (or equivalent)

Place of Birth: Mexico City, Central America, United North American States


Appearance: Humberto stands at medium height, around 5'8"/173 cm tall. His body is slender, but not to the point of being able to see his bones. His dark brown/black hair is cut short, as is popular with many Hispanic men. Dark brown skin gives away his heritage, as well as honey brown eyes that reflect kindness at friends and strangers alike. Humberto almost always has a smile on, and his somewhat small hands look nothing like a fighter's. Many describe his look as that of a "gentle soul".

Clothing: Normally, Humberto simply wears a button-up shirt, usually blue or black, to match whichever color of jeans he is wearing on that given day. The collars are usually neatly arranged, ready for a tie, but he never chooses to wear ties. His choice in pants are usually jeans, either blue or black, but once in a while he will wear a pair of slacks if he really needs to relax. When piloting his ExFrame, he wears a dark red bodysuit that hugs his slender frame tight. Made of a material that is slightly rubbery, it allows him to move around lightly and in a free manner, so as not to restrict any of his movements. The suit is simply that one solid color, only because he feels no need for fancy decorations on his person.


Personality: Humberto is, simply put, kind. With his family, he is always the one doing the little things like cleaning up and serving the food. When he is with his friends, he never starts arguments or fights, and when provoked into one he simply states his point and listens to the rebuttal. When with strangers, Humberto is quiet, and tends to speak only when spoken to. Because of this nature, not many people know of his more passionate side that lives for competition and excitement. There isn't much that he gets competitive about, but if he finds something to excel at, he tries his best and goes for it with everything he's got. It is how he became engaged to his fiancee, and it is how he became an ExFrame pilot.

Humberto has a tendency to get cocky at times, but he is slowly learning to scold himself when he gets out of line. He's the type of man to get carried away when he's on a roll, but through many failures caused by this aspect of his personality he has learned to be a bit more humble than others. Regardless of all this, he still retains his kind personality, and even at his most competitive moments he'll take the time to help someone who needs it. Sometimes this can lead to his failures, but Humberto would rather fail than leave someone else hanging.

History: Raised by a father who spent half his time gone and a mother who has major abandonment issues, Humberto learned early on, since childhood, that some people in this world are too fragile to be left on their own. His parents were still young when he was born, barely entering their twenties. He's never had any siblings, and his father wasn't in the house for a lot of his childhood, so Humberto shares a close bond to his mother, since they had to take care of each other while they both finished growing up. However, Mom had a lot of anger issues before Humberto had even hit puberty, so against her he tends to be spineless and cowardly. Being blamed for their miserable existence has caused Humberto to blame himself for almost everything that goes wrong with people he cares for. Many of his friends can see his obvious self-esteem issues, and his Fiancee has to comfort him very often still when he starts one of his self-hating tirades. Most people with his kind of upbringing would grow up to hate the world, but Humberto grew to pity his mother over time, and learned to care for others when they are emotionally unstable, rather than hate them for treating him badly. Whenever someone would talk down to him, though, and they obviously did it maliciously, he would fight back. He attended school like normal teenagers did, and met his current fiancee in their Senior year of high school. Persistence, attention and a lot of caring for her won her over eventually, though. Around the same time they became engaged, Humberto's father died, and his mother finally moved on to another man. Finally free of the responsibility of having to take care of his mother, Humberto is free to start his own life with the one he loves.

When the United North American States began their push for Central America, Humberto took the opportunity to snag a stable, nice-income job with their military. He quickly found out that he enjoyed piloting ExFrames, and even had an odd skill with them. Thus, he found his way of providing for the future family, as well as finding a way to dish out his competitive nature in this time of war. Over time, however, Humberto participated in a number of skirmishes, in some of which he found himself battling against people he used to know. A few of these people were simply old acquaintances who had joined the Brazilian gangs to fight. Others were people he grew up with, went to school with, and developed alongside, all caught up in the fight between the United North American States and the gangs. Once in a while, he would see innocent people getting caught up in the crossfire, with nobody paying any attention to their safety or well-being while the powers fought over this territory. The nightmares then began of one day seeing his fiancee or mother caught up in the bloodshed and his future thus wiped out. Both sides were brutal in their war. Warring was one thing he could stand, but realizing that an innocent person's mother or child could get caught in the middle pained his heart. Coupled with having to meet faces he knew on the battlefield convinced him to quit working for the United North American States. More importantly, Humberto knew he had to escape from the battlefield. Being well aware of his talent with an ExFrame and looking to start over somewhere new and possibly safer for his family, he took his fiancee and fled to Hawaii, the territory of a rising power, the Pacific Rim.

Reason for Joining: To find a new home that hopefully wouldn't be as bad a battlefield as his old home; to secure his future; and to escape from having to fight familiar faces.

Additional: Likes milk.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: The Hanged Man / XII

Type: Tank/Assault (like an assault type, but sacrifices power for more defenses/longevity; this can be changed if it is not allowed to be this way)

Description: XII - The Hanged Man - isn't very tall compared to other ExFrames, standing usually two or three feet shorter than others. The top of the mech is curved like a bell, perfectly round until it meets the shoulder areas. Within that curve lies the cockpit/"head" of The Hanged Man. At this point both arms come out of the main body, shaped like a normal human's arms would be. The mech from that point down resembles any other, with a torso part and two legs that keep the whole thing standing. The legs are a little bit thicker to support the more stout figure, however. The mech's color scheme is a silver body with a navy blue circle in the middle of the torso. From the circle extend five lines of the same color. Four of those lines trace from the torso into each limb, all the way to the hands/feet of the mech. The last line flows up to the "head" part, then traces the outline of the curve on top of the mech. In the mech's hands there are five fingers, situated just as a human's are.

Arsenal: In The Hanged Man's fingers are Hack Wires that can extend to attack nearby enemies, which is useful since the mech tends to get close to enemies. XII's right arm can split open to reveal a large forge blade. It is a little bit thicker than normal Forge Blades due to the fact that The Hanged Man is slower than other ExFrames, so it naturally is incapable of swinging the Blade as fast as others, which is the reason for the increased thickness. Mounted on the Left Shoulder of XII is a rifle much like a Sniper Rifle, but with larger bullets so that it can do some damage to ExFrames. The rifle's aiming system is attached to the cockpit, so the pilot can aim from the Point Array without having to use a physical scope - the screens work like the scope instead. A single shot from the rifle won't take out an ExFrame immediately, so this option is best used for when The Hanged Man is being attacked from afar by only a few enemies rather than going in guns blazing. Finally, in the Blue Center on The Hanged Man's torso lies a hydraulic press used to push away enemies when The Hanged Man is close. However, it takes about four seconds to retract, so using it can be somewhat of a liability in a battle if the pilot doesn't time it right.

Power: 4

Defense: 5

Speed: 2

Accuracy: 4

Mobility: 2


[spoiler=Theodore Baigun (Ghost Origins)]

Name: Theodore Baigun

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 1/2 African, 1/2 Japanese

Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan


Appearance: Theodore stands at a perfect six feet, three inches tall, uniquely tall considering he's half Japanese. His physique is powerful, well toned and trained. His skin is a mocha-chocolate brown, and his musk silver hair is cut short to his neck, and barely extends past his left eyebrow, by about an inch. Piercing black eyes and a tiny black mole are his most resembling features, only next to the old scar jagged scar on his left upper arm. His nose is broad, but his mouth is small, making him quite the contradiction considering his ethnicity. His calf muscles are large and tight, much like that of a racing horse. His hands bare huge knuckles, but are as smooth as silk. Despite his rough appearance, he's cleanly cut at his stomach, chest, and face.


Clothing: On a casual day, Theodore's clothing is nothing shy of thuggish. Sporting a plain white "sleeve ripped" t-shirt and black jeans, a single silver earring in his right ear, black "finger-less" gloves, and loose fitting sandals, he's as casual and inappropriate as he wants to be. But when it comes down to business, Theodore can turn the average thug into a man of millions. A smooth, but skin tight red, white, and black jumpsuit, baring a large, red, italic "T" on either white shoulder, Theodore is proud to call himself a pilot. Four golden buttons line his chest from top to midsection, and fitting white boots complete the ensemble, matching the red cuffed pants legs of the suit.


Personality: Theodore is typically arrogant and outspoken. He has clear thoughts and appropriate measures, and is anything but shy of speaking his mind. His deep booming voice accentuates his smooth but sly talk. Often a polite man, Theodore can be the epitome of power and glory if you oppose him. With an open-minded head to back him up, he's possibly the most confusing bastard you'll ever meet.


He enjoys talking with others, but hates to get into the old "he said, she said" conversation. These types of menial things turn him into an anger possessed monster. He may be a smooth talker, but he is also a rage monger. When it comes to his political views, the only thing he cares about seeing is the end of corruption on the far side of the globe. He cares for his brethren no more or less, but certainly won't be persuaded by another point of view.


History: During the infamous "Rise of the ExFrame" introduction era, Theodore was born. His father a powerful African businessman and kickboxer, whose home tribe and family had been captured and killed by gangs of South Africa. His mother a lovely Asian beauty who's passion was weaponry and vehicles. Raised in Okinawa, it was hard for Theodore to find friends, but easy to make them. Though he was a bit of a brat, he could easily befriend most people. The only thing that made him happier than being a friend or a son, was being an older brother. But that was taken away from him at the age of six, when Rogue Members of the EAC attempted an unauthorized invasion of Japan. His brother, Jeromy, happened to be chasing a rolling ball, right into the middle of a busy street. The war was anything but his friend, yanking Jeromy right from under him. And even when Theodore smiles, the first thing he does with his lips in silence, is call his brother's name.


Though times were rough, it took a mere week for Theodore to end the mourning over his brother. Instead, he would only smile at Jeromy's name. As a young adult, about 14 years of age, Theodore took a fancy to weapons, following in his mother's footsteps. She would often take him to the family's privately owned gun range, and allow Theodore to fire rounds from his weapon of choice. After two years of practice, Theodore felt he could handle any weapon mother could throw his way. Around the time of his 16th birthday, his mother surprised him with his own gun: a hunting rifle. With Theodore's keen eyes, taking to a scope was natural.


But everything wasn't perfect in Theodore's life. Being the kind teen that Theodore was, he could never accept a fight, merely walk away; he soon found himself being picked on at school by bullies. Because guns were not allowed on his high school campus, Theodore felt he could do nothing to stop the abuse. One day, coming home from school, his father noticed Theodore's bruises and cuts. Quickly tending to the sore boy, his father brought combat training to Theodore's attention. As it turns out, Theodore's father was a high-ranking Kick-boxer of South Africa, and the sport was rooted deep within his blood line. It would take some time, but with a few months of proper training, Theodore was flinging bullies from his shoulders left and right.


Becoming a man now, at age 24, Theodore's parents were growing elderly. His father was stricken with heart disease, and his mother had become blind in both eyes. Theodore would continue to take care of his parents as best he could, but medical prowess did not exist within him. Not long after his parents were bed ridden did Theodore learn of the ExFrame Pilot's Program. It was then he decided to join the organization to earn better wages, in order to properly tend to his sick parents. But he was too late. On February 13th of that same year, late in the evening, Theodore's father passed away. Three weeks later, his mother would follow suit.


In a mere three years time after his parent's death, Theodore had become a skilled ExFrame Pilot under the Pacific Rim, and his ExFrame would do him the honor of laying his burdens to rest.


Reason for Joining: The bastardous EAC took Theodore's family and happiness away from him at a young age. He decided from being a boy that he would set things right.


Additional: Theodore is skilled in martial arts, specifically Kick Boxing.


[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Killjoy

Type: Medium-Long-range, Recon


Description: The Killjoy is a very elegant ExFrame. Its body is slender and tall, with a sharp head and mounted scope over it's right eye. Its feet are also slender, allowing for easy maneuverability, and fast counter attacks. It bears two large cannon-like holsters inside of it's back, that are thrust out at Theodore's whim. Its outter colors are exactly like that of his pilot suit. A crimson red base marks the Killjoy, while white fills in it's hands, shoulders, ankles, and neck. Black covers the Killjoy's helmet, with a crimson red visor over it's eyes. On it's hands are two large, but sealed sockets, for it's secret weapon.


In the hidden holster within Killjoy's back, a large rifle, about as tall as Kiljoy itself, is holstered. It is solid black, with a holographic red-dot sight. This is the Killjoy's most powerful weapon, next to the Shogun blade. The bullet casings inside the weapon are red, and marked as 'shatter shots", because the bullet shatters inside of the target after impact. On the bottom of the rifle, near it's barrel, are two large mustard-green grenades that can be detached and tossed at will. They cause a blinding smoke, while Killjoy employs infrared vision.


Ina small pocket on the Killjoy's chest is a silencer-esque attachment for his sniper rifle. When equipped, the piercing bullet rounds lose their shatter aspect, and become more explosive and stun based. In addition, when fired, on impact, they release an EMP. These bullets however, are not strong enough to destroy an ExFrame, but deal major damage to the ExFrame target's inner workings and components.


Inside Killjoy's hands are two large silver canisters filled with a white adhesive that resembles glue. The canister's are thrown at long to medium ranges, but distance often does not matter, as long as Theodore hits his target. The canisters explode on impact, and the goo fizzes over the target, temporarily freezing it in place, while releasing a light shock to the target, stunning it's sensors and equipment, effectively disabling it for up to sixty seconds.


The Shogun Forge Blade is designed specifically as a last resort. Made of tempered titanium and steel, with the Forge Blade basis, it is a formidable weapon. Its hilt is white, and its guard red. Its power is immense, but it nearly completely drains Killjoy of it's power. The Shogun blade gains power from the Life Force of the ExFrame (parts of the Solomon Engine's output is converted to power within the Shogun Blade, giving it it's immense power). If Theodore isn't careful, the Shogun blade could backfire, and cause Killjoy to completely shut down because of the amount of energy drained directly from the Solomon Engine. Otherwise, a two-handed, over head strike from the Shogun Blade could level an enemy ExFrame.


With as little as 3% power, Killjoy can enter it's adrenaline like state. At this point, Killjoy's helmet is removed, and Theodore is ejected on a remote control ejector seat with 5 minutes of power. Taking the place of Theodore's seat in the cockpit is a large rounded, black and red bomb. It radiates at high levels, and can corrode the land around it within seconds. In order t prevent the bomb from melting down and failing, Killjoy sheds its exoskeleton and enters Auto-Pilot. Killjoy will then take it's Shogun Blade and unlock the Warhead on it's head, activating a timer of fifteen seconds, after which time it explodes, and releases a large nuclear explosion.




1 High Powered Long Range Sniper Rifle, with piercing bullet attachment .50 caliber.

1 Medium Ranged Shogun's Forge Blade (a more lengthy but agile version of the Forge Blade. Much like a scimitar)

2 Super Dense Killjoy Grenades (Smoke Grenades)

2 Socket of Still Goo (adhesive bombs for mechs, located in it's hand sockets)

1 Ballistic Shock Cannon Attachment for the Sniper Rifle

1 Shogun's Sacrifice (Self Destruct)



Power: 3

Defense: 1

Speed: 4

Accuracy: 5

Mobility: 4




[spoiler=Pilot Call Names]Angel Ramirez (Nova Graca) - "Belladonna"

Corinne Jericho (SeaGull) - "Flight Time"

Cory Diedrich (Aubade) - "Highball"

Gui Leduc (Chaplain) - "Duke"

Humberto Goza (Hanged Man) - "Guardian"

Kitty He (Glass) - "Snatch"

Theodore Baigun (Killjoy) - "Oneshot"


[spoiler=Accepted NPCs]None so far~


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The weapons listed in the Exframe Guide, are they the only weapons available (save guns, missiles, flamethrowers, etc), or are customs allowed?


No, but you should be prudent with anything not listed. Basically, if it's a weapon that'd be common enough in war settings, I won't deny you using it.


Pinkie Pie, RESERVED.

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Another Great looking RP Kyubey. Hope this is good enough.


'By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.'

[spoiler=Steven Robert Yumikuwa (Magnet Soldier)]Name: Steven Robert Yumikawa

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 3/4 English, 1/4 Japanese

Place of Birth: Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.


Appearance: Stephen is tall, reaching 6 foot tall, and is of average/slightly thin build. He has a unhealthy pale complexion with rather large bags under his eyes, leading many to presume he is unwell. He has intelligent, dark green eyes and dark brown hair which is rather long, reaching down to his shoulders and covering his right eye, which is blurred and doesn't work very well. He has a dark red streak on his fringe, and occasionally may die his hair black to make this streak stand out even more. He has a small tattoo on the side of his neck of a closed Rose, and underneath that is 'I haven't Bloomed yet'.

Clothing: Steven is usually found wearing a rather casual get-up, consisting of a pair of faded Jeans, plain white short sleeved shirt and a denim Jacket with a ripped sleeve and the name of his Favourite Band, 'Lostprophets' on the back. He also wears a pair of black trainers and black fingerless leather gloves. He is also normally found with a pair of black headphones, usually with only one in his right ear. Occasionally, when he can be bothered, he will wear a black suit and tie with a white shirt, and black shoes, but he rarely wears this for anything that isn't important. Even in this suit, which he hasn't worn since his last day out with his Girlfriend, about a year and a half ago, and even in this he still has his headphones in. He nearly always wears a pair of small and slim grey glasses, which, rather than make him look nerdy or something, make him look just a little cooler.

The Mecha suit is a regular Jumpsuit(As I imagine most other peoples will be), coloured black, with white stripes down the arms and legs. He switches his glasses for a single lensed camera computer thing over his right eye, which can be used as a camera, heat/night vision, projector, handsfree phone and many other things, aswell as creates a twenty-twenty Vision for his deteriorated Eye.


Personality: Steven is a quiet fellow with a lot of respect to manners, and so is generally viewed as polite and intelligent, something he doesn't like to deny. He is cocky about this fact, and generally uses this intelligence and cockiness with a hint of Sarcasm to, overall, f*ck with peoples minds. Many people who know him, know him for being an Ass, and almost everyone hates the fact he can pretty much say 'Get the F*ck lost, you sad little Hobo', in a polite way. His sly smile and his annoying, piercing green eyes just add to this effect, causing people to be unnerved by his presence. Of course, difficulties arise with being as Cocky as he is. In fact, he was nearly denied the Job of controlling Ghost due to his annoying habit of Disobeying orders to pursue his own interests. Another downside is the previously mentioned fact that not many people like to talk or hang around with him, and he's sort of knocked himself away from the rest of the Pacific rim, with very few people wanting to learn more about him or get to know him.

Despite this, he can be nice and friendly. Of course, as life should be in his eyes, he needs to get this right back. Be nice to him, he'll be nice to you. He can go out of his way to help a total stranger, and not expect a thanks in return, just aslong as he knows that someone would do the same for him. He's still just as annoying, even with friends, but generally in a nice way, and most of the people he makes friends with learn to live with it.

Like any other person, he has a fuse. Albeit a long one, but it's still there. And if it goes off, it's like setting off a Bloody nuke. He will completely throw aside his quiet act and will start verbally and physically assaulting the person who angered him, and anyone on that persons side. Usually, this is verbally, as his Physical strength isn't exactly great, but he will still start to hit someone if they really piss him off.

History: Steven was born in Leeds, West Yorkshire, in england. He was born to a Business man in a growing company, and a Nurse in the local hospital, and lived a generally decent life. He had few friends in school, as most hated his above average intelligence and his almost evil comments, and prefered to stay away from him. The few friends that were his friends were his enemies by High School, except for one. He never even realised this Girl was his oldest and most loyal friend until he was eighteen, and realised they both had feelings for each other, but we'll cover that later.

In Primary school, nothing exceptionally important happened, the most important being a fight in which he ended up with a large gash in the side of his head, which still has a scar. In High School, however, quite a few things happened. The first was year 8, and he still had very few friends. One of his 'enemies' decided that Steven was obviously a weakling, and deserved to be taught a lesson. He ended up nearly blinding Steven in the right eye, but also ended up leaving the fight questioning his very existence, due to the well worded words spun by Steven. Steven himself was ushered to hospital quickly, cry tears of Blood, and arrived at the Hospital just in time to save his right eye, which still doesn't work well.

For another 2 years, he was avoided by all but his closest friends. In year 10, aged 15, his dad's company went bankrupt, and his mom's wages were cut, making their life very difficult and meaning they went without food quite often. This was an obvious anchoring point in his life, and made him realise that he needed to start doing things for himself, and earn his own living. So he got a small part time job, and help raise money for the family.

Year 11, 16 years old, was relatively uneventful aswell. Besides his GCSE's, which he managed to get straights A's in(Besides Art, which he failed with a D), nothing very important happened to him, and he left school feeling slightly pleased with himself. He left school for college, again followed by his Best Friend, the Girl, and had a very uneventful life there. Besides from, of course, getting together with the Girl. They were standing on a bridge, alone, and she just, well, kissed him. Out of the Blue. He didn't even know how to react. And they got together, and started going out with each other.

For three years, he was relatively happy. Infact, he actually gained more and more friends, until he was incredibly popular, all because of his happiness, which was caused, of course, by his new Girlfriend. However, this was short lived. They were walking home from the Cinema's, having just seen a great movie, and were both laughing to each other. When, out of nowhere, BANG. A gun shot. His girlfriend fell, dead, to the floor, and the Mugger ran off with her Purse, while Steven was left there to sit beside his already dead Girlfriend, having been shot in the heart.

Seeing nothing to live for in the NEU, he moved, wanting to find a new reason for his life, to the Pacific rim, and has been there for three years now, and knows many of the people there.

Reason for Joining: Steven left for the Pacific Rim due to two main reasons. 1) His family had moved there a while before, due to finacial reasons(In debted to a Loan Shark). 2) His Girlfriend, who he had been with for the 3 years before moving to the Pacific rim, aged 21, was shot by a Mugger, and thinking he had nothing to live for in the NEU, he decided to go prove his worth with the Pacific Rim.


[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Ghost.

Type: Scout

Description: Ghost is a small and compact Mecha, fitting just as much Gear into it's relatively small, 13 foot tall frame. The face is a flat round ball, 3 foot in Diameter, in which Steven's upper body fits in to control the Mecha. It is a plain grey, with no obvious details on it, so as to not waste weight. The body is Grey and White, and is very light with obvious detail gone into the agility sections. It has a Variety of Weapons scattered around the frame and has a large group of mirrors scattered around the Body, set up for two reasons. 1, they distract enemies and 2), they power the camoflauge device. The Mecha itself is very light and many lighter, yet just as strong materials have gone into building it, so it has nearly as much defense as the average Mecha, yet is much faster and more agile. Due to the expensive Nature of the Weapons and armour, such as the Camoflauge cloak, it is a one of a Kind Model used for one main purpose, infiltration to destroy enemies from the inside.

Arsenal: A set of durable Hackwires that, while they deliver a lower charge and effect, are much more durable than Standard Hackwires and can be used for much more than attacking an opponent, and are strong enough to lift Mecha, and can be used to draw an opponent in for close range attacks, or to make a quick escape(Lift itself up).

A Machine Gun on each Knuckle, each with 20 rounds of 100 .50 calibre bullets.

A small, retractable Forge Blade in the Palm of Ghost's Left Palm.

Missile launchers scattered around the Mech.

Hackwire Net Launcher, a Cannon which shoots a Net of Hackwire attached to the Mech by a strong, thin wire, on each wrist.

An Invisibilty device which causes the Mech to not only become nearly invisible Visibly - Like a Heat Shimmer - , but is also incredibly difficult to detect using Heat Vision, Radars and other Detection equipment. However, The Mech is visible to night vision during this time, making it much better to use the Invisibility Device during Daytime.

EMP Device: Obvious really. Causes most Electrical Items within the Immediate vicinity to lose power. This is a weak one which only lasts for 1-2 minutes at max, enough time to flee.


Power: 2

Defense: 3

Speed: 4

Accuracy: 4

Mobility: 4




Also, the EU at the moment contains the UK and Ireland, so why does it say 'Current Equivelant, UK, Ireland'. We just dont have the Euro is all.

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Mhm. You probably should have expected this, after the Planning thread.


By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.

[spoiler=Ana Maria "Angel" Ramirez (Luxray)]Name: Ana Maria "Angel" Ramirez

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: 1/2th Brazilian, 1/2 American

Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America


Appearance: With an hourglass figure and flawless brown skin, Angel was made to impress. A tad short but well-curved nonetheless, it's clear that destiny has been good to her- well, her physical appearance, at least. Her hair is similarly sensuous, long and silky black. It flows to the middle of her back, though it is usually pulled back into a ponytail. Curiously, it's obvious that, despite it's beauty, Angel does not care about her hair- when it's in a ponytail it's hastily done and hairs usually hang out, as though Angel has better things to do that care about her hair.


Her face is small, round, and adorned with traditional South American features- small, dark, features, almost-black eyes, and a small and rather pinched mouth. However, that is not to say she's not pretty- in fact, she is quite so. She rarely wears makeup, but in a way that adds to her beauty; many a man has fallen prey to the small and lush femme fatale.

Clothing: For street clothing, Angel generally dresses in light, airy, and above all, inexpensive clothes. A blank tank top and jeans will usually suffice, and Angel will don a leather jacket occasionally over this outfit. The outfit is always accentuated by a number of bead and leather bracelets over her tanned wrists and ankles, and sometimes Angel will don a black armband, in rememberance of her lost companions.


Mecha suit-wise, Angel usually wears a motorcycle gear-like outfit; a tight, green and black jacket paired with identically colored pants, boots, and gloves. She has also taken to donning sunglasses during such periods, though if they impede with her vision, Angel will most definitely take them off.


Personality: Angel looks out for herself. And only herself. She puts herself first and foremost, and is always looking out for her own hide; she rarely is the one rushing to the rescue of her allies. She has a one-track mind, pursuing her goals avidly and relentlessly, and she is not afraid to sacrifice people to get them. Fiercely independent, she believes she and she alone alone is the best one to do things. However, she is by no means a lone wolf; she recognizes the tactical advantage of allies and will reluctantly allow them to "help her out". Cynical and bitter from a life growing up on the streets, she had nevertheless maintained a certain sort of quasi-friendly personality that allows her to bond with most people. Not that she allows herself to grow close to people- she usually keeps them at arm's length. As said, she looks out for herself, and herself alone.


Maybe it's from her situation in life, but Angel reacts well to pressure. She never freezes, never hesitates; she just does that which needs to be done. She has a good eye for battlefield tactics and is savvy all-around, so while she is not the best person to watch your back, her value on the battlefield is undisputed. Though she usually behaves with a certain kind of feminism that generally adds up to "I'm not a damsel in distress, I can save my own ass, thank you very much" she is not afraid to use her feminine charms- especially when they help her achieve one of her goals. When asked about her personal history, Angel will respond with a curt "I don't want to talk about it" and do her best to steer the conversation away; it's obvious she's trying to avoid her past and is aiming for a new start.

History: Born to a Brazilian prostitute and one of her American clients, Ana Maria was fated to have a hard life. She grew up on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, her father having left before she was born and her mother abandoning her on a sidewalk, and quickly fell in with one of the drug cartels in the area, a local group known as the Vasquez cartel, named after it's first leader. Proving savvy with both thievery and drug-running, the girl quickly advanced through the ranks, and the strength of her gang with her. It was around this time she acquired her nickname- one of her gang-mates sarcastically referred to her as an "Angel" for the gang after she was the first to sneak drugs across the Brazilian border, and the name stuck. Finally, by the time she was promoted to leader of the Vasquez cartel, her gang was one of the toughest in the land; recognizing the need to get stronger weaponry to extend her boundaries, Angel made connections with a slightly disreputable man named Cortez -who made Exframes- and commissioned one. However, by this time, her gang was starting to attract attention from some of the major drug cartels of South America, and one of them decided to get rid of the group before it became a threat. The attack came when Angel was visiting Cortez and her new mech; a group of armed men descended on the Vasquez cartel headquarters, and killed everyone there. There were no survivors- except Angel. In a fit of rage, she took her new mech and attacked the group, who were returning to their masters; she completely obliterated them. However, this was but nothing for the drug cartels- such a loss barely affects a group that constituted hundreds of thousands. Nevertheless, it was blow to their pride, so they began to send assassins after Angel. Soon, the young lady was forced to leave South America.


Angel reexamined her life and decided it was time to change. She didn't want any more to do with war, drugs, and the like; she wanted to escape all that. The problem was, where would she find the money to make this dream a reality? Finding she had no other real skills, Angel began parading around the five superpowers, totting herself as a "Mecha pilot for hire", even though she no longer wanted to be such. She got a few good jobs here and there, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to support the oh-so-young girl; she constantly needed more money. Always needed more money, if she wanted to start a new lease on life. Finally, there was a light in the darkness; she heard of a new superpower on the rise that was looking for mech drivers, and willing to pay good money for them. Out of desperation, she signed up with the Pacific Rim.

Reason for Joining: Angel was forced to leave South America by a rival gang. She joined up with the Pacific Rim for the fame, the the wealth- and mostly desperation.

Additional: Angel can speak three different languages (or the modern versions thereof)- Portuguese, Spanish, and English.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Nova Graça (New Grace in Portuguese)

Type: Scout, with a side focus on hit-and-run technologies.

Description: A bit ram-shackle, Angel's mech is nonetheless well-equipped and armored. They took a former war model and revamped it to better suit Angel's skills. It's human-shaped (although to a much larger scale), though it's features are much sharper than a humans'. It's painted in a lurid green and yellow, and The mech is a bit more than sixteen feet, with a large, metallic head, long and skinny, starting out relatively large and tapering into a point at the end. The array is placed in here and partially in the "chest" of the creature.

Arsenal: A pair of large, curved, scimitar-esque Forge Blades wrap around the mech's wrists, and by a spring-loaded mechanism they fall outward out into full sword form. A grenade launcher is harnessed to the right shoulder, with four barrels spiking outward, as the machine is a pain to reload and instead has been edited to fire four grenades independently. A secondary machine gun hangs underneath the left Forge Blade, though Angel rarely uses it. The main weapon (or rather, asset) of the mech is a large, flower-shaped device placed on the mech's chest. This is a hologram generator, able to produce convincing 3-D images in the air. It is used to create realistic mechs to confuse and distract the enemy, though they are but illusions and cannot harm anything, and once touched it becomes clear they are holograms. They can go a total 50 yards around the mech, and the expense of only being able to operate a total half hour before needing a cooldown period. The cooldown period is relative to the amount of time the illusion generator has been used, so the best way to use the hologram generator is in bursts.


Power: 4

Defense: 3

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 2

Mobility: 3



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Angel Ramirez


I wouldn’t put it past the international news to at least bring up some mention of the cartel massacre, so I’d like to see something in her personality that mentions her reaction to people knowing this fact, if they do.


A bit more in terms of details on her street clothing and her pilot suit, please.


I admit I didn’t make this really clear in the descriptions, but Flood is getting their Exframes custom-built through Japan’s Shikura Industries. Therefore, I’d like some clarification on whether her old frame was just revamped or completely overhauled.


Exframes are humanoid, but not that much so. Make the human head resemblance less striking. Also, “flowing hair” is a big liability in battle.


What shape are the Forge Blades on the arms? Sorry, I just can’t get a clear mental picture.


Put some specific time and area limits on the hologram generator.


You also have one too many points.

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Guest Bless

By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.


[spoiler=Haukea Lani]Name: Haukea Lani

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 1/2 Hawaiian, 1/2 Caucasian

Place of Birth: Hawaii


Appearance: Haukea is moderately built with bird thin legs. A tribal tattoo rises up his face from the right side up, and his right arm appears to be covered in nothing but tattoo ink as if it were a glove/long sleeve. He is clean shaven, and a hairstyle that rises in the front like a bird with the back smooth and short.

Clothing: His Street Clothing is pretty much whatever is available, casually flaunting slippers and long surf pants. Most of his shirts are short sleeved, with the right sleeve almost always cut off as if it were part of the design. The Pilot Suit he wears is skin tight, white in color, and has Samoan inspired Hawaiian Tribal Markings spiraling up from his left foot to the right side of his neck and centering on his chest.


Personality: Haukea is often found at the beach, tinkering with his Exframe inspired gadgets. These gadgets keep his attitude down to a quiet lul, which is an odd inverse to his more public behavior. In public he is often found with speaking with great fervor, backed by feelings of uncertainty. This conflict in behavior, leads him to appear to be a very confusing person. To both others and himself.

While in his Exframe, his attitude doesnt change much. Often listening to orders or the behavior of those around him, there are few moments where he shows signs of ingenuity. Yet he expresses what he sees could have changed after a battle. This form of creative recklessness has made him both an asset and annoyance on the battlefield.

History: N/A filled in when I have time.

Reason for Joining: To gain confidence to think on his own 2 feet, and restore pride in his Island chain.

Additional: N/A atm [spoiler=Exframe]Name: Cold Chief

Type: Short-Medium Ranged

Description: The primary color of his Exframe is white with yellow, red and blue highlights in a feathery embossed pattern. It is a very bulky Exframe that is designed to fight in dense areas such as the water or jungle/rainforest, but has great difficulty in Air Combat. The head of the Frame resembled a Hawaiian Warrior Helmet with red flames rising up from the top of the forehead, down to the back of the Frame. When this Exframe moves at high speeds, you may see visible smoke/flames that appear like an aurora similar to the colors of Hawaiian Chiefs.

Arsenal: 2 Exframe Daggers that are shaped like Hawaiian Daggers (Pahoa), and a Long Spear that when used to block or attack forms a visual Shark that widens the overall impact zone. The fists of this Exframe also pack a heavy punch due to its raw size, but are often grossly impractical as it was not designed for this purpose. It may also use a standard side-arm Pistol for Exframes with no unique qualities but can be used when getting close is not possible.

The Specialty System it uses is the "Palekaiko Bird", which emits feathery multicolored flames from the edges of his exframes where the embossed patterns appear to come from. These flames increase the damage of his attacks, and may either heat or freeze the Exframe he comes in contact with at his choosing. If he is out of Close Range Weapons to use and he chooses not to use Fist Attacks, the Palekaiko Bird System may be used to for Defensive or Long Range use; however both may not be used at the same time. The Palekaiko Bird System also sustains flight for the Cold Chief.


Power: 4

Defense: 5

Speed: 1

Accuracy: 3

Mobility: 4



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By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.


Not finished will continue

[spoiler=John Walker (Nexev)]Name: John Walker

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: He's American, which means that no one has any fuckin clue anymore. He looks white though.

Place of Birth: Boston


Appearance: Tall and skinny, has brown straight hair. He is known to be one of those people who completly lack a prescence, so generic is his face. It is the kinda face that is remarkable in how unremarkable it is. Its the kinda face that you cant recall anything about when you try to remenber it. His eyes are brown as well. He has the muscles of one who has trained years in combat but he does his best to hide it.

Clothing: John nomrally wears sunglasses and a black suit, complete with bowtie and earpiece. Pretty much standard outfit for agents. John can wear other outfits but when he does he does so to disguise himself. His pilot outfit is also a standard issue black skintight jumpsuit thing. John is not paid to be a individual, john is paid to get results.


Personality: John Walker is a professional and a patriot. He loves his country, he loves his boss in a totally platonic and not gay way. Okay maybe a little gay. But yeah, John defends his country and the innocents and he knows this. He cares little of himself, thinking himself only as a cog in the great machines. He thinks of this of near everyone and thus regards people cooly and views people who he thinks are arrogant with distaste. He is the complete opposite around people he view as superiors however, acting in a manner similar to hero worship. This is to the point of childishness, going big eyed and eager to please them. This is not him trying to suck up oddly enough. He simply is like that.


John is awkward around new people and thus tries to act professional around them. Deep down he really wants to have friends and is extremly big on teamwork, hence his whole cog philosophy. However this same philosophy makes him have little friends, so he usually cheers himself up with a sock puppet he mad. Mr Biffle. Mr Biffle is kinda mean though.

History: {This should cover only the major details of their life: e.g, those that had a profound effect on their development. 2 paragraphs at most.}

Reason for Joining: {Why did they abandon their home, if applicable, and ally with the Pacific Rim?}

Additional: {Anything not covered in the fields above?}[spoiler=Exframe]Name:

Type: {Long-range, short-range, scout, assault? You get the idea.}

Description: {No pictures. Give an idea of the color scheme, dimensions, basic body shape, and any additional important details.}

Arsenal: {You can have the standard weapons mentioned in the Exframe Guide (as long as you don’t go overboard), but you can also have one “unique” system, such as the Guren’s radiation surger in Code Geass. Make sure things make sense with what you laid out below, though!}


Power: {You have 17 “points” to allot to these five categories. Each one requires at least 1 point and no single category can have more than 5. Use all 17. Remember, these points are only for a comparative guideline. For this category, how strong is your Exframe?}

Defense: {How well can your Exframe take a hit?}

Speed: {How fast can your Exframe go?}

Accuracy: {In long-range combat, how good is your Exframe at aiming?}

Mobility: {How easy is it for your Exframe to turn and stop?}



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"By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed."



[spoiler=Theodore Baigun (Ghost Origins)]

Name: Theodore Baigun

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 1/2 African, 1/2 Japanese

Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan


Appearance: Theodore stands at a perfect six feet, three inches tall, uniquely tall considering he's half Japanese. His physique is powerful, well toned and trained. His skin is a mocha-chocolate brown, and his musk silver hair is cut short to his neck, and barely extends past his left eyebrow, by about an inch. Piercing black eyes and a tiny black mole are his most resembling features, only next to the old scar jagged scar on his left upper arm. His nose is broad, but his mouth is small, making him quite the contradiction considering his ethnicity. His calf muscles are large and tight, much like that of a racing horse. His hands bare huge knuckles, but are as smooth as silk. Despite his rough appearance, he's cleanly cut at his stomach, chest, and face.


Clothing: On a casual day, Theodore's clothing is nothing shy of thuggish. Sporting a plain white "sleeve ripped" t-shirt and black jeans, a single silver earring in his right ear, black "finger-less" gloves, and loose fitting sandals, he's as casual and inappropriate as he wants to be. But when it comes down to business, Theodore can turn the average thug into a man of millions. A smooth, but skin tight red, white, and black jumpsuit, baring a large, red, italic "T" on either white shoulder, Theodore is proud to call himself a pilot. Four golden buttons line his chest from top to midsection, and fitting white boots complete the ensemble, matching the red cuffed pants legs of the suit.


Personality: Theodore is typically arrogant and outspoken. He has clear thoughts and appropriate measures, and is anything but shy of speaking his mind. His deep booming voice accentuates his smooth but sly talk. Often a polite man, Theodore can be the epitome of power and glory if you oppose him. With an open-minded head to back him up, he's possibly the most confusing bastard you'll ever meet.


He enjoys talking with others, but hates to get into the old "he said, she said" conversation. These types of menial things turn him into an anger possessed monster. He may be a smooth talker, but he is also a rage monger. When it comes to his political views, the only thing he cares about seeing is the end of corruption on the far side of the globe. He cares for his brethren no more or less, but certainly won't be persuaded by another point of view.


History: During the infamous "Rise of the ExFrame" introduction era, Theodore was born. His father a powerful African businessman and kickboxer, whose home tribe and family had been captured and killed by gangs of South Africa. His mother a lovely Asian beauty who's passion was weaponry and vehicles. Raised in Okinawa, it was hard for Theodore to find friends, but easy to make them. Though he was a bit of a brat, he could easily befriend most people. The only thing that made him happier than being a friend or a son, was being an older brother. But that was taken away from him at the age of six, when Rogue Members of the EAC attempted an unauthorized invasion of Japan. His brother, Jeromy, happened to be chasing a rolling ball, right into the middle of a busy street. The war was anything but his friend, yanking Jeromy right from under him. And even when Theodore smiles, the first thing he does with his lips in silence, is call his brother's name.


Though times were rough, it took a mere week for Theodore to end the mourning over his brother. Instead, he would only smile at Jeromy's name. As a young adult, about 14 years of age, Theodore took a fancy to weapons, following in his mother's footsteps. She would often take him to the family's privately owned gun range, and allow Theodore to fire rounds from his weapon of choice. After two years of practice, Theodore felt he could handle any weapon mother could throw his way. Around the time of his 16th birthday, his mother surprised him with his own gun: a hunting rifle. With Theodore's keen eyes, taking to a scope was natural.


But everything wasn't perfect in Theodore's life. Being the kind teen that Theodore was, he could never accept a fight, merely walk away; he soon found himself being picked on at school by bullies. Because guns were not allowed on his high school campus, Theodore felt he could do nothing to stop the abuse. One day, coming home from school, his father noticed Theodore's bruises and cuts. Quickly tending to the sore boy, his father brought combat training to Theodore's attention. As it turns out, Theodore's father was a high-ranking Kick-boxer of South Africa, and the sport was rooted deep within his blood line. It would take some time, but with a few months of proper training, Theodore was flinging bullies from his shoulders left and right.


Becoming a man now, at age 24, Theodore's parents were growing elderly. His father was stricken with heart disease, and his mother had become blind in both eyes. Theodore would continue to take care of his parents as best he could, but medical prowess did not exist within him. Not long after his parents were bed ridden did Theodore learn of the ExFrame Pilot's Program. It was then he decided to join the organization to earn better wages, in order to properly tend to his sick parents. But he was too late. On February 13th of that same year, late in the evening, Theodore's father passed away. Three weeks later, his mother would follow suit.


In a mere three years time after his parent's death, Theodore had become a skilled ExFrame Pilot under the Pacific Rim, and his ExFrame would do him the honor of laying his burdens to rest.


Reason for Joining: The bastardous EAC took Theodore's family and happiness away from him at a young age. He decided from being a boy that he would set things right.


Additional: Theodore is skilled in martial arts, specifically Kick Boxing.


[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Killjoy

Type: Medium-Long-range, Recon


Description: The Killjoy is a very elegant ExFrame. Its body is slender and tall, with a sharp head and mounted scope over it's right eye. Its feet are also slender, allowing for easy maneuverability, and fast counter attacks. It bears two large cannon-like holsters inside of it's back, that are thrust out at Theodore's whim. Its outter colors are exactly like that of his pilot suit. A crimson red base marks the Killjoy, while white fills in it's hands, shoulders, ankles, and neck. Black covers the Killjoy's helmet, with a crimson red visor over it's eyes. On it's hands are two large, but sealed sockets, for it's secret weapon.


In the hidden holster within Killjoy's back, a large rifle, about as tall as Kiljoy itself, is holstered. It is solid black, with a holographic red-dot sight. This is the Killjoy's most powerful weapon, next to the Shogun blade. The bullet casings inside the weapon are red, and marked as 'shatter shots", because the bullet shatters inside of the target after impact. On the bottom of the rifle, near it's barrel, are two large mustard-green grenades that can be detached and tossed at will. They cause a blinding smoke, while Killjoy employs infrared vision.


Ina small pocket on the Killjoy's chest is a silencer-esque attachment for his sniper rifle. When equipped, the piercing bullet rounds lose their shatter aspect, and become more explosive and stun based. In addition, when fired, on impact, they release an EMP. These bullets however, are not strong enough to destroy an ExFrame, but deal major damage to the ExFrame target's inner workings and components.


Inside Killjoy's hands are two large silver canisters filled with a white adhesive that resembles glue. The canister's are thrown at long to medium ranges, but distance often does not matter, as long as Theodore hits his target. The canisters explode on impact, and the goo fizzes over the target, temporarily freezing it in place, while releasing a light shock to the target, stunning it's sensors and equipment, effectively disabling it for up to sixty seconds.


The Shogun Forge Blade is designed specifically as a last resort. Made of tempered titanium and steel, with the Forge Blade basis, it is a formidable weapon. Its hilt is white, and its guard red. Its power is immense, but it nearly completely drains Killjoy of it's power. The Shogun blade gains power from the Life Force of the ExFrame (parts of the Solomon Engine's output is converted to power within the Shogun Blade, giving it it's immense power). If Theodore isn't careful, the Shogun blade could backfire, and cause Killjoy to completely shut down because of the amount of energy drained directly from the Solomon Engine. Otherwise, a two-handed, over head strike from the Shogun Blade could level an enemy ExFrame.


With as little as 3% power, Killjoy can enter it's adrenaline like state. At this point, Killjoy's helmet is removed, and Theodore is ejected on a remote control ejector seat with 5 minutes of power. Taking the place of Theodore's seat in the cockpit is a large rounded, black and red bomb. It radiates at high levels, and can corrode the land around it within seconds. In order t prevent the bomb from melting down and failing, Killjoy sheds its exoskeleton and enters Auto-Pilot. Killjoy will then take it's Shogun Blade and unlock the Warhead on it's head, activating a timer of fifteen seconds, after which time it explodes, and releases a large nuclear explosion.




1 High Powered Long Range Sniper Rifle, with piercing bullet attachment .50 caliber.

1 Medium Ranged Shogun's Forge Blade (a more lengthy but agile version of the Forge Blade. Much like a scimitar)

2 Super Dense Killjoy Grenades (Smoke Grenades)

2 Socket of Still Goo (adhesive bombs for mechs, located in it's hand sockets)

1 Ballistic Shock Cannon Attachment for the Sniper Rifle

1 Shogun's Sacrifice (Self Destruct)



Power: 3

Defense: 1

Speed: 4

Accuracy: 5

Mobility: 4



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By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.

[spoiler=Humberto Goza (shadowferret)]Name: Humberto Goza

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 3/4 Mexican, 1/4 Puerto Rican (or equivalent)

Place of Birth: Mexico City, Central America, United North American States


Appearance: Humberto stands at medium height, around 5'8"/173 cm tall. His body is slender, but not to the point of being able to see his bones. His dark brown/black hair is cut short, as is popular with many Hispanic men. Dark brown skin gives away his heritage, as well as honey brown eyes that reflect kindness at friends and strangers alike. Humberto almost always has a smile on, and his somewhat small hands look nothing like a fighter's. Many describe his look as that of a "gentle soul".

Clothing: Normally, Humberto simply wears a button-up shirt, usually blue or black, to match whichever color of jeans he is wearing on that given day. The collars are usually neatly arranged, ready for a tie, but he never chooses to wear ties. His choice in pants are usually jeans, either blue or black, but once in a while he will wear a pair of slacks if he really needs to relax. When piloting his ExFrame, he wears a dark red bodysuit that hugs his slender frame tight. Made of a material that is slightly rubbery, it allows him to move around lightly and in a free manner, so as not to restrict any of his movements. The suit is simply that one solid color, only because he feels no need for fancy decorations on his person.


Personality: Humberto is, simply put, kind. With his family, he is always the one doing the little things like cleaning up and serving the food. When he is with his friends, he never starts arguments or fights, and when provoked into one he simply states his point and listens to the rebuttal. When with strangers, Humberto is quiet, and tends to speak only when spoken to. Because of this nature, not many people know of his more passionate side that lives for competition and excitement. There isn't much that he gets competitive about, but if he finds something to excel at, he tries his best and goes for it with everything he's got. It is how he became engaged to his fiancee, and it is how he became an ExFrame pilot.

Humberto has a tendency to get cocky at times, but he is slowly learning to scold himself when he gets out of line. He's the type of man to get carried away when he's on a roll, but through many failures caused by this aspect of his personality he has learned to be a bit more humble than others. Regardless of all this, he still retains his kind personality, and even at his most competitive moments he'll take the time to help someone who needs it. Sometimes this can lead to his failures, but Humberto would rather fail than leave someone else hanging.

History: Raised by a father who spent half his time gone and a mother who has major abandonment issues, Humberto learned early on, since childhood, that some people in this world are too fragile to be left on their own. His parents were still young when he was born, barely entering their twenties. He's never had any siblings, and his father wasn't in the house for a lot of his childhood, so Humberto shares a close bond to his mother, since they had to take care of each other while they both finished growing up. However, Mom had a lot of anger issues before Humberto had even hit puberty, so against her he tends to be spineless and cowardly. Being blamed for their miserable existence has caused Humberto to blame himself for almost everything that goes wrong with people he cares for. Many of his friends can see his obvious self-esteem issues, and his Fiancee has to comfort him very often still when he starts one of his self-hating tirades. Most people with his kind of upbringing would grow up to hate the world, but Humberto grew to pity his mother over time, and learned to care for others when they are emotionally unstable, rather than hate them for treating him badly. Whenever someone would talk down to him, though, and they obviously did it maliciously, he would fight back. He attended school like normal teenagers did, and met his current fiancee in their Senior year of high school. Persistence, attention and a lot of caring for her won her over eventually, though. Around the same time they became engaged, Humberto's father died, and his mother finally moved on to another man. Finally free of the responsibility of having to take care of his mother, Humberto is free to start his own life with the one he loves.

When the United North American States began their push for Central America, Humberto took the opportunity to snag a stable, nice-income job with their military. He quickly found out that he enjoyed piloting ExFrames, and even had an odd skill with them. Thus, he found his way of providing for the future family, as well as finding a way to dish out his competitive nature in this time of war. Over time, however, Humberto participated in a number of skirmishes, in some of which he found himself battling against people he used to know. A few of these people were simply old acquaintances who had joined the Brazilian gangs to fight. Others were people he grew up with, went to school with, and developed alongside, all caught up in the fight between the United North American States and the gangs. Once in a while, he would see innocent people getting caught up in the crossfire, with nobody paying any attention to their safety or well-being while the powers fought over this territory. The nightmares then began of one day seeing his fiancee or mother caught up in the bloodshed and his future thus wiped out. Both sides were brutal in their war. Warring was one thing he could stand, but realizing that an innocent person's mother or child could get caught in the middle pained his heart. Coupled with having to meet faces he knew on the battlefield convinced him to quit working for the United North American States. More importantly, Humberto knew he had to escape from the battlefield. Being well aware of his talent with an ExFrame and looking to start over somewhere new and possibly safer for his family, he took his fiancee and fled to Hawaii, the territory of a rising power, the Pacific Rim.

Reason for Joining: To find a new home that hopefully wouldn't be as bad a battlefield as his old home; to secure his future; and to escape from having to fight familiar faces.

Additional: Likes milk.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: The Hanged Man / XII

Type: Tank/Assault (like an assault type, but sacrifices power for more defenses/longevity; this can be changed if it is not allowed to be this way)

Description: XII - The Hanged Man - isn't very tall compared to other ExFrames, standing usually two or three feet shorter than others. The top of the mech is curved like a bell, perfectly round until it meets the shoulder areas. Within that curve lies the cockpit/"head" of The Hanged Man. At this point both arms come out of the main body, shaped like a normal human's arms would be. The mech from that point down resembles any other, with a torso part and two legs that keep the whole thing standing. The legs are a little bit thicker to support the more stout figure, however. The mech's color scheme is a silver body with a navy blue circle in the middle of the torso. From the circle extend five lines of the same color. Four of those lines trace from the torso into each limb, all the way to the hands/feet of the mech. The last line flows up to the "head" part, then traces the outline of the curve on top of the mech. In the mech's hands there are five fingers, situated just as a human's are.

Arsenal: In The Hanged Man's fingers are Hack Wires that can extend to attack nearby enemies, which is useful since the mech tends to get close to enemies. XII's right arm can split open to reveal a large forge blade. It is a little bit thicker than normal Forge Blades due to the fact that The Hanged Man is slower than other ExFrames, so it naturally is incapable of swinging the Blade as fast as others, which is the reason for the increased thickness. Mounted on the Left Shoulder of XII is a rifle much like a Sniper Rifle, but with larger bullets so that it can do some damage to ExFrames. The rifle's aiming system is attached to the cockpit, so the pilot can aim from the Point Array without having to use a physical scope - the screens work like the scope instead. A single shot from the rifle won't take out an ExFrame immediately, so this option is best used for when The Hanged Man is being attacked from afar by only a few enemies rather than going in guns blazing. Finally, in the Blue Center on The Hanged Man's torso lies a hydraulic press used to push away enemies when The Hanged Man is close. However, it takes about four seconds to retract, so using it can be somewhat of a liability in a battle if the pilot doesn't time it right.

Power: 4

Defense: 5

Speed: 2

Accuracy: 4

Mobility: 2




If there is anything I need to change, please just tell me. Hope I get accepted!

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By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.

[spoiler=Reggie Spencer (Greycat)]Name: Reggie Spencer

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: 1/2 Jamaican, 1/2 Canadian

Place of Birth: Toronto, Ontario


Appearance: Large bodied, he is 6'1 and muscular and fit. His hair is in dreadlocks but he keeps it neat, clean and sanitary. He also sports a short beard trimmed neatly trimmed as well. Dark skinned, his hair is black and his eyes brown. He doesn't look so much tall as much as large and seems to fill any room he comes in. His limbs are heavy and thick, and his hands and feet large. He has some scars on his limbs from his start as a mechanic. His palms are rough and calloused and permanently stained in some places with engine oil.

Clothing: First off, Reggie wears two gold rings in his ears and heavy gold rings on his hand. His hair is more often tied back with rubber bands away from his face or with a Jamaican flag patterned bandana. He wears a sunglasses that double as a phone and a scope. He primarily wears black or grey clothes and sticks to one of two pairs of heavy, worn work jeans and his sandals. As long as the bandana is not on his head, he ties it over his upper arm. He has a charm, a heavy gold chain with a cross and a flag hanging from it, that he wears as well. If he is at work but not piloting, he wears army cargo pants from his days in the military.

His pilot uniform is grey with silver bands on the arms. He has a pouch on his thigh that holds some of his tools for quick minor fixes on the field.


Personality: Reggie appears disorganized and depressingly casual. But his mess is organized chaos and he has his own sorting system. He has a quick clever mind but doesn't push his academic achievements but instead focuses on the tangible things he has gained with his own hands and hard work. He is loud and overly friendly, likes to dance and listen to music and at first glance doesn't appear serious, and he likes to take things at his own pace and is rather protective of those in his care. He respects authority and the power they hold.


He doesn't often take what others say to heart unless they are criticizing his work or equipment. He does strive for excellence and tends to get obsessed with a job and hates to leave anything undone. As such, he has to be torn away from most things he does, especially if it is something he deems important to finish. He takes pride in his work and though he does not like to be criticized, he to offer unwanted advice to others. He is a family man and He is also a bit money hungry and gambles to earn some extra cash.


He loves his family and both adores and looks up to his father. He takes his father's word as little less than law (though he still has his rebellious side) and his parents aspirations for him is a major influence in his live. He torn inside because being on the frontline of the fight is something his parents don't really take kindly to.


History: Reggie's real name is Reginald Spencer, but he sees it as too stuffy and uptight and goes instead by Reggie. He was born in Canada but moved to Jamaica little after his third birthday when his father's work visa (he was a mechanic) expired and his mother eventually left the country to keep the family together. He did well in school and got his bachelor degrees from a Canadian university before his 22th birthday. He worked in his father's mechanic shop during his formative years and for a year or so after he returned from getting his degrees.


At his fathers insistence (who believed Reggie was not exploring his full talent in Jamaica), he moved to Japan on a student visa to pursue his masters in engineering and worked in the Exframes factories at the same time. After graduating, he did a short three year stint in the military there until he was accepted for a job at the Shikura industries. With his work in the military and his degree, he worked as a hands-on developer and tester. He soon good a transfer to the Pacific Rims as a soldier as well as a field mechanic. He requested transfer to the Pacific Rim for several reasons; to help them with the Exframes they are supplied with, to prove the worth of Jamaican mechanics and soldiers and for the life insurance.


Reason for Joining: He has grown tired of the state of his home country both economically and in terms or infrastructure, he was also fed up with working hard and not getting anything out of his efforts. He sees the Pacific Rim as a good chance to raise the importance of his country in their eyes (to prove how good his people are) as well as better the conditions of his parents back home (money wise), maybe get them to move. That and he lived in the Japan at the time and the pay was more.


Additional: He has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelors in Structural and Electrical Engineering. He speaks English, Japanese and some French, though he normally takes in a English patois mix.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Wraith

Type: Assault/Covert Ops

Description: Stands almost exactly sixteen feet and has a small profile that makes it hard to target. The trunk is about six feet long and the legs eight. The limbs are long for mobility and maneuverability and have heavier armor on the lower legs and arms to house the LSU, AU gun and Crush claw. The chest has a thick, heavy fringe that protects the head. The head looks insectoid because it features several powerful long range and short range sensors. On the narrow back, a pair of large 'nacelles' mounted. This is the Multiple Ordinance Unit (MOU). They are shaped somewhat like a diamond with the trailing end over twice the length of the leading. It houses jump jets on its ventral side as well as on the back for aerial flight capacity. Another set are in the foot and leg for stability and control.

Two six foot long gun muzzles are on ball-socket pivots on the waist for free movement. They are used primarily for mid to close range suppressive or supportive fire, The armor is painted mottled grey, and black to break up its outline and act as camouflage, but he frequently changes the paint job to suit the mission. The armor has radar and other detection method evasion properties by scattering and absorbing most of the detection signals and has an extensive routing system that shunts external energy (like some of the waves from sensory systems and direct energy weapons, into a buffer for use in the AU gun and MOU.) It makes it difficult for electronics to see him aside from basic cameras.


Arsenal: Wraith focuses mostly on solid projectiles, though it does possess the capabilities of directed energy weapons within several of the weapons.

Forge Blade Claws (tips the fingers)

Multiple Ordinance Unit- A system with several built in features for combat and storage. It has some of jump jets on the lower surface, a machine gun, missile tubes, hack wires as well as the detection prevention armor.

MOU: Forward Missile Point- The sloping sides of the MOUs trailing end has two missile tubes and twelve micro missiles stored inside each. Each missile has an enhanced warhead with an EMP fallout on detonation.

MOU: 4.23 Calibre Automatic Pulse Point- A directed energy weapon with a 4.23 inch diameter discharge.

MOU: Transmission Point- While not a weapon, the trailing tip holds a powerful receiver capable of intercepting communication signals as well as tracking the faint signals from his Tracer rounds. It also acts as an amplifier for his sensory gear.

Waist Pivot Railguns (WPR)- A pair of long barrels mounted on the waist of the unit. It is the primary mid to long range weapon. It is armed with armor piercing, explosive, EMP fallout and tracer (transmitter) rounds. They can be shifted from solid projectiles to direct energy weapons. He can detach parts of the two units to assemble a long range sniper rifle. When it is assembled and connected to his systems, the sniper is activated, and lowers his speed and motility to increase accuracy.

Twin Turret Accelerator Unit (AU Gun)- mounted in the left arm. Designed for close to mid range use, it is inaccurate at long range. It accelerates projectiles to high speeds with compressed air and electromagnetic fields, giving them great amounts of kinetic force for greater penetration without loud firing sounds thanks to the sound suppressors built in. Normally carries hollow point, armor piercing, broad tip, narrow point and blunt tip, as well as penetrating non-penetrating explosive rounds. The explosive rounds have the same EMP fallout. Like the WPR, it can be shifted to a direct energy weapon via particle acceleration.

Crush Claw- modeled from construction equipment and based loosely on the jaws of life and a crabs claw, it unfolds from the right lower arm and possesses a great amount of crushing power.


EMP Fallout- His rounds and missiles have a feature that generates a small EM field in flight and cause and larger EM pulse on impact. While it is much weaker than hack wires, it causes minor sensory interference and slight disorientation and errors and interference in the visual data of Exframes within fifteen feet of impact and lasts for 3.7 seconds. The EM field also makes it difficult to pinpoint them (the missiles and bullets) in flight.


Power: 4

Defense: 3

Speed: 3

Accuracy: 3

Mobility: 4



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Angel Ramirez


I wouldn’t put it past the international news to at least bring up some mention of the cartel massacre, so I’d like to see something in her personality that mentions her reaction to people knowing this fact, if they do. Why would they? They were getting powerful, yes, but I assumed as gang wars were common over there a small faction of drugrunners being killed wouldn't be that big of a deal. However, I see the point and I'll add to the personality.


A bit more in terms of details on her street clothing and her pilot suit, please. I actually forgot to finish that part...my bad.


I admit I didn’t make this really clear in the descriptions, but Flood is getting their Exframes custom-built through Japan’s Shikura Industries. Therefore, I’d like some clarification on whether her old frame was just revamped or completely overhauled. Most likely revamped. Will add.


Exframes are humanoid, but not that much so. Make the human head resemblance less striking. Also, “flowing hair” is a big liability in battle. Can do.


What shape are the Forge Blades on the arms? Sorry, I just can’t get a clear mental picture. I was thinking a slightly curved scimitar look...Will also add.


Put some specific time and area limits on the hologram generator. Alright, that's reasonable.


You also have one too many points. Sorry 'bout that.


Alright, changes have been made.

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Once you’re done with your application, as a note for the future, please modify/add in your post that you are. It makes it easier for me to grade everything. I also am putting an upper limit of six characters (minus my own) to start, so get your reserves done if you actually want to participate. (If it comes down to a tie, I’ll choose who fits better.) Finally, for the sake of ethnic and gender diversity, I’d like less Central/Latin Americans and more Europeans, and less males and more females. If you’d like to mark yourself up a bit in my “grade book,” make changes.


Angel Ramirez, ACCEPTED. She seems like a really dynamic character, Luxray, and’ll be fun to RP with. However, I forgot and intended to add a radio call sign section to the app, so pick something to use as Angel’s call sign. (That’ll go for everyone once you’re accepted. |D)


Theodore Baigun

- Make sure to edit the title of your spoiler.

- If his father was from South Africa and his mother from Japan with no previous mixing, his ethnic mix would be half and half, not three-quarters to one. Clarify or change. (Also, Baigun doesn’t sound like any Japanese name I’ve ever heard, so is it African or what? Just curious.)

- Just as a note, 6’3” isn’t “average” by any means. It’s very tall, especially for a part-Japanese.

- What’s his skin color? I wouldn’t normally ask, but his background begs clarification.

- His personality is contradictory and confusing in places: “anguish and distraught” aren’t good words for a man who’s very self-confident. Also, your description about “well I heard” conversations doesn’t make much sense, in that what exactly ticks him off is unclear.

- Watch your word organization in the history section (‘was given birth’ should be ‘was born,’ ‘business African man’ should be ‘African businessman’). Also, you only cover his life up to age six, and considering he’s 27, there’s a large character-shaping period left uncovered. Add more about that time.

- Put the name as just “Killjoy:” it’s less confusing.

- Basic grammar mistake, but when referring to the possession of something, use “its,” not “it’s,” which is the contraction of “it is.”

- Give a bit more description on the appearance of the weapons, their relative strengths, where they’re located on the Exframe, etc.


Humberto Goza

- A note on the word “fiancé:” you have the male version. If referring to one’s future wife, use “fiancée,” with two ‘e’s.

- There haven’t been that many actual blowup problems in the NAS, so his reason requires a bit more justification/elaboration.

- Just a question, but you do know that I dropped the arcana theme, right? The name for your Exframe’s fine, but I was just worrying you were trying to conform to a pattern.


Reggie Spencer

- You don’t really need the goggles, since the Exframe array filters take care of that.

- Ethnicities don’t come in thirds; they’re halves, quarters, eighths, etc.

- What’s with 6’3” being a magic number?

- His personality seems too all over the place and too “perfect.” Choose a few traits, zero in on those, and add more flaws to balance them out.

- The thing about two bachelor’s before age 20 is just adding to the Gary Stu-isms, especially since most people get their first at around age 22.

- Why was his father so insistent on him moving to Japan? He should be old enough to be in charge of his own decisions, and emigrating from a superpower is more difficult than it may seem.

- Way too many weapons/extra features. Generally speaking, Exframes, even custom ones, are produced on a stretched budget, and the Pacific Rim has that even more so. Cut it down to six individual weapons, and we’ll look it over then. (That goes for the MOU: although I appreciate the creativity, it’s packing too much stuff into a single area.)

- Pick one number for each category. I have no clue what the slashes mean.

- Also, this isn’t a critique, but can I appropriate the jump jet idea as a basic piece of all Exframes? :3

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By posting this, I am stating that I have read the rules and plot of the RP and know what I am getting into. I also will not complain if my character gets denied or asked to be changed.

[spoiler=Iok Vorru (Carn13)]Iok Vorru:

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: American-Norwegian

Place of Birth: Neo-European Union


Appearance: Iok has blond hair going down to his shoulders in direct defiance of the UNAS default buzzcut, and bright blue eyes. His skin is much lighter than most Caucasians, on account of not much sun exposure on the station. He's fairly tall, at 5'11", but on account of the near-zero gravity, light at only 110 lbs. Relatively thin, his muscles are not as strong as most other pilots, but his punches still really, really, sting.

Clothing: Iok is proud of his life in orbit, and dresses accordingly. Always in regulations dark blue polo shirt with the UNAS Space Program logo emblazoned over the right chest and jeans, he has no idea what the word "formal" means. In-mech, he favors a black skintight jumpsuit with readouts wired into the wrists and a helmet with a direct feed into the squadron channel.


Personality: Iok is a quiet and intellectual guy on the ground. He usually is found checking online sites about mecha repairs and upgrades, or drinking coffee (major coffee fixation) and can be distracted easily by a conversation about the finer points of philosophy or quantum physics. In-mech, you'd think he'd have learned to think before he acts, as he got his friends killed before by charging in. But, alas, in a mecha, he can only be described as a maverick. He makes stupid decisions just to kill more things, rushes headlong into battle with no preparation, and basically wreaks havoc with no thought whatsoever. Maybe this is connected to the massive coffee binge he goes on right before he hits the controls.

History: Soon after his birth in the NEU, Iok's family quickly moved to the less-threatened UNAS. Specifically, an UNAS orbital science platform. While living there, he picked up skills necessary for nto being chucked out the nearest airlock by a disgruntled researcher, such as null-G movement, computer knowledge, and a certain skill with mechanics. Exframes were used a lot up in inter-station experiments and transportation, and Iok snook many a ride in one that the cabin was lock-pickable.

Soon after his graduation from the equivalent of college, the UNAS military drafted him into the orbital military, and he swiftly advanced to the crack squad of null-G professionals. He had five successful anti-station assaults to his credit, when suddenly, disaster struck. His squadron, in an assault on one of the most heavily armored East Asian Bloc battle stations, was pinned down under heavy fire, quickly lost all communications with the cruiser, and was strategically destroyed in short order. Iok was spared, as he switched his mech into shutdown as a rocket hit him, leading the EAB forces to count him as a casualty. When the hostile forces finally returned to their home stations, Iok made a swift escape away from the station, and sent a distress call. He was picked up hours later by a stealth-equipped search and rescue team, and returned safely. To this day, he is uncertain whether his decision to drop out of the battle and survive cost his teammates their lives, or if they would have died anyway.

Reason for Joining: Iok was discharged by the UNAS military on counts of cowardice in battle. Taking his first Earthside leave in ten years, he decided to go to Australia. At a coffee shop, he was approached by a Flood recruiter. Eager to have a chance to pilot a mech again, he accepted.

Additional: As he has spent most of his life in a near-zero gravity environment, he is very clumsy when it comes to ground movement. Kind of touchy about it, though, and anyone who laughs at him gets smashed.[spoiler=Exframe]Name: Last Man Down

Type: Modified Zero-G Assault

Description: Last Man Down is pretty much a white and blue ball with arms and legs. The upper arms are heavily plated, but show a little mechanical endoskeleton as well. The legs are the same way, maybe a bit larger than the arms, but the same. Think the blue robot from Portal 2. Yeah, now you're getting it.

Arsenal: Three-barreled rocket launcher on right shoulder, assault rifle in one hand, axe-shaped forge blade in other. Forge wires in bottom of axe, and an adapted orbital laser cannon with a powerful foot-wide beam on the left shoulder. The laser takes a while to recharge, though.


Power: 5

Defense: 2

Speed: 3

Accuracy: 3

Mobility: 4



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