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I'm feeling MKISH so I want a Scorpion banner

Size: 700x125
[spoiler=Picture(If you Can Render it or something)][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/076/3/b/scorpion_mortal_kombat_9_by_kostasishere-d3btwyg.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Background Colors: Really I'm stumped on this one but please make it like a demonic red color or something of that sort.
Text: Vengeance Shall Be Mine in the Middle and Sorrow in the bottom right.
Details: I would like the first render to be near the left but not touching it, as for the other picture please some how blend it with the background if you can

If this is all completed then you shall receive 400 Points and Credit in my Signature... Thanks!
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