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Simple. Just answer the question

Squirrel Girl

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You wake up in the middle of the night and find out that you are on a deserted island. There are nothing on that island except for sand and a coconut tree. But suddenly, a lamp came floating in the water. Off course you pics it up, but when you pick it up, a genie pops out and said:

-Hello there, I am the genie of this lamp. I give you three wishes, but there are a few thing you cant wish for. You cant wish that you should be rescued by a vehicle or that I give you a vehicle so you can escape. You cant wish that the island were close to land either. Nor can you wish that you was rich. You cant wish that all your friends should be there with you, although, you can wish that 1 person you like could be there. You cant wish that you had a phone to call for help either. Neither can you wish for any food or trees or plants that gives you food.

So my question for you is.

What would you wish for?
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[quote name='Hinagiku Katsura' timestamp='1304983776' post='5199608']
1. Wish the rules were abolished without consequence or restriction as long as I was the one making the wish.
2. Wish for infinity wishes.
3. A rescue team to save me.

Immediately afterwards, wish that no one else is allowed to make wishes that are granted with the sole exception of yourself, and furthermore wish that this rule cannot be abolished or "wished against" for all of eternity.

Also wish for immortality without aging. I would love to be seventeen forever with infinite wishes and no possible chance of death anytime soon.
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1. wish for god like knowledge and intellegence: This way I can know my exact location in the world and the time, distance and evergy it takes to... McGuyver up a boat or plane out of sand and bark while I utilize the coconut in such a way i can nourish myself for about 3 months and... build certain fishing equipment and science up a few water filters navigating using the night sky.... with my trusty clone that I have created from the assimilation on my skin which will soon perish the moment im felling hungry for man flesh.... and when I finnally reach land i will have all the knowledge and intellect in the world to become the most rich and successfull the person the world has ever known (not to mention i'd win any gambling) that.... would most likly lead to an abundance of women and slaves who will all do my bidding, which might cause contreversy in which.... with my superior intellect legalize paligamy and incest and deem it moral and just.... sciencing up the secret to anti-aging and drinking myvery own fountain of youth keeping me alive as long as i wish.... learning the secrets of self defence and totally pwning people with the dim-mak and making my self the strongest fighter to ever live... mastering time travel used for my self in order to achieve a perfection every time.... then continue to pursuit many careeres starting with professional star craft player in where no one can defeat my stratigies and deduction skills..... while im still grabbing all the ladies i plant my seed into the ones where i know the intellect will blossum making my generations equivalent to my godlyness....soon to be my successors we will achive a world united and find other lifes of the universe which we are seeking to destroy.... we master space travel and pwn the covinant which i found using an arsenal which i built..... as i allso manage to win the war between the auto-bots and the decepticons using my self-mcguyver-ed all-spark launcher then.... still grabbing all the ladies i manage to legalize weed and deem it as the the symbol on the united earth federation "kicking alien ass since sam existed."

2. what? what genie? i have 2 more wishes? uhhhh..... oh great genie i command you to kill all other genies in the world so they may not be found by people other than me.

3. now great genie that all other genies are dead, i command you to kill yourself so that i may be the only one who has experienced this great gift... your loss will be regretfull... but a nessesary sacrafice
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Some possibilities:

1) Ask for a girlfriend
2) A flare gun to attract bystanders (if there are any...)
3) Wish to merge the land mass into a road to the nearest area of land
4) The ability to fly (out of the island)
5) Reverse time to when I first went to sleep
6) Plain Immortality
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1) Immortality;

2) Power to control the world;

3) 3 more wishes;

4) For the rules to get effectless;

5) All my friends, family and my laptop to appear on the island;

6) The genie to disappear from the face of earth so that he can't grant anymore wishes.
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I would wish for...

1. Immortality for me, my friends, and my family. (I would say for everyone to stop aging in my early twenties. 17 and 18 are good ages, but then there would be a few things we could never do).
Note: this covers getting off the island because I can pull a Pirates of the Caribbean - type thing were I can just walk along the ocean floor (can't drown).

2. The equations for hyperspeed and time travel. Yeah, I'm that nerdy.

3. The power to be Sailor Mercury. Yeah, I'm that weird.
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First off, I'd wish that I was at my house.

Then I'd wish that Mars was inhabitable.

Then I'd finish off my wishing by wishing for a super sweet UFO with comprehensive maps of this universe and a couple others (instantaneous travel via a wormhole generator would have to be bundled in somewhere too) .
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