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Neko Girl

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Size: Kinda Big, but not too big
Render: [spoiler=Pic]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/221/c/1/Render_Anime_Girl_9_by_Mircia90.png[/spoiler]
Colors: Purple and White


Size: Same as last
Render: [spoiler=Pic]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb160/Krav3n69/Not_So_Innocent.png[/spoiler]
Colors: Red and Pink


Size: Same as last
Render: [spoiler=Pic]http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj95/Hatsuka-chan/Renders/Girls%20Anime/PinkGirl_render_by_HTSKDs.png[/spoiler]
Colors: Pink and White


Size: Same as last
Render: [spoiler=Pic]http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae64/MattBourne01/405.png[/spoiler]
Color: Something like her outifit and white

Please put them all together into a GIF. Make sure it's really slow. Thanks! ^^

Now, I want to be able to see some of their bodies in all of them [b]if at all possible[/b]. No text. And I want them to look really good. (I figure you know that) ^^ I'll pay whatever. Just as long as it's not too much. ;) (If any are too inappropriate, just tell me and I'll remove them.)

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*nosebleeds at your render choice*

I'll get to work. They should be done by tomorrow night, at the latest.

Also, I can't show much of the lower body on the last render, due to the fact of a certain......part showing in the chest region. I'll try to spot heal it out, but if I can't, I can't. YCM policy prohibits me from showing it. I refuse to risk ban. ._.
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You saw the one I made Genuine, didn't you? :P

I'll try, but that will extend the wait time due to me now having to make 6 GIFs for people. >.<

EDIT; I've been meaning to say this, but keep on forgetting to post it. The last one doesn't seem to be showing up for me, anything you can do to fix the link?

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