Lucy Lied Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 can i be the person at the begining? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Yep, fine with me! That also means you are a high ranking member of Team Solar, Okay? More than 1 app is allowed.There is more than 1 person at the start you know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucy Lied Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 who u talking to? me or pa? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Bottom bit is you, middle bit is everyone, top bit is Almighty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Immortal Chaos Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Name: Shadow Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [spoiler][IMG][/IMG][/spoiler] Bio: Shadow has always been a very cunning member of Team Solar, nearly acing the tests given to him, but then again, no one is perfect. He has studied countless nights and lost a number of battles, but each one has taught him more about himself, and even his pokemon. He's always taken a shine to Dark Type pokemon, ever since his mother gave him his friend who he calls Ren. Ren has been with him through thick and thin, helping him achieve his dream of joining Team Solar and rose to his rank as the Dark Gym Leader. Even though a Gym leader is not perfect, Shadow considers his skills a bit more above the rest, besides the leader of Team Solar and his second in command. Personality: Shadow is a bit cocky, but never loses his cool in battle. He can be very calculating, and at times a bit over zealous. However, his dark type pokemon helped to bring him to the rank of Gym leader after a long and grueling process. Pokemon/ move set: Renkitsu/Ren Lv: 40 Gender: Female Type: Dark/Psychic Moves: Dark Pulse Shadow Claw Faint Attack Psycho Cut Honchkrow Lv: 38 Gender: Male Moves: Arial Ace Acrobatics Night Shade Confuse Ray Houndoom Lv: 40 Gender: Male Moves: Flamethrower Fire Fang Dark Pulse Quick Attack Pokemon legendary: Giratina Job: Gym Leader [spoiler=Pokedex Page for Renkitsu] Name: Renkitsu Type: Dark/Psychic Designation: Dark Fox Pokemon Ability: Forewarn Height: 6'0" Weight: 190 lbs Pokedex entry: Lone hunters, they often stalk prey in the dead of night. If provoked, the marks on it's fur glow a brilliant Violet. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG][/spoiler] Hope this is good enough Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Accepted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Immortal Chaos Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 My app will be done tomorrow, when I can get on my computer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucy Lied Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 k,so who is the main character? cos illed like to travel with him/her Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Team Solar app: Name: Nova Sands (I use this for every RP) Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Nova has a scar running down his left cheek, and it has never healed. He has deep blue eyes, and dark brown hair. He wears a black T-Shirt, with a cape hanging off his shoulders. He has a sort of split personality, like mood swings. Bio: Nova always was different. At birth, he was born with his weird scar. There was no way the doctors could explain it. At school, he didn't have any friends, except his pokemon. His starter pokemon was Tepig, although he rarely uses it anymore. His mother, Angelina Sands, was a very kind lady, and let him grow freely. His Father was strict, and made him train physicaly and menatlly, with himself and his pokemon. It was there he devolped his split personality, where on one side, he was calm and nice, and easy to befriend. On the other side, he was cruel and despicable. At the age of 20, he joined Team Solar, and fought with them against Team Lunar, despite his strange personality. He quickly rose up the ranks, becoming a Gym Leader. Personality: As mentioned before, he has a split personality. On the first side, he has a nice, calm side, wich he adopted from his mother. On the other side, he has a cold, savage, ruthlessness about him, which he gained from his father. Luckily, in both sides, he sees Team Lunar as the enemy, and does not go beserk on his friends. Pokemon/ move set: Sigyliph Psybeam Aircutter Psychic Psycho Shift Yamask Night Shade Will-o-Wisp Psychic Swagger Mewtwo Swift Psychic Shadowball Stength Reuniclus Psychic Shadowball Psyshock Light Screen Pokemon legendary : Mewtwo. Job: Gym Leader, High-Ranking Member. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Accepted interesting char..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 Thanks, though I might not post again soon, I have to go to bed. Might post though. (Maybe) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LC Posted May 9, 2011 Report Share Posted May 9, 2011 [u][i][b]Team Solar app:[/b][/i][/u] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Jake Golin [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [spoiler=Appearance][img][/img][/spoiler] [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Jake was born in the City of Shadows and is an only child. At a young age he was put up for adoption by his parents because they couldn't afford to pay for all the expenses. He was treated well in the orphanage and was adopted at the age of 12. For the next few years he was trained by his father on how to take care and battle with pokemon. He learned quickly and went on and showed a liking to the ghost type. He captured many ghost pokemon and still does as he travels today. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u]He is calm and quiet though he's still outgoing and likes to spend time with others. He likes exploring the area around him and isn't influenced easily by other things. He never quits his goal until he reaches it. He has a temper but only when he is extremely insulted. He likes to play sports and train with his pokemon. [u][b]Pokemon/ move set:[/b][/u] [b]Shedinja[/b] Shadow Ball Solarbeam Aerial Ace Dig [b]Froslass[/b] Blizzard Confuse Ray Destiny Bond Wake-up Slap [b]Lampent[/b] Inferno Shadow Ball Flame Burst Overheat [b]Jellicent[/b] Hydro Pump Recover Wring Out Ominous Wind [b]Inviseon[/b] Hyper Beam Shadow Ball Future Sight Dark Pulse [spoiler=Pokedex for inviseon] Name: Inviseon Type: Ghost Designation: Night Blaze Pokemon Ability: Turboblaze Height: 2'11" Weight: 56 lbs Pokedex entry: It travels in groups of 3. It only hunts during the night and hides in the shadows when it is frightened. Appearance:[img][/img] Evolves from eevee when a dusk stone is used on it.[/spoiler] [b]Soulerior[/b] Shadow Claw Dragon Rush Dragon Pulse Shadow Ball [spoiler=Pokedex for Soulerior] Name: Soulerior Type: Ghost / Dragon Designation: Dragon Ghost Pokemon Ability: Pressure Height: 6'11" Weight: 259 Pokedex entry: A dragon that looms the Arunas Region. It is said to come out and hunt once a week at midnight in packs of 12 Appearance[img][/img] Doesn't evolve.[/spoiler] [b][u]Pokemon legendary[/u][/b] : [b]Lugia[/b] Extrasensory Sky Attack Dragon Rush Hydro Pump [b]Lucienrir[/b] Aura Sphere Shadow Force Giga Impact Iron Tail [spoiler=Pokedex for Lucienrir] Name: Lucienrir Type: Ghost / Fight Designation: White Darkness Pokemon Ability: Pressure Height: 5'8" Weight: 254 Pokedex entry: A pokemon that flies over the towns of Arunas at night. It preys on any creature brave enough to come near it. Appearance[img][/img][/spoiler] [u][b]Job[/b][/u]: High Ranking Member Credit for all pokemon goes to the awesome people at Deviantart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christian Exodia Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 My app's finished. Goodnight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Name: Ashley Samson Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Ashley is about 5'4. She's a very athletic girl. Playing basketball and hockey she has a pretty muscular body form. She doesn't slouch. She has pale white skin. Ashley has no freckles or any acne, if she does usually she'll have covered it or gotten rid of it quickly. Ashley has long blonde hair with light blue highlight on her left side. She'll usually change it about every week or so. When you see her she'll usually have a big smile on her face, unless somethings bugging her which is when she'll usually need someone to talk to. You never really see Ashley wearing fancy dresses or anything too girly. She'll be wearing some blue jeans or short shorts, then a white tee-shirt with a light blue hoodie. She also wears runners over girly boots or high heels or whatever. She doesn't wear a belt and usually the perverts will be looking at her ass crack. Bio: Ever since she was a little girl she loved to watch sports on tv. The 2sports she fell the most in love with were Hockey and Basketball. She'd been the best Basketball player in her whole school until she eventually finished school to go out and be a Pokemon Trainer. She started with Chimchar from the Sinnoh league. Personality: Ashley's a very nice person. She doesn't judge people by their looks, race, etc. You'll usually see her on the school sports teams. This girl is a sporty type of girl. Pokemon/ moves (max. 2 at start): Inferape/ lv.36 Flamethrower/Substitute/Focus Punch/Earthquake Absol/ Lv.36 Water Pulse/Bite/Swords Dance/Slash Legendary he/she will meet: Suicune Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Finished the moveset and pokemons Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 I am so sorry I haven't got my apps in yet I will have it in by tomorrow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndlessOcean Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Added movesets for my pokemon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Team Solar app: Name: Alex Legend Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Bio: Alex was born into a rich family in Sinnoh. His family were high-class and very soon, Alex went to a school in Sinnoh, far from his home. This school was that of Pokemon Rangers, and very soon, he was promoted through the ranks. As a high ranking Ranger he was sent on a top-secret mission to the Arenos Region, which at that time was simply a mountainous region with no towns, cities or villages. This mission he went on was to find and stop an endless battle with 2 legendaries. These legendaries were Solarus and Lunarus, the two major pokemon of the Arenos region. Alex found Solarus, injured and vulnerable. It told him a prophecy, and about the battle the two legendaries were in. Light vs Darkness, only one would prevail. Alex nursed Solarus back to health, and in thanks, Solarus blessed the island, with large cities, towns and and caves through mountains. Alex left the Rangers, and set up a team to protect the legendaries. He did this because he knew, or rather was told that Lunarus would find a man or woman to make a team, Team Lunar, to corrupt every pokemon to see the world like it. Alex's fears came true when this team was born, and began its evil testing on pokemon. Sinnoh, Johto, Hoenn, all of the other regions became controlled by Team Lunar and their corrupted pokemon. Arenos became the only safe place, and many of the other region pokemon inhabited Arenos. Alex accepted them there, but still sought to protect the region from Team Lunar, while Solarus and Lunarus slept, regaining their strength. Personality: Alex is kind and gentle but serious as well. He has a strong, brave heart with a strong will. He stays true to his promise to Solarus, and helps pokemon and trainers alike. He's friendly and never gives up. He'll help anyone in need, if they have a strong heart and good bonds with their pokemon. He values life, and wishes the world could be perfect, evryone together in harmony. But first, he must defeat Team Lunar! [spoiler= Pokemon] [spoiler= Pokemon/ move set:] 1) Rareon Chance Quick attack Mirror coat Rare evolution. 2) Lucario Aura Sphere Close Combat Extreme Speed Drain Punch 3) Garchomp Earthquake Draco Meteor Dragon Rush Dragon Claw 4) Absol Psycho Cut Future Sight Razor Wind Hyper Beam 5) Infernape Close Combat Flare Blitz Fire Blast 6) Haxorus Giga Impact Dragon Pulse Draco Meteor Dragon Claw 7) Luxray Thunder Thunder fang Thunder claw Quick attack Raichu Volt Tackle Thunder Bolt Thunder Iron Tail 9) Empoleon Water Cannonh Water Pump Drill Peck Ice Beam [/spoiler] [spoiler= Pokemon legendary:] -Latios Luster Purge Ice Beam Draco Meteor Psychic Hyper Beam -Latias Mist Ball Flamethrower Draco Meteor Psychic Hyper Beam -Reshiram Fusion Flare Blue Flare Outrage Fire Blast -Solarus [Later in plot. Arenos Legendary] Solar Flare Hyper Beam Draco Meteor Flare Blitz [/spoiler][/spoiler] Job: Team Solar Leader Okay, sorry about not completing it yet, but techinically I'm banned from pc. Sorry about delay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christian Exodia Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Am I accepted? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Everyone who has posted app so far is accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LC Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 We can have more than 6 poke? *edits last post* And do you mind if I add some more new Arunas Pokes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Ok now I will probably post my app this afternoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 10, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Not at all, 12 max. Cool card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LC Posted May 10, 2011 Report Share Posted May 10, 2011 Added new pokemon to the Arunas Area and an Arunas Legendary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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