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Monster Hunter RP: The Hunt for the Next Elder Dragon (Not Started/Accepting/OOC)

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[spoiler='Story']10 Years after the defeat of Amatsumagatsuchi and Jinouga, The Yukumo Village has celebrated as the Lightning and Thunder Festival since that day. Days before the 11th Lightning and Thunder Festival, A New and Powerful Elder Dragon has emerge from the depths of the Sky. This mysterious beast is still unknown. Most of the famous hunters have gathered to find this Elder Dragon, but they had no luck. 2 days after that, The Village's guilds of hunters are now are ready to take on the Elder Dragon. Which guild will take honor and glory?[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Rules']Basic YCMrules applied.
strictly no godmodding, meta-gaming, power-playing.[/spoiler]
RP name:
Appearance: (ONLY DESCRIPTION of 2 lines)
[spoiler='Armor and Weapon']NOTICE: ALL ITEMS ARE ACCEPTED that are in MH, MH2, MH Tri, MHF, MHF2, MHFU, MHP3/MHF3 EXCPET Amatsumagatsuchi, All Fatalis species, Alatreon and downloadable items.
Weapon Class: (Swordsman: Great Sword, Long Sword, Switch Axe, Dual Sword, SnS, Lance, Gunlance, Hammer, Hunting Horn Gunner: Light Bowgun, Medium Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, Bow and Arrow)
Weapon Name:
Felyne #1:
Weapon #1:
Armor #1:
Felyne #2:
Weapon #2:
Armor #2:
Bio: (Not less than 3 lines and must contain that the hunter is an experienced hunter)
Other Members of the Guild: (Either invite someone or make 3 more APPS)
[spoiler='Accepted Apps']
My app will be up tom.[/spoiler]
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