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Anime you don't want your friends to know you watch

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C'mon everyone's got them. That one anime. It's not Yaoi, It's not Hentai but for one reason or another if your friends discovered you watched it...and then odds are they watch it too and are equally embarrassed.

I'll be posting my top 5 worst offenses and then you all can post yours.
...cuz everyone [i]LOVES[/i] lists

[spoiler=#5 Kampfer]
Kampfer is hard to trace. It's a Japanese anime produced by a German company and its set in god only knows where. But while the location may be confusing the plot is painfully simple and you can pretty much guess the plot twists episodes before they happen. But It's success stems from one VERY apparent fact. Every. Character. Is. A. Lesbian. Even the men. Well endowed Lesbians at that. So the character roster being as such the reasons I'm ashamed to call myself a fan is rather obvious. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=#4 Ouran High School Host Club]
As a (last time i checked) member of the male gender group. Shoujo anime weren't expected to be in my ball park. But that didn't stop me from falling head over heels in love with this romantic/comedy anime that tells the story of a girl, disguised as a guy working for the Bleached Underpants version of a Host Club. All the while compelling and quirky characters push the plot along with relationships, hilarity and all around heartwarmingness. Of course I can't admit to loving it without someone setting off the homo alarm XD [/spoiler]

[spoiler=#3 Needless]
Oh HELL yes!! Right from the introductory song you know you're in for an ass-kicking Shonen piece of awesome. Preists blowing crap up. Superpowers. BEAUTIFULLY animated fight scenes. Aaaand fanservice. Lots. And lots. and lots. and lots...of fanservice. I mean like HSOTD Fanservice. THAT bad! A real treat for your eyes. Not so much for your reputation. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=#2 Sailor Moon]
Ok. Next to Pokemon, DBZ, Gundam and Speed Racer this was most of your friggin childhood. Admit it. It was like the female equivalent of Power Rangers. While the 4kids dub was gratuitous and i quickly grew out of it the series appeal never quite left me. Aaaand so you can IMAGINE my friends suprise (and laughter) when they discovered that i still like the series. (along with DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho and Speed Racer) but did anyone notice those? NOOOOOOO!!! [/spoiler]

[spoiler=#1 MM!]
Words cannot properly describe the love i've got for this anime. Acceptable levels of Ecchi content, not too much, not to little. A couple good Fight Scenes. Compelling characters, story and beautiful animation and voice acting. But the reason this anime requites my IMMEDIATE shunning is of course. The premise. The anime revolves around Sado Tarou, a boy struggling to cope with his *sigh* Masochism...so he goes to a place called the Second Volunteer Club to meet with other students. Each of which deal with their own *bigger sigh* issues...such as Sadism, Voyeurism, Cross-dressing, Androphobia...pedo...philia...right about now you can guess why this anime made number one. Cuz i mean REALLY. who's gonna believe an anime with fetishes as the entire premise is ANYTHING except shameful, shameful, HENTAI And that's why it's number 1 [/spoiler]

So now that THAT embarrassing spectacle is over with lets see yours ^-^
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1304736192' post='5192332']
Hold on... If we wouldn't even want to let our [i]friends[/i] know, how can we be expected to reveal it to the entire internet?
[faillogic]Noone i know uses YCM. Noone on YCM knows me. It works out.[/faillogic]
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1304736192' post='5192332']
Hold on... If we wouldn't even want to let our [i]friends[/i] know, how can we be expected to reveal it to the entire internet?

good point.

OT- I can't think of any major ones.
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Why is everyone afraid people should find out they like pokemon. Some of my friends know I like Pokemon, and they dont care. But I guess people is different from eachother.

Everyone I know knows that I like anime, but not what animes I like, and that's good. But if they found out that I like Yugioh, I could never show my face in my school again.

I have 1 advice though, dont care what other people think. If you like anime, then just tell your friends. If they ditch you, they are not your real friend.
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Not really anything, actually.

Anything weird I can justify under "i wuz curious", and usually anything they'd be "lolwut" about I didn't like anyway. So the closest thing to going under this category is ZeXal, which I watch because it's YGO, not because I like it.
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[quote name='Sorrow.' timestamp='1304789492' post='5193583']
I'm not sure it's an Anime, I just know its a Manga.... Galaxy Angel.

It's both.
But the anime has little to no continuity at all.
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[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1304758326' post='5192911']

Freezing. A shyt loadda hentai.

Not even. And Freezing is an amazing cartoon <3.
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Sekirei is a manga. Pretty messed up if your curious take a peek but it is very interesting. Everything else is cool.

My last semester roommate was an anime hater. After rooming with me, he became obsessed with Yugioh, Furi Kuri, Pokemon, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball, and Code Geass. He changed his laptop background to Yami Yugi. He didn't know where to start. Like a lost puppy in the big anime universe.
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