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[Finished]Gearfried Battle! Everyone accepted! (ENDED!)

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[size="3"] THIS Contest Is OVER!I have abandoned my old account and started a new one. I thought this contest would be a cool way to kick it off. This is how the contest will work. You must make a card of the gearfried archetype. It must be a fusion card that involves "Gearfried the Iron Knight". There is an entry fee of 5 points. Since I am pretty much broke with my new account, I will split the pot between two overall winners. The deadline is May 13th. I will then judge the cards and give 50% of the pot to each winner. I will not take any more entries after 25 members have joined. The minimum amount of competitors I will take is 10. Please post your card directly on your reply! Thank you![/size]
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Points have been sent. Here's my card.

Gearfried the Iron Knight+ 1 DARK monster
When this monster destroys another monster as a result of battle, add 1 Level 4 or lower DARK Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Equip Spell from your hand to destroy 1 Level 6 or lower monster on your opponent's side of the Field.
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[center][b][color="#00BFFF"][size="2"]I would like to join. Points are coming your way!

Here's the Entry:


Gearfried the Defender of Light
ATK/ 2550 ; DEF/ 2500

Effect/Lore: Gearfried the Iron Knight + 1 Light Warrior-Type Monster
If this card attacks or is attacked, the attacking monsters ATK is decreased by 300 for the Damage Step only.[/size][/color][/b][/center]
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Nice contest, I like using the Gearfried Archetype. Here is [b]MY[/b] entry:

[spoiler=My Entry][center][img]http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4332/409671.jpg[/img]

[size="3"].::EFFECT / LORE::.[/size]

[quote]Gearfried the Iron Knight + Dark Magician
During your Main Phase 1, you can pay 500 Life Points to add any Equip Spell-Card to this card. The equipped card is then removed from play. If there are any Equip Spell-Cards active on the field, they are removed from play. All Equip Spell-Card effects are then negated for the rest of the duel.[/quote][/center][/spoiler]

@Ubokbok: The Gearfired Archetype effects involve Equip-Spell cards such as negating thier effects, like mine is. Just to let you know.[/size][/b]
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