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YGT2 Round 1-B-4: Vriska Serket vs. Aeris

Phantom Roxas


17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win?

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Vriska Serket

Franchise: Homestuck

Personality type: Sadistic manipulator type

Species: Troll

Hometown/world: Alternia

Powers/special abilities/weapons: Uses dice to manipulate luck, has psychic powers to take control of others, except humans, who she can only put to sleep.

Occupation: Thief of Light

Age: Six solar sweeps, thirteen Earth years

Likes: Extreme role playing, apocalypses, Nicolas Cage

Dislikes: Harbors a general hate towards everything

Nominated by: Larxene



Franchise: VG Cats

Personality type: Logical, quick-tempered type

Species: Cat

Hometown/world: Canada

Powers/special abilities/weapons: Weapons/Abilities from miscellaneous videogames

Occupation: Gamer

Age: Unknown (Young-Adult)

Likes: Videogames, Leo, her freinds

Dislikes: Johnny Evilguy, Stupidity, especially Leo's

Nominated by: Ătman


[spoiler=Spoiler]Aeris was typing furiously on her laptop. She had just tor- er, downloaded a new game called Sburb which people said sucked, but she was willing to try it out anyways. But more importantly, someone connected with her on Sburb, and began messaging her via Pesterchum.


[spoiler=View Pesterlog]arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling Aeris [AE]


AE: Do I know you?

AG: Get off of Sgru8. Now.

AE: The hell? Why should I?

AG: 8ecause this is the way this match plays out.

AG: You don't have much time. There's only four minutes and thirteen seconds until you get hit 8y the meteor.

AE: Damned trolls. Go smoke your crack somewhere else.

AG: Liiiiiiiisteeeeeeeen to meeeeeeee!

AG: I'm sorry that your cat-8rain is too small to understand, 8ut........

AG: F*** it, just get off 8efore I make you!

AE: What are you talking about???



Aeris decided to investigate further, but couldn't help but didn't notice the weird psychedelic patterns behind the pesterlog box. The two games connected and loaded, and both girls could now see each other. Aeris was somewhat surprised that this girl actually was a troll. But it made no difference now. Time to kick some whoa an alchemiter totally fell outta the sky and right next to her.


[spoiler=Show Pesterlog]AG: Use it or lose it.

AE: Lose what?

AG: Your life........






Author's Notes: Sorry for the lateness of this match. The story was written by Ătman, with edits by me.


Edited by Phantom Roxas
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GTS that the story wasn't written very vriskaish.


At all.


But yeah Vriska, from what I've seen the kitties defining character trait is that she gets made at Videogame B and expresses hate using Pop Reference C, so yeah, kinda blah.


Vriska has a personallity. A pretty damn complicated one two.

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IMO, Aeris is a character, and has character. Just like Leo has his own character, so does she, so while they may voice the author's opinions, they are still likeable.



Tho admittedly, if I were further into Homestuck, I'd probably have voted for the Troll.

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