Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 [url=""]OOC[/url] Simon was standing in the middle of the party. He remembered it wasn't that long ago that he formed team Omegus with the girl who used Crystal Cards, Carly. Then latter on he met up with Astro, the guy who uses Tech Genus. He wished he could follow the origin's of his family and win the WRGP. That would be a Dream come true. He gazed around the party. He couldn't see Carly or Astro anywhere. All he could think about was tomorrow and the beginning of the WRGP Top Eight. [i]I can win, I know I can[/i] he thought as he closed his fist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Ren was sitting up on a stage, strumming a few tunes out on a guitar, his insturment of choice. "D-Minor, F-Sharpe, E-Flat, and F-Flat..." Ren thought, running through each note in his head. He enjoyed guitar, though he rarely played for audiences. He quickly changed tunes every time one of theme ended, keeping a clean rythem to his strumming. After a few minutes, Ren became used to the feel of playing once again, and his mind wandered elsewhere, his strumming having become subconscious. He though about the WRGP, his first step into acceptance. He didn't care about being popular or not, he just wanted people to know his existence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Flynn walked - or rather slid beside his teammate Ren and lightly grabbed his shoulder. "Hey, Ren, do you think there's anything here that's 100% sugar?" he asked excitedly as he craved his dessert. He thought about the party and about all the preliminary rounds. "Well, Desna single-handedly defeated each of the other teams in the prelims, so that gives Ren and I an advantage, seeing as how nobody here knows our decks..." he thought, serious for a moment. However, he quickly receded to his more giggly self. "So, are you looking forward to the finals?" he asked Ren as he leaned over to a table next to them, where he got himself a slice of cake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Carly was siting down in the back watching the man play guitar up on the stage. "He's good," she whispered as she went back to sipping her drink. She thought about all the times she had won duels in the past. All of the victories which her Crystal's had helped her get to. They were all she needed to win this tournament, them and a duel runner. She wondered where the rest of her team was though didn't really care that much so she just continued watching the guitarist and sipping out of her drink Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Astro walked over to a very hyper active looking young man. He coughed, "Hi! Well done for getting into the top 8! What team are you, and where's your last team mate?" He put out his hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you anyway. The name is Astro Stellar, descendant of Antinomy." He laughed. "So what group are you in for round 1? Omegus is dueling Team Rulers. I hope your confident too. From what I heard, Omegus are the favourites!" He looked around and saw his two other team mates. He whistled and gestured to them to come over. Then he turned back, "So what team are you dueling?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Ran entered the party. It was loud and noisy. He then whispered to himself, "This will only take a few minutes, i need time to get ready for tomorrow." Ran is searching for his teammates but was unsuccessful but found a man named Simon. He seems to be a Duelist. Ran thought he might be one of his opponents for tomorrow's WRPG. Ran then just take some drinks instead of talking to someone as he does'nt want to his opponents know about his intentions for the WRGP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Alexis looked around confidently. She looked stunning in her gleaming red dress and he hair let down. She looked around. "So this is the top 8. I did quite well in practice, so might as well meet my competition. I wonder who I'll be dueling. To be perfectly honest, I wonder if they have a chance. I mean, permenantly destroying phoenix cards is practically impossible, and Nordic Gods.......Those teams will have a challenge." She saw a man, not far off, but recognized him quickly. She walked over to him. "Hey! You must be Simon, leader of Team Omegus! Where is the rest of the team? I'm from Team rebirth. It's an honour to meet you!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Simon sees a girl in a beautiful red dress. He gazed at her for a few seconds. She mentions that she is in team Rebirth. "So you must be Alexis, As you know I am Simon and it is a honour to meet you to and I don't know where the rest of my team is," he says while still gazing at her. [i]Where the hell are my Team, they should be here by now[/i] he thought. All of the memories of seeing her duels went through his head. She was a great duelist, she beat a few great people who he thought he couldn't even beat himself Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Agent Fury is in the party as well, he's looking for his Teammates Apollo and but they have'nt arrived yet so instead have some food instead. He saw a nice looking lady drinking. He talked to her, "Hi, you must be Carly from Team Omegus i'm from Team Database. I'm been wanting to see you duel in action." He then finished eating and walked to the entance waiting for his teammates. But unfortunately, no luck has been found yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Carly walked after the man. [i]Team Database, why don't I remember that Team[/i] she thought. This was pretty bad on her part not to remeber a team which was competing though she though she should at least ask him who else was in his Team. "Hey you Team Database guy," she said as she caught up to him. "So who else is in your Team," she said as she gazed at him. She could only think of what type's of decks he could be using in case they ever had to versus. She gazed at him and awaited his response Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Fury saw Carly once again, he was gazed at him and said "You look like your trying to look for some information on me but anywho, My 1st Teammate is Alpha. I don't know about him but he is indeed mysterious, my next Teammate is kid named Apollo, i call him "Sir" because he wants some respect." I think I should be leaving, I can't stay here any longer. Agent Fury suddenly went outside and rode his Duel Runner. While riding in his Duel Runner, he thought why would Carly asked about his teammates. He knew that they are opponent's for the WRGP Top Eight tomorrow. But Fury looked very troubled for giving information to a lady he just met for a few minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 [i]How Rude[/i] Carly Thought as she went back into the center of the room. [i]Team Dataspace are extremely mysterious, when i get home i must look them up[/i] she thought as she continued to listen to the music. [i] Tomorrow I duel Team Ruler's, I must win so I can have the Item, then everyone will no me[/i] she thought. Carly walked around for a bit looking at all the familiar faces and then she finally saw the member of her Team, Astro. "Astro I haven't seen you all night I didn't even think you came for a bit," she said to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Astro turned around. "Would I miss this? Well.... I might but I have already upgraded all our engines and I have practiced enough already." He bid farewell to the two duelists he was talking to and then turned back to Carly. "Shall we go and find Simon?" He led the way around the hall and they talked as they walked. "You nervous? The engines have been upgraded to mark 8, so we will be the fastest team there.... oh look, there's Simon. Wait, the girl with him.... is that Alexis? The girl with two lives?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 "A girl with two lives, what else is new," Carly said. "Now Astro I would like an explanation on how someone can have two lives though first, I want to meet this girl, for all we know she could be a genius who we can bribe into helping us," she said as she walked over to Simon and the girl with two lives. [i]Two lives, I wonder what happened to her[/i] she thought as she wandered towards her. "Hey Simon, what's been happening and you are Alexis, how are you," she said as she gazed at the two of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 After drinking, Ran set up his deck and organized it. He seems to be not enjoying the party so stacked his deck, thought of a plan, he will get information about his next opponent, Team Omegus, he whispered to himself, "I'll check out the enemies while waiting for my teammates." He then saw 2 guys and 2 ladies talking, he seems to be unwary of his plan but he barged in to their conversation and said to them "Hi, My name is Ran Yakimoto, I'm the Team Ruler's Leader, does any of you a Member of Team Omegus? I just wanna talk with them and I don't mean any harm because we all know we'll be dueling them." After talking, Ran then thinks that if his plan will work, Team Ruler has a huge possibility to win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted May 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 "Hey, I am Simon, Leader of Team Omegus and this is Carly and Astro, they are the other member's on my Team," he said wondering about the leader of the other Team. [i]What the hell does he want[/i] he thought to himself. He came to the conclusion he wanted to find out our strategy's. [i]Well I am not going to tell him that[/i] he thought as he gazed around the room. "And also this is Alexis from Team Rebirth, so you lead Team Ruler's, we are dueling tomorrow, what position you going in," he said as he gazed towards him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Meanwhile, Alpha sat on a chair at the back of the party, so he wasn't noticed that much. [i]Our next opponents are Team Time Fcuk.[/i] He thought. [i]Interesting.[/i] He got up and somehow went across the room without getting noticed, before he appeared near Ran and Simon, the leaders of the teams in Group A. "Hello." He said, revealing his presence. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the leader of Team Dataspace. If we manage to beat our opponents, Team Time Fcuk, then one of your own teams will be facing us. I wonder which one of you will win?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 "Hello, Alpha. I heard about your mysterious Team Database." said Ran. He, then suddenly talked to Simon, "Simon, as we all know, We'll be facing tomorrow and I would like to propose that once we won, we will have your decks!". Ran suddenly grinned in cruelty. He then, patted Alpha and said "Don't worry, we will meet, once again.". Ran, then called the bartender and asked for a drink. After getting his drinks he glared at Simon and Alpha, waiting for a respond. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Yoh enjoyed the party, eating a few things off the buffet line...only cause he was hungry. He finished stuffing his face then walked off to look around for the other members to Team Rulers. [color="#000080"][i]Man, where the heck are they? I know this only has eight teams, so how the heck did they get lost?[/i][/color] he thought as he put his hands behind his head. As he was deep in thought, thinking about tomorrow, he bumped right into a girl...Carly of Team Omegus. [color="#000080"]"Oh I'm sorry. I should've watched where I was going."[/color] Yoh said, before he got a good look at her. [color="#000080"]"Hey wait, you're from Omegus....Carly isn't it? It's an honor to meet you, saw your last duel and I have to say it was pretty cool."[/color] He stopped for a moment and then said,[color="#000080"]"Sorry, I start rambling and don't let anyone else talk. Anyway, I'm Yoh Takeshi of Team Rulers."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue- eyes white dragon777 Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Zarleun walked in the door to the party, and spotted Alexis on the right side of the room. "How are you?" Zarleun said. "I was thinking about what order we should use for this next part of the tournament. You've gone first usually, so everyone will be used to your deck, and knowing how good it is, they'ell probably get desperate. So, maybe change out a few cards in your deck to match the desperation, OK?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmandaFerguson Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Amanda said nothing. The party was amazing and people were talking and moving around like they knew eachother for quite some time. She smiled as she entered the party area, glancing around, watching the other inumerous duelists around. [i]"I wonder where Kai and Char are."[/i]She tought to herself while she presented a bartender with a soft smile that made him instantly blush[i]"They should be here already. I wonder if I should wait for them here or near the bar. I don't wanna to be caught alone here without someone with me...."[/i] With this said, the girl made her way to the bar, smiling and waving to several duelists (most of them her previous schoolmates at the Duel Academy). This was everything she had dreamed of and more. This was the world of professional dueling. Amanda couldn't be more excited to be there and that reflected in her turquoise eyes that were shining like diamonds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 If anyone dared to pay close attention to Alpha, they would have noticed he hadn't taken anything from the party at all. He hadn't drank or eaten anything at all from the party at all whatsoever. "Team Data[i][b]space[/i][/b], thank you very much." He corrected. "Since everyone in this tournament seems to use cheesy names like 'Omegus' and 'Rulers', I chose my team to be called 'Data[i][b]space[/i][/b]', since it's my favorite word. A database is stored data, while a data[i]space[/i] is where all that data is stored. It's another word for storage, but 'Team Storage' doesn't seem as fancy as 'Team Data[b][i]space[/b][/i]'." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King of Nothing Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 A light groan could be heard from one side of the party, over where the punch was. "I think someone spiked the punch," Sir said, covering his stomach while laying on the ground. "My stomach feels like I'm about to give birth..." he thought for a second, then started groaning again. "I think I ate too much shrimp!" He stood up and ran past everyone outside. Once there, his voice completely changed and he made a phone call. "Hey. Yeah, yeah don't worry about it! Ok, see you then!" He walked inside and was interrupted by a bouncer. He and the bouncer stared at each other for a few seconds before the bouncer let him in. He walked back inside of the party and tried to locate his team members. His stomach wasn't really hurting that much, he just wanted to have an excuse to go outside. He looked over and found Alpha. With a smile he walked up to where Alpha was. "Hey Alpha," he said, hoping he got the name right, "I just wanted to thank you again for letting me on team database!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sleeping Dude Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Ran said, "Sorry, I really don't care who I'm up against, It's the winning that I care the most. I'll be leaving for now like I said, we'll meet again.". He then, put down the drink his drinking and walked out. Then, an ominous wind whistled to the loud crowd that turned into a silent crowd on Ran's departure. He saw Yoh on the way to his Duel Runner, but thought "There's Yoh, He can go home on his own." He then, screeched his Duel Runner's tires and went out in a rustling sound. After that, the music continued and the crown became loud again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecha Love Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 Astro looked at Ran with an irritated look. "I'll be back later. I want to have a word with this duelist. It's obvious he has no love for dueling, and that's something I can't stand!" He nodded at Simon. "Now I have got an excuse to test out my slip stream boost. I'll be back on about half an hour." --------------- Alexis smiled. "Girl with two lives? I like that name! I died in a fire you see? But I.... was brought back to life by something. I intend to see what it was that did that." She then turned round and led her team mate away, an arm over his shoulders. "Don't you worry, I got a secret weapon. Or 2 actually. Cosmic Phoenix monsters." She whispered the three words. "An accel and a double tuner. This is gonna be good!" She grinned cutely as she pulled out 2 cards from her deck. "See?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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