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United Association of Promoting Equine Interests


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This club is built on three basis.

1. My Little Pony, yeah we know, girly blah blah blah, sorry boys but we heard them all.
2. Shows or games of nostalgic quality, such shows include but are by no means limited to: Dexter's Laborator, Kids Next Door, Jimmy Neutron, and Powerpuff Girls
3. This club will also host rp tutoring, these tutors will be willing to double check rp posts and apps for possible godmodding, ooc errors, or other flaws before you post them, we will also do our best to improve your skills in roleplay production and management in case you want to make your own rp rather then a normal one.

1. If any member of the Triumareate makes a rule or order it is best to follow it, another member of the triumareate can negate the order however.
2. While just about any topic can be allowed, try to stay to that topic, if a chap posts youtube videos then discuss either the video or post more videos, just random stuff like pretending unicorns are a video game will just get us banned.
3. If someone, be it maregisrate or triumareate or even just a pageny tells you to knock something off, take it to pm, it is inadvisable to start potential flame wars here because if such a event happens I can and most likely will just ban you until you cool off. It is HIGHLY recommended you get a member of the Triumareate to mediate these post convos.
4. This is important to note, you do not have to be in this club to receive rp help. You do need to be in it however if you wish to be the aid. All help must APPLY in order to get the job, this requires a second application to fill.
5. Believe it or not, high ranking members will get a salary if their positions require work, salaries will be determined when and only when the workload of the member becomes noticeable.
6. The club is divided into three herds the Herd of Story (RP), the Herd of History (Nostiglic games, shows, and finding any interesting posts or pics relating to these), and the Herd of Friendship (helping other members in non rp tasks, making sure the club runs smoothly, and organizing any group tasks, they also focus more on finding pony related items then the herd of history).[/spoiler]

1. Stallion of Creative Production Pinkie Pie
2. Chief Justallion Fenrir
3. Poniana Jones Arm
4. Pageny Dane
5. Pageny BH
6. Pageny Stark

The ranks are in order from high to low.
Triumareate= The top three members of the club, they are all of equal power though Stallion of Creative Production is also in charge of the OP. They are as follows.
[*]Stallion of Creative Production= The member in charge of the rp advisory section and the Herd Of Story, it is this ponies job to make sure that quality teaching is given and that any student requesting rp tutelage gets paired up with a maretor.
[*]Chief Justallion= This member is in charge of the Herd of Friendship and has the job of making sure that all menbers follow the rules and that the highest quality My Little Pony stuff is found. Pretty much the most in charge of the triumareate.
[*] Poniana Jones= The head of the Herd of History, has a awesome name, he can organize NOSTALGIC JAM SESSIONS which is pretty much when we all gather on like skype to watch one old show and comment as we go along. He can also do pretty much whatever he wants so long as it doesn't break the rules.
Maregisrates= The second in commands, this is a position earned through dedication, they are able to freely act in any herd's goals. They are also able to issue warnings to other members who misbehave.

Maretors= members who have successfully applied for a teaching position in our rp advisory section. They are most likely to be from the Story Herd but and member can be one of these, a second app is required to join.

Pageny= New members, they have no real powers to do anything but post.

More positions may be added later.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=normal app]
Preffered Herd:
Why Joining:
About you:[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Maretor app]
Sample app to demonstrate your rp skills:[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=RP Advisory Section]
This is where all teachers are listed, all students are listed as well. Any fanfics or rps worth noticing will also be placed under "Worthy of Notice"

Pinkie Pie[/spoiler]
None yet[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Worthy Notice]
None yet[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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Name: Broken
Specialties: Creative thinking
Sample app to demonstrate your rp skills: I do not need to demonstrate my skills, for you have already seen them in action. I am graceful like a Pegasus pony, yet stalwart like an Apple. I stand aloft Canterlot with my head raised to the sun and moon, for they smile upon my glorious skill. Do not mistake me, I am not perfection, but I am close. Heed my words, I will be the best, I shall triumph over all to be the best. Now I rest, I thank you.
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