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Halo Cards (not finished)


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you got the ranks for the elites wrong' date=' trying reading the Books "Halo The Flood"


And when do you ever go up against a flood juggernaut?



no, i got the ranks right


and you dont actually face a juggernaut, it was a form intended to be in the game (halo 2) but didnt (not in halo 3 either) but its code was left in the game so you could mod ur game so you could face a juggernaut.

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no' date=' you didn't get them right, read books, they actually give you the ranks of Elites....The Flood (the book name) actually tells about the story behind the Arbitor before he became the Arbitor, his real name is Zuka Zamamee (I know it's an awesome name) and why he bacame the Arbitor...



zuka zamamee died in halo: the flood.


EDIT: anyways, here are some more cards ^_^











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I would rate your card set 7/10. Except you would need to resize some card pictures and some of the pictures are kind of blury.

The effects are pretty good and the grammer is too.


These are cool cards' date=' but why don't you have spells cards like this for example.



actually, im working on weapons, vehicles, and prophets

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