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[OOC]The Next Generation of Hogwarts[Accepting/Not Started]

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[b]Username: Elemental Dragon[/b]
[b]RP Name: Antonious Relevetar[/b]
[b]Gender: Male[/b]
[b]Age: 42 [/b]
[b]Blood Status: Pure Blood[/b]
[b]Appearance: Antonius has messy black hair and stormy grey eyes. He has a bit of stubble and a small moustache. Usually he wears casual clothing. He has a kind face and eyes but he can look deadly serious at times.[/b]
[b]Bio: Antonius went to school like any other witch or wizard. There, he met a potter, who he eventually became the best of friends with. This potter was the father of Alexis Potter, so he is very close to her, even though she only saw him rarely as a child. He is a skilled wizard, and he can conduct many rare spells. He is also an animagus with the form of a white wolf. He came to Hogwarts after graduating, and taught there ever since. [/b]
[b]Loyalty: Hogwarts[/b]
[b]Class Taught: Defence against the dark arts.[/b]
[b]Head of House: Gryffindor[/b]
[spoiler=Wand][b]Wood: White oak[/b]
[b]Size: 12'[/b]
[b]Core: Unicorn tail hair[/b]
[b]Broomstick: N/A [/b]
[b]Other Item’s:[/b]
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[b][b]Username:[/b] Ty the Mightyena
[b]RP Name:[/b] Sothe Strat
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 11
[b]Blood Status:[/b] Half-Blood
[b]Appearance:[/b] He has green hair with saggy white pants, and a grey shirt. He has many pockets in his pants. He has brown hair with black, leather shoes. In his school uniform, he has black robes with the Ravenclaw crest on it.
[b]Bio:[/b] Sothe Strat was born to a muggle and a wizard, and his mother was the wizard. It was quickly discovered that he had magical powers like the other wizards, like his mother. Sothe was extremely interested in spells and hexes and other kinds of magic, especially Charms. Sothe always studied out of interest instead of work, but he could never use any magic until he was able to get his wand: a 10 inch Vine wand made with Dragon Heartstring. Even then, he had to wait to go to Hogwarts. But, he was able to get a broomstick: a Cleanswep Eleven, for hopes to get on the Ravenclaw Team. However, their was one spell he had always wanted to try: Incendio, the spell to conjure fire. This drive to use and master the spell made him even more anxious to go to school, because Incendio was one of the spells learned in student's first year. Soon, he was able to go to Hogwarts.
[b]Loyalty:[/b] Hogwarts
[b]Year: 1[/b]
[b]Student Rank:[/b] NA
[b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw
[spoiler=Wand][b][b]Wood:[/b] Vine
[b]Size:[/b] 10 inches
[b]Core:[/b] Dragon Heartstring[/spoiler]
[b]Broomstick: [/b] Cleansweep Eleven
Other Item’s:[/b] NA[/b]
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[spoiler=Teacher app][b]Username:[/b] Hotaru987

[b]RP Name:[/b] Kristopher "Kris" Cruze (Pronounced like "Cuise")

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Age:[/b] 24

[b]Blood Status:[/b] Pure Blood


[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Kris was brought up to believe that all those who weren't purebloods are to be hated. Unfortunately, he had believed them all through his Hogwart student years. He was very mean to those in the other houses, especially muggle born witches and wizards. In his 7th year as a student in hogwarts, no one knew what had changed him but he laid off of the other students and was actually quite nice to them.

Years after graduating he applied for the position as head of the Slytherin house, and Potions teacher. He got the job and has been teaching for only 2 years, this up comming year would be his third. He doesn't treat the students in other houses any different than the students in his own house. He always tries to make potions fun, and is the self proclaimed coolest teacher at Hogwarts. He is Luvia's uncle on her mother's side, and they have an exelent relationship. He often tells Luvia to think of him as a big brother because calling him uncle makes him seem old.[/spoiler]

[b]Loyalty:[/b] Hogwarts

[b]Class Taught:[/b] Charms

[b]Head of House:[/b] Slytherin

[spoiler=Wand][b]Wood:[/b] Ivy, handle is Oak[/spoiler]

[b]Size:[/b] 9"

[b]Core:[/b] Unicorn Tail hair

[b]Broomstick: [/b] N/A

[b]Other Item’s:[/b] Communication Mirror in the form of a plain circular locket, Snitch that he stole when he was in 5th year, Rememberal though he hardly uses it, Chess set[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Student app]

[b]Username:[/b] Hotaru987

[b]RP Name:[/b] Luvia Bloodmire

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Blood Status:[/b] Pure Blood

[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2ls7asn.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Luvia is the youngest of three in the Bloodmire family. She has two older twin brothers that have already graduated from Hogwarts, and have jobs in the minstry as Aurors. Her mother had died after giving birth to her, and surprisingly her father and brothers were glad that she was gone. Apparently, she was a mean terrible woman but her father didn't want to divorse her while she was pregnant with Luvia. Unfortunately, her father also works in the minstry in the Intelegence department, so there are times when he isn't home for days and Luvia is stuck alone with only the house maids and butlers.

She has a good relationship with her family, but has never met anyone on her mothers side and frankly she didn't want too, as it is known that she dabbled heavily in the dark arts and was apart of the recent death eaters. Luvia has been at Hogwarts for 5 years, and she is one of the brightest in the school. Of course she has her worst subjects like everyone else, but it's not bad enough to be failing the class and she usually has to stay up all night just to finish up any homework for the class. She has a passion for Potion making and has the highest marks in her class. At the start of her fifth year she had started taking advanced courses, and is happy and welcomes the challenge. Because of her love for DADA, some people believe that she will turn out like her mother, but Luvia wouldn't hurt another person unless it was absolutely necessary.

She also has a love for quidditch, which is said to be inherited from her uncle as he was a superb quidditch player when he was in school. Her recent broom stick is a present from her uncle.[/spoiler]

[b]Loyalty:[/b] Hogwarts

[b]Year:[/b] 6th year

[b]Student Rank:[/b] Prefect/Slytherin Seeker

[b]House:[/b] Slytherin

[spoiler=Wand][b]Wood:[/b] Hawthorn, handle is: Pink Ivry[/spoiler]

[b]Size:[/b] (8 inches to 16 inches)

[b]Core:[/b] Dragon Scales

[b]Broomstick:[/b] Dragon Wing mark 2

[b]Other Item’s:[/b] Time-turner, communication mirror in the form of a plain circular locket, a small hand bag with an undetectable extention charm on it(Given to her by her brother).

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