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[quote name='DeathSDelano' timestamp='1304471342' post='5186860']
Digimon was originally made in Japan and can be found Subbed. Thus classifies it as an Anime

Also so far liking Xros Wars
No versus Topics in the Anime Section, if anything this belongs in polls.

Regardless.... (the spaces represent the gap in between the series)

1. Adventure

2. Tamers

3. Frontier
4. Xros Wars
5. 02

6. Savers
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[quote name='Hinagiku Katsura' timestamp='1304573881' post='5189080']

I loved Tamers to the point where I call people Takatomon in real life.
Guilmon was also awesome. Best season by far, in my opinion.
Couldn't agree more.

Some of the smaller things in Tamers used to make me smile evry time I saw it. Such as the Cards used to Power up Digimon or the Matrix Digivolution! Made my spine shiver every time I heard the Digivolution theme.

Also Biomerging is one of the most cool Evolutions in Digimon history. Even beating DNA Digivolving for pure awesomeness.
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[quote name='J-Max' timestamp='1304574185' post='5189089']
Couldn't agree more.

Some of the smaller things in Tamers used to make me smile evry time I saw it. Such as the Cards used to Power up Digimon or the Matrix Digivolution! Made my spine shiver every time I heard the Digivolution theme.

Also Biomerging is one of the most cool Evolutions in Digimon history. Even beating DNA Digivolving for pure awesomeness.

The friendship between Takato and Guilmon also felt rather endearing, ignoring how it could be seen as cheesy.

What I also think is that, of all the seasons, it looks like the one that would have had the highest chance were it standalone and not part of a string of series as an anime overall. Seems more like an actual anime to me than the other ones.
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How could anyone NOT say that these Digivolution scenes were Epic? These put the Spinnig Digimon of Season 1 to shame lol.


Data Squad's Digivolutions took a real step back in my opinion.
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